7 research outputs found

    Discontinuous epidemic transition due to limited testing

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    High impact epidemics constitute one of the largest threats humanity is facing in the 21st century. In the absence of pharmaceutical interventions, physical distancing together with testing, contact tracing and quarantining are crucial in slowing down epidemic dynamics. Yet, here we show that if testing capacities are limited, containment may fail dramatically because such combined countermeasures drastically change the rules of the epidemic transition: Instead of continuous, the response to countermeasures becomes discontinuous. Rather than following the conventional exponential growth, the outbreak that is initially strongly suppressed eventually accelerates and scales faster than exponential during an explosive growth period. As a consequence, containment measures either suffice to stop the outbreak at low total case numbers or fail catastrophically if marginally too weak, thus implying large uncertainties in reliably estimating overall epidemic dynamics, both during initial phases and during second wave scenarios

    Cooperative ordering of treadmilling filaments in cytoskeletal networks of FtsZ and its crosslinker ZapA

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    During bacterial cell division, the tubulin-homolog FtsZ forms a ring-like structure at the center of the cell. This Z-ring not only organizes the division machinery, but treadmilling of FtsZ filaments was also found to play a key role in distributing proteins at the division site. What regulates the architecture, dynamics and stability of the Z-ring is currently unknown, but FtsZ-associated proteins are known to play an important role. Here, using an in vitro reconstitution approach, we studied how the well-conserved protein ZapA affects FtsZ treadmilling and filament organization into large-scale patterns. Using high-resolution fluorescence microscopy and quantitative image analysis, we found that ZapA cooperatively increases the spatial order of the filament network, but binds only transiently to FtsZ filaments and has no effect on filament length and treadmilling velocity. Together, our data provides a model for how FtsZ-associated proteins can increase the precision and stability of the bacterial cell division machinery in a switch-like manner

    Destabilizing turbulence in pipe flow

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    Turbulence is the major cause of friction losses in transport processes and it is responsible for a drastic drag increase in flows over bounding surfaces. While much effort is invested into developing ways to control and reduce turbulence intensities, so far no methods exist to altogether eliminate turbulence if velocities are sufficiently large. We demonstrate for pipe flow that appropriate distortions to the velocity profile lead to a complete collapse of turbulence and subsequently friction losses are reduced by as much as 90%. Counterintuitively, the return to laminar motion is accomplished by initially increasing turbulence intensities or by transiently amplifying wall shear. Since neither the Reynolds number (Re) nor the shear stresses decrease (the latter often increase), these measures are not indicative of turbulence collapse. Instead an amplification mechanism, measuring the interaction between eddies and the mean shear is found to set a threshold below which turbulence is suppressed beyond recovery


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    Codes and data for reproducing the results of N. B. Budanur and B. Hof "An autonomous compartmental model for accelerating epidemics

    State space geometry of the chaotic pilot-wave hydrodynamics

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    We consider the motion of a droplet bouncing on a vibrating bath of the same fluid in the presence of a central potential. We formulate a rotation symmetry-reduced description of this system, which allows for the straightforward application of dynamical systems theory tools. As an illustration of the utility of the symmetry reduction, we apply it to a model of the pilot-wave system with a central harmonic force. We begin our analysis by identifying local bifurcations and the onset of chaos. We then describe the emergence of chaotic regions and their merging bifurcations, which lead to the formation of a global attractor. In this final regime, the droplet’s angular momentum spontaneously changes its sign as observed in the experiments of Perrard et al

    Inferring symbolic dynamics of chaotic flows from persistence

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    We introduce “state space persistence analysis” for deducing the symbolic dynamics of time series data obtained from high-dimensional chaotic attractors. To this end, we adapt a topological data analysis technique known as persistent homology for the characterization of state space projections of chaotic trajectories and periodic orbits. By comparing the shapes along a chaotic trajectory to those of the periodic orbits, state space persistence analysis quantifies the shape similarity of chaotic trajectory segments and periodic orbits. We demonstrate the method by applying it to the three-dimensional Rössler system and a 30-dimensional discretization of the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky partial differential equation in (1+1) dimensions. One way of studying chaotic attractors systematically is through their symbolic dynamics, in which one partitions the state space into qualitatively different regions and assigns a symbol to each such region.1–3 This yields a “coarse-grained” state space of the system, which can then be reduced to a Markov chain encoding all possible transitions between the states of the system. While it is possible to obtain the symbolic dynamics of low-dimensional chaotic systems with standard tools such as Poincaré maps, when applied to high-dimensional systems such as turbulent flows, these tools alone are not sufficient to determine symbolic dynamics.4,5 In this paper, we develop “state space persistence analysis” and demonstrate that it can be utilized to infer the symbolic dynamics in very high-dimensional settings

    Explosive transitions in epidemic dynamics

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    Standard epidemic models exhibit one continuous, second order phase transition to macroscopic outbreaks. However, interventions to control outbreaks may fundamentally alter epidemic dynamics. Here we reveal how such interventions modify the type of phase transition. In particular, we uncover three distinct types of explosive phase transitions for epidemic dynamics with capacity-limited interventions. Depending on the capacity limit, interventions may (i) leave the standard second order phase transition unchanged but exponentially suppress the probability of large outbreaks, (ii) induce a first-order discontinuous transition to macroscopic outbreaks, or (iii) cause a secondary explosive yet continuous third-order transition. These insights highlight inherent limitations in predicting and containing epidemic outbreaks. More generally our study offers a cornerstone example of a third-order explosive phase transition in complex systems