29 research outputs found

    Host-feeding behaviour of Dermacentor reticulatus and Dermacentor marginatus in mono-specific and inter-specific infestations

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    BACKGROUND: Given the sympatric occurrence in some regions of Europe and the great epidemiological significance of D. reticulatus and D. marginatus species, we investigated the behaviour of these ticks during inter-specific and mono-specific host infestations. FINDINGS: The investigations were conducted on rabbits at 20 ± 3 °C and humidity of 38 ± 1 %. The inter-specific infestations groups consisted of 20 females and ten males of D. marginatus and 20 females and ten males of D. reticulatus on each host, whereas mono-specific infestations involved 40 females and 20 males of each species. The investigations have demonstrated competition between the two tick species resulting in modification of the behaviour on the host and the feeding course in D. marginatus females by the presence of D. reticulatus. In the inter-specific group, D. marginatus females attached for a longer time (mean 2.74 ± 1.12 h) than in the mono-specific group (mean 1.24 ± 0.97 h) (p < 0.0001). The feeding period of these females was shorter (9.45 ± 1.30 days) than in the mono-specific group (13.15 ± 2.53 days) (p < 0.0001), but they exhibited a statistically significantly higher body weight in comparison with the females from the mono-specific infestation (p = 0.0155). In D. reticulatus females, no significant difference was found in the host attachment and feeding rates between the mono-specific and inter-specific groups. CONCLUSIONS: The differences in the behaviour of the females from both species during co-feeding reflect physiological adaptation to environmental conditions, which enables them to ingest blood and reproduce. During co-feeding of D. reticulatus and D. marginatus on the same host, two inter-specific systems with different physiological features are formed, which may influence the transmission of tick-borne pathogens

    Lumbar overlordosis — towards the better understanding of the May-Thurner syndrome pathogenesis

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    Introduction. May-Thurner Syndrome (MTS) is a condition in which the left common iliac vein is compressedby the right common iliac artery, which together with intraluminal vein changes can lead to clinicallysymptomatic venous outflow obstruction. Patients having such pathology may suffer from symptoms ofvenous hypertension as well as lower leg deep venous thrombosis. In most of the MTS cases, static andcontinuous compression is observed which can also lead to the intraluminal spur formation. According tothe literature, among the factors which can influence the severity of iliac vein compression, lumbar spinaldegeneration can also be mentioned. Considering the aortic bifurcation anatomical conditions, also other,non — degenerative changes of the lumbar vertebral column segment can be taken into consideration.The aim of the study. This study aimed to reveal the prevalence of the left common iliac vein compressionin young healthy individuals as well as to assess the severity of the left iliac vein compression provokedby lumbar hyperlordosis.Materials and methods. This study was performed on a group of 207 volunteers of both sexes, aged 21–27yrs. using ultrasound examination to measure the diameter of the right common iliac vein as well as thediameter of the left common iliac vein in the area of the possible compression by the right iliac artery.In all the patients the measurements were performed in the supine position as well as in the provokedlumbar hyperlordosis position. In all the individuals the presence of the symptoms and signs of the lowerleg chronic venous disease were investigated.Results. The mean anterior-posterior diameter of the right common iliac vein in the standard supine positionin the whole study group was 5.71 mm (± 0.6 mm). The mean diameter of the left common iliac vein ina normal horizontal position was 4.87 mm (± 0.6 mm) with a range from 3.8 mm to 6.2 mm. In most ofthe cases, the difference between the left and iliac common vein diameter (when measured in the placeof the right iliac artery crossing) did not exceed 20%. In 15.9% of the study subjects, the right and left iliacvein diameter difference ranges between 20–30% and in 2.41% only, the diameter difference over 30%was noticed (in none of the cases the stenosis exceeding 40% of the vein diameter was found). Lookingfor the effect of the overlordosis on the proclivity to decrease left iliac vein diameter, in the provokedhyperlordosis position the changes of the iliac vein diameter in the range of 21–30% were observed in15.9% and over 30% in 2.4% of the study subjects. Hyperlordosis presence was also responsible for theshift towards lower left iliac vein diameter — in 36.2% of the patients, the left iliac vein diameter below4 mm was noticed including 1.9% of individuals with a diameter not exceeding 3 mm. In the analysis,there was no statistically significant correlation between the presence of the reported CVD symptoms inthe left leg and the reported diameter reduction between the right and left iliac veins in the population ofthe studied young individuals. Conclusions. Left common iliac vein compression may be anatomically conditioned at least in some ofthe young population individuals. Lumbar hyperlordosis influence on the left common iliac vein diametersuggests that also in healthily individuals, an incorrect spinal position can promote the occurrence of theleft iliac vein compression. Further studies are needed to assess the haemodynamic influence of thesefindings on the lower leg venous outflow

    Polska i społeczeństwo w XXI wieku. Państwo i prawo w XXI wieku - szanse i zagrożenia

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    Słowo wstępne: "Kolejna, czwarta już międzynarodowa konferencja zorganizowana przez Krakowską Szkolę Wyższą im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego poświęcona została problematyce nowych wyzwań w różnych dziedzinach życia społecznego w perspektywie XXI wieku. Tematem sekcji Wydziału Prawa i Administracji stała się próba odpowiedzi na pytanie o szanse i zagrożenia dla państwa i prawa XXI wieku. Wydaje się, że u progu tego stulecia nie sposób przewidzieć, czego będzie więcej - szans czy zagrożeń. Trudno wyrokować, czy nadchodzące dekady przyniosą nadzieje na pozytywne rozwiązanie problemów, czy też ich eskalacja, a zwłaszcza nowe i trudne do przewidzenia warianty, sprawią, że świat znajdzie się na krawędzi. Nie ma odpowiedzi na te pytania. Jedno jest pewne - jak powiedział Stanisław Lem -płyniemy z nurtem wielkiej rzeki ku nieznanemu oceanowi i znajdujemy się dopiero na początku podróży. Nie ma wątpliwości, że w ostatnim czasie odczuwamy raczej zagrożenie, tym bardziej, że prowadzona walka z terroryzmem nie przynosi oczekiwanych rezultatów. Jednak pesymizmem napawa nie tylko stan międzynarodowego bezpieczeństwa. Również w innych sferach życia dostrzegamy wiele niepokojących zjawisk świadczących o erozji takich fundamentalnych instytucji jak państwo i prawo."(...

    Area collapse algorithm computing new curve of 2D geometric objects

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    The processing of cartographic data demands human involvement. Up-to-date algorithms try to automate a part of this process. The goal is to obtain a digital model, or additional information about shape and topology of input geometric objects. A topological skeleton is one of the most important tools in the branch of science called shape analysis. It represents topological and geometrical characteristics of input data. Its plot depends on using algorithms such as medial axis, skeletonization, erosion, thinning, area collapse and many others. Area collapse, also known as dimension change, replaces input data with lower-dimensional geometric objects like, for example, a polygon with a polygonal chain, a line segment with a point

    The structural control of a landslide development and functioning of a lake geoecosystem in the catchment area of the Hucianka Stream (the Outer Carpathians, Beskid Niski)

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    The landslide in Huta Polańska (Beskid Niski/Lower Beskids) is an example of a particular lake geoecosystem. The largest inter-colluvial depression forms a lake basin constantly filled with water, with a natural outflow in the form of a watercourse. Three drainless sink-holes constituting places of periodical accumulation of water and organic-mineral sediments were localized within the landslide. The direction of the landslide movement and its wedge-like shape are determined primarily by the fault surface located in its south-western part. It also forces the linear course of the streams and the cascade location of depressions between colluvial ramparts, seasonally or permanently filled with water. The inventory of minor tectonic structures and the morphotectonic analysis indicate tectonic conditions of this landslide lake geoecosystem. The structures located within the fault surfaces are indicative of shear stresses and their orientation determines the direction of rock movement (Zuchiewicz, 1997a; Szczęsny, 2003). The morphological analysis and correlation of landslide forms indicate the combined rotational-translational motion. It was ended by mud and debris flow which divided the valley longitudinal axis and damming the waters of the Hucianka stream. The result is a landslide dam lake, whose effects are visible within the floodplain above the former landslide dam. In order to formulate the final conclusions regarding the morphotectonic analysis and the slope transformation phases, laser scanning photos were also used

    Application of Laser Scanning for Creating Geological Documentation

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    A geological documentation is based on the analyses obtained from boreholes, geological exposures, and geophysical methods. It consists of text and graphic documents, containing drilling sections, vertical crosssections through the deposit and various types of maps. The surveying methods (such as LIDAR) can be applied in measurements of exposed rock layers, presented in appendices to the geological documentation. The laser scanning allows obtaining a complete profile of exposed surfaces in a short time and with a millimeter accuracy. The possibility of verifying the existing geological cross-section with laser scanning was tested on the example of the AGH experimental mine. The test field is built of different lithological rocks. Scans were taken from a single station, under favorable measuring conditions. The analysis of the signal intensity allowed to divide point cloud into separate geological layers. The results were compared with the geological profiles of the measured object. The same approach was applied to the data from the Vietnamese hard coal open pit mine Coc Sau. The thickness of exposed coal bed deposits and gangue layers were determined from the obtained data (point cloud) in combination with the photographs. The results were compared with the geological cross-section

    Przeciek typu III — odległe powikłanie wewnątrznaczyniowego leczenia tętniaka piersiowo-brzusznego za pomocą stent-graftu branch’owego

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    W pracy przestawiono odlegle powikłanie wewnątrznaczyniowego leczenia tętniaka aorty piersiowo-brzusznej (TABP). W kontrolnym badaniu angio-TK 6 miesięcy po implantacji pierwotnego stent-graftu wykryto przeciek spowodowany dwumiejscowym przerwaniem ciągłości stent-graftu pomostowego do pnia trzewnego oraz pękniecie struktury stent-graftu do tętnicy krezkowej górnej. Przeciek leczono, implantując dodatkowe stent-grafty do tętnicy krezkowej górnej oraz do pnia trzewnego, uzyskując uszczelnienie stent-graftu i skuteczne wyłączenie tętniaka z krążenia

    Caves and rock forms

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