334 research outputs found

    BALTA Project D11 – Role of Social Enterprise in Employment Services in the British Columbia Context

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    This project proposal/plan outlines planned research of the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA). The project is examining the growing sector of social enterprises providing employment for marginalized individuals with barriers to traditional employment. The focus is on social enterprises in British Columbia, Canada.BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) ; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) ; ISIS Centre, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbi

    The Influence of the Basic Styrofoam Patterns Final Shaping Parameters on the Resistance Properties

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    This work presents the analysis of the final shaping process of the patterns aimed at determining the influence of the pressure and the time of sintering on the resistance to bending. The analysis of the research results proved that when the pressure of the sintering rises and reaches Ps=2.1 bar the resistance to bending increases, above this level of the pressure the resistance value starts decreasing. The time of styrofoam sintering at which the highest bending resistance values were obtained is ts=90 s. When the sintering pressure is less than 2 bar prolongation of the time of sintering over 90 s causes a slight increase in the resistance, however, at higher pressures prolongation of the time of sintering causes submelting of the styrofoam pattern

    The utility of serum glucose measurement at 1 hour of the oral glucose tolerance test

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    The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is performed in patients in whom abnormalities of glucose metabolism are suspected, but the criteria for diagnosing diabetes are not yet met. It is also routinely carried out in the management of diseases associated with a more or less pronounced disturbance of glucose intolerance. According to the current guidelines, during OGTT glycemia is measured before and two hours after the administration of glucose. In pregnancy, three measurements are obligatory (0’, 60’, 120’). When additional indications are present, glycemia is assessed also 30 minutes after the administration of glucose and when reactive hypoglycemia is suspected, the test is extended to 180 minutes. As of late, it is becoming a more and more common practice to measure blood glucose also 60 minutes post-administration. This technique is more reliable for the assessment of glucose tolerance disturbance. It seems sensible to introduce a recommendation of such measurement as a routine practice

    The role of leptin in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism

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    Leptyna jest hormonem wydzielanym przez adipocyty, jej stężenie w surowicy koreluje z masą tkanki tłuszczowej. Pierwsze opisano działanie leptyny na ośrodek sytości w podwzgórzu poprzez jej specyficzne receptory (ob-R) dla hamowania przyjmowania pożywienia i zwiększania wydatkowania energii. Leptyna odgrywa zasadniczą rolę w utrzymaniu masy ciała i homeostazy glukozy. Odbywa się to na drodze jej działania ośrodkowego i obwodowego, włączając regulacje sekrecji insuliny przez komórki b. Leptyna także może bezpośrednio wpływać na metabolizm i funkcję tkanek obwodowych. Może być także włączona w powodowanie obwodowej oporności na działanie insuliny poprzez osłabianie działania insuliny i prawdopodobnie wrażliwości na jej działanie w różnych insulinowrażliwych typach komórek. Wiele danych przedstawia znamienne relacje pomiędzy leptyna i insuliną, lecz dla wyjaśnienia mechanizmów wpływu leptyny na insulinę i odwrotnie konieczne są dalsze badania. Ostatnie dane dobitnie wskazują, że leptyna wywiera korzystne działanie na homeostazę glukozy w badaniach u myszy z deficytem insuliny (cukrzyca typu 1). To sugeruje, że leptyna może być użyta jako lek wspomagający w terapii cukrzycy z niedoborem insuliny, tym samym rozważana do zastosowania w terapii jako lek przeciwcukrzycowy. Konieczna jest ocena bezpieczeństwa stosowania takiej terapii na odpowiedź mechanizmów kontrregulacyjnych na hipoglikemię. Dotychczas ostatecznie nie wyjaśniono wpływu leptyny na funkcje komórek a. Konieczne są szczegółowe badania efektywności i długotrwałego bezpieczeństwa takiej terapii. (Endokrynol Pol 2011; 62 (3): 258–261)The hormone leptin is secreted from white adipocytes, and serum levels of leptin correlate with adipose tissue mass. Leptin was first described as acting on the satiety centre in the hypothalamus through specific receptors (ob-R) to restrict food intake and enhance energy expenditure. Leptin plays a crucial role in the maintenance of body weight and glucose homeostasis hrough central and peripheral pathways, including regulation of insulin secretion by pancreatic b cells. Leptin may also directly affect the metabolism and function of peripheral tissues. Leptin has been implicated in causing peripheral insulin resistance by attenuating insulin action, and perhaps insulin signalling, in various insulin-responsive cell types. Research has demonstrated a significant relationship between leptin and insulin, but the mechanisms underlying the changes of leptin induced by insulin, and vice versa, remain to be studied in more detail. Recent data provides convincing evidence that leptin has beneficial effects on glucose homeostasis in mouse models of insulin-deficient type 1 diabetes mellitus. Our study suggests that leptin could be used as an adjunct of insulin therapy in insulin-deficient diabetes, thereby providing an insight into the therapeutic properties of leptin as an anti-diabetic agent. Safety evaluation should include a careful assessment of the effects of this combination therapy on the counterregulatory response to hypoglycaemia. The role of leptin in alpha-cell function has not been studied in detail. Extensive studies will be needed to determine the long-term safety and efficacy of this therapy. (Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (3): 252–261

    Mauriac syndrome — is already a history?

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    In 1930 Mauriac described a syndrome characterized by the presence of growth impairment, hepatomegaly, delayed puberty and cushingoid features in patients with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). At that time, Mauriac syndrome was a common occur­rence. This state was maintained even in the fifties and sixties of the last century. The introduction of modern methods of insulin and glucose monitoring decisively reduced the frequency of occurrence of this syndrome. The incidence of Mauriac syndrome decreased dramati­cally, although it is still being reported. Often in these cases the patients present only some symptoms of this syndrome. The introduction of diagnostic tests allowed to find the genetic basis of these disorders in some of the cases. (Clin Diabetol 2017; 6, 3: 101–104)In 1930 Mauriac described a syndrome characterized by the presence of growth impairment, hepatomegaly, delayed puberty and cushingoid features in patients with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). At that time, Mauriac syndrome was a common occur­rence. This state was maintained even in the fifties and sixties of the last century. The introduction of modern methods of insulin and glucose monitoring decisively reduced the frequency of occurrence of this syndrome. The incidence of Mauriac syndrome decreased dramati­cally, although it is still being reported. Often in these cases the patients present only some symptoms of this syndrome. The introduction of diagnostic tests allowed to find the genetic basis of these disorders in some of the cases. (Clin Diabetol 2017; 6, 3: 101–104

    Metabolic memory - the implications for diabetic complications

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    Wiele ważnych biochemicznych mechanizmów jest aktywowanych w obecności, występującego w cukrzycy wysokiego stężenia glukozy. W wielu randomizowanych badaniach wykazano, że wczesna intensywna kontrola glikemii redukuje ryzyko powikłań cukrzycy. To zjawisko określa się jako „pamięć metaboliczna”. Sugeruje się, że wczesna normalizacja glikemii może zatrzymać powodowane hiperglikemią patologiczne procesy potęgujące stres oksydacyjny i glikację białek komórkowych i lipidów. To zjawisko metabolicznej pamięci sugeruje, że wczesne agresywne leczenie i dokładna kontrola glikemii mogą być wykorzystane w prewencji przewlekłych powikłań cukrzycy. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (6): 700-703)Many important biochemical mechanisms are activated in the presence of high levels of glucose, which occur in diabetes. Large randomised studies have established that early intensive glycaemic control reduces the risk of diabetic complications. This phenomenon has recently been dubbed ‘metabolic memory’. It has been suggested that early glycaemia normalisation can halt the hyperglycaemia-induced pathological processes associated with enhanced oxidative stress and glycation of cellular proteins and lipids. The phenomenon of metabolic memory suggests that early aggressive treatment and strict glycaemic control could prevent chronic diabetic complications. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (6): 700-703

    Financial Sustainability in the Not-for-Profit Housing Sector – Literature Review

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    This literature review arises from project A9 of the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA). The project examined successful cases of affordable housing provision through social economy organizations (non-profits and co-ops) in the face of decreased government financial support.BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) ; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) ; ISIS Centre, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia ; Rural Innovation Chair, Selkirk Colleg

    Culinary tourism in the Hutsulshchyna region – analysis of the current offer

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    The aim of this paper is to present the culinary offer of Hutsulshchyna against the background of the region’s culture and in the context of the development of culinary tourism. The paper constitutes an overview article. The research methods used in the work include the analysis of literature and web sources, field interview and a diagnostic survey using questionnaire technique (conducted among 140 tourists who visited the region before). The research results and the analysis revealed that rich cuisine and culinary heritage of Hutsulshchyna have great potential for the development of culinary tourism and are very interesting for tourists, albeit not enough promoted or sufficiently organized (although some interesting projects have been founded). The final conclusion of the paper is that it is necessary to continue cooperation and local partnership, take up new initiatives, as well as conduct further scientific research

    Approaches to Financially Sustainable Provision of Affordable Housing by Not-for-Profit Organizations and Co-operatives: Perspectives from Canada, the USA, and Europe

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    This paper arises from project A9 of the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA). The project examined successful cases of affordable housing provision through social economy organizations (non-profits and co-ops) in the face of decreased government financial support.BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) ; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) ; ISIS Centre, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia ; Rural Innovation Chair, Selkirk Colleg