14 research outputs found
Association between Asymptomatic Unilateral Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis and Electrophysiological Function of the Retina and Optic Nerve
Purpose. This study was designed to assess retinal and optic nerve bioelectrical function in patients with unilateral asymptomatic but hemodynamically significant internal carotid artery stenosis (ICAS). Methods. Forty-two subjects with a diagnosis of unilateral ICAS and 34 controls were analyzed. Full-field electroretinogram (ERG), pattern electroretinogram (PERG), and pattern visual-evoked potentials, as well as optical coherence tomography and ophthalmological examination, were performed. Data analysis included eyes ipsilateral to ICAS (EIS) and eyes contralateral to ICAS (ECS). Results. Intraocular pressure was significantly decreased in EIS and ECS compared to that in the controls. In the macula, both the cube average thickness and cube volume values were significantly reduced both in EIS and ECS compared to those in the controls. Similarly, PERG P50 and N95 wave amplitudes were significantly smaller in EIS and ECS compared to those in the controls. The ERG rod b-wave and rod-cone a-wave amplitudes were decreased, and implicit times were significantly prolonged, whereas the OP wave index was reduced in EIS compared to that in the controls. No differences in IOP, OCT, or ERG and PERG parameters were identified between EIS and ECS. Conclusions. Our study demonstrated that retinal bioelectrical function is negatively affected by ICAS despite the absence of objective clinical signs and symptoms of ocular ischemia
Excavation along the easternmost frontier of the LBK in NE-Hungary at Apc-Berekalja I (2008–2009)
The topographical position and size of the site, the number of detected houses, the presence of the early phase make the Apc-Berekalja I settlement one of the most significant sites of the LBK in Hungary. The ongoing processing of the excavation data provided already some very important observations. The geoarchaeological results demonstrated the presence of the in situ soil of the Neolithic period and effects of floods on the settlement. The study of the chipped and ground stone material coming from the Neolithic features revealed no conspicuous changes in the lithic industry of the settlement from the pre-Notenkopf to Želiezovce phases of the LBK. Lithic raw materials came exclusively from territories to the east of the site, which is an evidence of the isolation of the LBK groups that inhabited Apc.
Földrajzi helyzete, a lelőhely mérete, a megfigyelt házak száma és a korai fázis megléte alapján Apc-Berekalja I. az egyik legjelentősebb magyarországi VK-település. Az ásatási adatok még folyamatban lévő feldolgozása során közlésre méltó eredmények születtek. A geoarcheológiai vizsgálatok kimutatták egy neolitikus korú talaj in situ meglétét, valamint a települést sújtó áradásokat. A neolitikus korú objektumokból származó pattintott és szerszámkövek a település fennállása alatt a kőipar lényegi változatlanságáról tanúskodnak a VK korai időszakától a zselízi fázisáig. A településen élők a kőnyersanyagokat kizárólag a keletre eső területekről szerezték be, ami az itt lakó csoport izoláltságát igazolja
The impact of land use and land cover changes on soil properties and plant communities in the Gorce Mountains (Western Polish Carpathians), during the past 50 years
The research was carried out in the Jaszcze and Jamne catchments (area of 11.39 km2 and 8.95 km2, respectively) in the Gorce Mountains (the Western Polish Carpathians). Analysis of aerial photographs from the period 1954–2009 shows that land use and land cover changes in both catchments have intensified since the economic transformation of 1989. Changes in inhabitants' sources of income led to an increase in the area of forest (in the Jaszcze and Jamne catchments, by 14.6% and 24.0%, respectively) at the expense of agricultural land. Land use changes resulted in decreases in soil erosion. Reduced slope wash has limited the amount of suspended load, which in turn has resulted in the interruption of aggradation on their floodplains. The average bed incision has increased, from 0.24 cm per year and 0.32 cm per year, in the Jaszcze and Jamne streams, respectively, during the period 1964–1968, to 1 cm per year for the period 1969–2008. Such land use changes are not much in evidence in soils under arable and fallow land, in terms of organic carbon content, phosphorus content, or in the saturation level of the sorption complex. This may be an effect of the short time since the discontinuation of plowing (ten to thirty years). The differences between pH and nitrogen content of these soils are small and are not the result of present-day land use. Only the higher organic matter content in the soils under arable land is the result of continuous fertilization. In contrast, micromorphological analysis of thin sections shows distinct differences between arable land and fallow land. In soils under arable land, well-developed angular microstructure occurs. Here, plowing traces are easily visible. In soils under fallow land, massive or channel microstructure dominate. On the basis of a phytosociological map from the 1960's, resurveyed in 2012–2013, a clear decrease in segetal communities as well as poor grasslands was observed. ese communities were mainly replaced by floristically impoverished dense thickets, plots dominated by Vaccinium myrtillus, and communities developed on fallow lands
Young Quaternary fossil graben in the Vistulian less AT Brzezie near Kraków (Carpathian Foredeep, south Poland)
In this pa per we de scribe a fos sil gra ben and as so ci ated nor mal faults and joints. The gra ben is situ ated in the sec tion of the Vis tulian (Wei chse lian) and Holo cene sedi ments in an ar chaeo logi cal ex ca va tion site at Brzezie, in the cen tral part of the Pol ish Car pa thian Fore deep (Wieliczka- Gdów Up land, west ern part of the San dom ierz Ba sin). Nor mal faults strike mostly NNE–SSW and dip steeply about 65–85°. Some of them, namely mas ter nor mal faults, bound the fos sil gra ben. The joints form or thogo nal pat tern and are closely spaced close to the faults. They de vel oped si mul ta ne ously with fault ing. Nor mal fault ing took place dur ing the Vis tulian – Meso holo cene (Neo holo cene?) time, ac cord ing to the age of ar chaeo logi cal ar te facts which were found in the faulted sedi ments. The fault ing was proba bly fin ished dur ing the Neo lithic or even later, dur ing the Bronze Age. The NNE- striking nor mal faults con nected with gra ben for ma tion could have been pro duced by re ac ti va tion of a NE- striking sin is tral re gional fault in the base ment
Micromorphology of the silt sediments at the Kończyce profile (Kotlina Oświęcimska)
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań mikromorfologicznych sześciometrowej serii osadów pyłowych, budującej górną część profilu osadów czwartorzędowych, odsłaniających się w żwirowni w Kończycach w południowej części Kotliny Oświęcimskiej. Celem badań była próba stwierdzenia, czy w profilu występują kopalne poziomy glebowe. Przeprowadzono analizy mikromorfologiczne na płytkach cienkich wykonanych z próbek o nienaruszonej strukturze, reprezentujących poziomy różniące się makroskopowo. Stwierdzono występowanie ilastych nacieków o różnym wykształceniu i stopniu zachowania, mogących reprezentować trzy generacje stref iluwiacji, w tym współczesną. W profilu stwierdzono liczne efekty działalności plejstoceńskich procesów mrozowych. Stwierdzono także wyraźne i liczne ślady działania glejowych procesów redukcyjnych, prawdopodobnie związanych z pedogenezą. W świetle przedstawionych wyników badań wydaje się, że w omawianym profilu zachowały się pozostałości dwóch generacji kopalnych gleb płowych. Ze względu na silny wpływ procesów glejowych i diagenetycznych określenie ich wieku jest jednak trudne i wymaga dalszych badań.The paper presents the results of micromorphological analyses concerning the 6 m thick series of silty material constituting the upper part of the profile of the Quaternary sediments exposed in the gravel pit at Kończyce in the southern part of Oświęcim Basin. The aim of the study was an attempt to investigate if any buried soil horizons occur in the profile. The micromorphological analyses were performed on thin sections made from undisturbed soil samples representing horizons that varied macroscopically. The occurrence of clay coatings of different development and preservation was observed. The coatings represent three illuviation zones, including the contemporaneous, Holocene soil. Numerous effects of the action of Pleistocene frost processes were described. Prominent and common effects of the action of redox processes, probably simultaneous with pedogenesis, were also described. In the light of the presented results, it seems possible to state that two generations of buried Albeluvisols can be observed in the profile. Due to the strong influence of gleyic and diagenetic processes, the determination of the age of paleosols in the studied profile is difficult and calls for further research
The concept of risk analysis for taking an order for construction works including dynamic impact on the terms of contract performance
Przedmiotem publikacji jest problem wspomagania przedsiębiorców budowlanych w ocenie ryzyka podjęcia kontraktu budowlanego na wykonanie robót budowlanych. Autorzy przedstawili istotę pojęcia ryzyka, wyniki badania zagrożeń występujących w procesach inwestycyjno-budowlanych przedsięwzięć budownictwa drogowego oraz zaproponowali nowe dynamiczne podejście do oceny i ograniczania ryzyka. Podejście to będzie podstawą do opracowania systemu doradczego dla przedsiębiorstw rozważających podjęcie zamówienia na wykonanie robót budowlanych w aspekcie ryzyka podjęcia tego zamówienia – w pracy przedstawiono zarys takiego systemu.The paper concerns the problem of supporting construction entrepreneurs in assessing the risk of taking up a construction contract for the execution of construction works. The authors described the clue of risk in road construction projects, presented the results of a study made on hazards occurring in road construction projects, and proposed a new dynamic approach to risk assessment and reduction. This approach will be the basis for the development of an advisory system for enterprises considering taking up a contract for construction works in terms of the risk of taking this contract - the paper presents an outline of such a system
Inflammation Related to Obesity in the Etiopathogenesis of Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms
Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (GEP-NENs) are rare neoplasms, which, due to their heterogeneous nature, non-specific symptoms, and lack of specific tumor markers pose many diagnostic and clinical challenges. In recent years, the effectiveness of GEP-NEN diagnosis has increased, which is probably associated with the greater availability of diagnostic tests and the cooperation of many experienced specialists in various scientific disciplines. In addition to the possible genetic etiology, the cause of GEP-NET development is not fully understood. Inflammation and obesity are known risks that contribute to the development of many diseases. Chronic inflammation accompanying obesity affects the hormonal balance and cell proliferation and causes the impairment of the immune system function, leading to neoplastic transformation. This review explores the role of inflammation and obesity in GEP-NETs. The exact mechanisms inducing tumor growth are unknown; however, the profile of inflammatory factors released in the GEP-NET tumor microenvironment is responsible for the progression or inhibition of tumor growth. Both the excess of adipose tissue and the impaired function of the immune system affect not only the initiation of cancer but also reduce the comfort and lifetime of patients
Sarakenos Cave in Boeotia, from Palaeolithic to the Early Bronze Age
Sarakenos Cave, occupied since the Late Palaeolithic, is of crucial importance for the study of the Mesolithic/Neolithic interface. There is a striking contrast between the isolated Mesolithic, particularly Late Mesolithic occupations with flake technology adapted to the local bad quality raw materials, and with subsistence economy based on fowling and plant gathering, also adapted to the local environmental conditions, and the Early Neolithic groups arriving some 120-140 radiocarbon years later, with imported raw materials, macroblade technology and animal breeding. The Middle and Late Neolithic occupations are represented by numerous symbolic objects such as figurines indicating the important role of the cave in ritual activities