17 research outputs found

    Unilateral neglect as "Temporal Diplopia"

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    Biometrische Auswertung von RĂŒckkreuzungsserien in genetisch weiten Kreuzungen bei Sommergerste

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    Wildformen können zur Verbreiterung der genetischen Basis und zur Verbesserung qualitativer und vermutlich auch quantitativer Merkmale beitragen. UnerwĂŒnschte Eigenschaften der Wildformen zwingen den ZĂŒchter zu aufwendigen RĂŒckkreuzungen. Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine Untersuchung der Vererbung quantitativer Merkmale in genetisch weiten RĂŒckkreuzungsserien, die Anwendung der gewonnen Erkenntnisse zur optimalen Ressourcenallokation, sowie eine Evaluierung des Potentials der Wildformen zur Verbesserung quantitativer Merkmale. Hierzu wurden beispielhaft quantitative Merkmale in RĂŒckkreuzungsserien (BC1 BC4) in dreißig Kreuzungskombinationen eines unvollstĂ€ndigen Kreuzungsfaktoriells aus H. vulgare ssp. vulgare x H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum untersucht. Anhand der in zweijĂ€hrigen Feldversuchen gewonnen Daten, wurden die allgemeine und spezifische Kombinationseignung, die Eigenleistung der Eltern und der Kreuzungsnachkommen, die Entwicklung der Mittelwerte und Varianzen in den RĂŒckkreuzungsserien im Vergleich zu theoretischen Modellen und die positive Transgression der Nachkommen im Merkmal Karyopsenertrag untersucht Kombinationseignungen und Elterneigenleistungen können bedingt zur Auswahl der Kultur-, nicht aber der Wildeltern oder einzelner Kreuzungskombinationen genutzt werden. Die Mittelwerte der Nachkommen entwickelten sich meist von der BC1 zur BC4 in Richtung der rekurrenten Eltern. Korrelationen zwischen den Generationen ergaben vor allem fĂŒr Merkmale hoher HeritabilitĂ€t straffe sehr hoch signifikante Beziehungen. Die VariabilitĂ€t konnte durch die Kreuzung mit den Wildgersten erhöht werden, die Beziehungen der Varianzen zwischen den RĂŒckkreuzungsgenerationen waren schwach, z.T. negativ und selten signifikant. Die Übereinstimmung der theoretischen Modelle mit den Mittelwerten und Varianzen war unzureichend, um Prognosen spĂ€ter RĂŒckkreuzungsgenerationen zu empfehlen. Zur ErklĂ€rung der Abweichungen der empirischen Werte von den Modellen mussten epistatische Effekte herangezogen werden. In den Nachkommenschaften aller verwendeten Wildformen konnten fĂŒr den Karyopsenertrag positiv transgressive Linien, d.h. Linien deren Ertrag zwei Standardabweichungen grĂ¶ĂŸer als der der Kultureltern war, gefunden werden. Der Anteil war in der BC3/BC4 am höchsten. Wildformen sind zur Verbesserung auch zĂŒchterisch intensiv bearbeiteter quantitativer Merkmale und zur Erhöhung der VariabilitĂ€t geeignet. Um die notwendige Erhöhung der genetischen DiversitĂ€t zu sichern, sollten kĂŒnftig Prebreedingstrategien und der Kombination klassischer und markergestutzter Verfahren bei der Nutzung von Wildformen mehr Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet werden.Biometrical analysis of a series of backcrosses in genetically wide crosses with spring barley Wild genotypes can be used to broaden the genetic basis and improve qualitative and probably quantitative traits. The plant breeder is forced to perform tedious backcrosses to eliminate undesirable traits originating from the wild genotypes. The aim of the current study is to investigate the inheritance of quantitative traits in genetically wide crosses, make use of the results for an optimal allocation of resources and to evaluate the potential of the wild genotypes to improve quantitative traits. Quantitative traits were analysed in four backcross generations (BC1 - BC4) developed from thirty crosses between H. vulgare ssp. vulgare x H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum in an incomplete factorial mating design. Based on the data collected in two years of field trials the general and specific combining ability, the performance of the parents and progeny, the development of the means and variances compared to theoretical models and the positive transgression of the trait grain yield were investigated. Results show that the combining abilities and the performance of the parents may be used to choose suitable parents from the cultivated genotypes but not to select promising wild genotypes or specific crosses. The means of the progeny grow closer to the means of the cultivated parents from the BC1 to the BC4. The results of correlations between the generations show highly significant relationships especially if traits with a high heritability are concerned. The variability increased by crossing with wild genotypes. The relationship between variances in backcross generations was weak, sometimes negative and hardly ever significant. The theoretical models did not correspond well to the means and variances. A prognosis based on the theoretical models can not be recommended. Epistatic effects were necessary to explain the deviations of the empirical values from the theoretical models. It was possible to find positive transgressive progeny for the trait grain yield in the offspring of every wild genotype. Positive transgression was defined as a grain yield at least two standard deviations higher than that of the cultivated parent. The percentage of transgressive lines was highest in the BC3/BC4. The results of this study show that wild genotypes have the potential to improve quantitative traits that have been subjected to intensive breeding as well as to increase the variability of the progeny. To safeguard genetic diversity prebreeding strategies and strategies comprising classical as well as marker based methods should be taken into consideration when utilizing wild genotypes in plant breedin

    Peak oil: will it be public health's greatest challenge?

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    The health of populations is determined more by the social and economic determinants of health than by changes in technology, health services or short-term policy interventions. In the near future, there is likely to be a significant shortfall in energy supply, resulting in high energy prices and a reversal of many of the aspects of globalization that are currently taken for granted. If this happens, economic recession and restructuring could have a negative impact on health, not dissimilar to that experienced by the former Soviet Union when it attempted a rapid change in its economy. There is, however, the potential, through economic planning and sustainable development, to reduce the adverse effects of this change and use this opportunity to impact on a range of diseases which are, at least in part, caused by overconsumption, inequality and loss of community

    Data Driven Marketing : a presentation of opportunities and challenges for companies

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    In der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit werden die Chancen und Risiken des Data Driven Marketings (DDM) untersucht. Die zugrunde liegende Forschungsfrage lautet " Inwiefern beeinflusst datengetriebenes Marketing die GeschÀftsentwicklung von Unternehmen und welche spezifischen Chancen und Risiken ergeben sich aus dessen Einsatz?

    Theoretical investigation of orbital alignment of x-ray-ionized atoms in exotic electronic configurations

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    We theoretically study orbital alignment in x-ray-ionized atoms and ions, based on improved electronic-structure calculations starting from the Hartree-Fock-Slater model. We employ first-order many-body perturbation theory to improve the Hartree-Fock-Slater calculations and show that the use of first-order-corrected energies yields significantly better transition energies than originally obtained. The improved electronic-structure calculations enable us also to compute individual state-to-state cross sections and transition rates and, thus, to investigate orbital alignment induced by linearly polarized x rays. To explore the orbital alignment of transiently formed ions after photoionization, we discuss alignment parameters and ratios of individual state-resolved photoionization cross sections for initially neutral argon and two exotic electronic configurations that may be formed during x-ray multiphoton ionization dynamics induced by x-ray free-electron lasers. We also present how the orbital alignment is affected by Auger-Meitner decay and demonstrate how it evolves during a sequence of one photoionization and one Auger-Meitner decay. Our present work establishes a step toward investigation of orbital alignment in atomic ionization driven by high-intensity x rays

    State-resolved ionization dynamics of a neon atom induced by x-ray free-electron-laser pulses

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    We present a theoretical framework to describe state-resolved ionization dynamics of neon atoms driven by ultraintense x-ray free-electron-laser pulses. In general, x-ray multiphoton ionization dynamics of atoms have been described by time-dependent populations of the electronic configurations visited during the ionization dynamics, neglecting individual state-to-state transition rates and energies. Combining a state-resolved electronic-structure calculation, based on first-order many-body perturbation theory, with a Monte Carlo rate-equation method enables us to study state-resolved dynamics based on time-dependent state populations. Our results demonstrate that configuration-based and state-resolved calculations provide similar charge-state distributions, but the differences are visible when resonant excitations are involved, which are also reflected in calculated time-integrated electron and photon spectra. In addition, time-resolved spectra of ions, electrons, and photons are analyzed for different pulse durations to explore how frustrated absorption manifests itself during the ionization dynamics of neon atoms

    A Big Problem

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    X-ray-induced atomic transitions via machine learning: A computational investigation

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    Intense x-ray free-electron laser pulses can induce multiple sequences of one-photon ionization and accompanying decay processes in atoms, producing highly charged atomic ions. Considering individual quantum states during these processes provides more precise information about the x-ray multiphoton ionization dynamics than the common configuration-based approach. However, in such a state-resolved approach, extremely huge-sized rate-equation calculations are inevitable. Here we present a strategy that embeds machine-learning models into a framework for atomic state-resolved ionization dynamics calculations. Machine learning is employed for the required atomic transition parameters, whose calculations possess the computationally most expensive steps. We find for argon that both feedforward neural networks and random forest regressors can predict these parameters with acceptable, but limited accuracy. State-resolved ionization dynamics of argon, in terms of charge-state distributions and electron and photon spectra, are also presented. Comparing fully calculated and machine-learning-based results, we demonstrate that the proposed machine-learning strategy works in principle and that the performance, in terms of charge-state distributions and electron and photon spectra, is good. Our work establishes a first step toward accelerating the calculation of atomic state-resolved ionization dynamics induced by high-intensity x rays