351 research outputs found

    Poxvirus Bioinformatics Resource Center: a comprehensive Poxviridae informational and analytical resource

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    The Poxvirus Bioinformatics Resource Center (PBRC) has been established to provide informational and analytical resources to the scientific community to aid research directed at providing a better understanding of the Poxviridae family of viruses. The PBRC was specifically established as the result of the concern that variola virus, the causative agent of smallpox, as well as related viruses, might be utilized as biological weapons. In addition, the PBRC supports research on poxviruses that might be considered new and emerging infectious agents such as monkeypox virus. The PBRC consists of a relational database and web application that supports the data storage, annotation, analysis and information exchange goals of the project. The current release consists of over 35 complete genomic sequences of various genera, species and strains of viruses from the Poxviridae family. Sequence and annotation information for these viruses has been obtained from sequences publicly available from GenBank as well as sequences not yet deposited in GenBank that have been obtained from ongoing sequencing projects. In addition to sequence data, the PBRC provides comprehensive annotation and curation of virus genes; analytical tools to aid in the understanding of the available sequence data, including tools for the comparative analysis of different virus isolates; and visualization tools to help better display the results of various analyses. The PBRC represents the initial development of what will become a more comprehensive Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center for Biodefense that will be one of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases' ‘Bioinformatics Resource Centers for Biodefense and Emerging or Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases’. The PBRC website is available at http://www.poxvirus.org

    TAMEE: data management and analysis for tissue microarrays

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    BACKGROUND: With the introduction of tissue microarrays (TMAs) researchers can investigate gene and protein expression in tissues on a high-throughput scale. TMAs generate a wealth of data calling for extended, high level data management. Enhanced data analysis and systematic data management are required for traceability and reproducibility of experiments and provision of results in a timely and reliable fashion. Robust and scalable applications have to be utilized, which allow secure data access, manipulation and evaluation for researchers from different laboratories. RESULTS: TAMEE (Tissue Array Management and Evaluation Environment) is a web-based database application for the management and analysis of data resulting from the production and application of TMAs. It facilitates storage of production and experimental parameters, of images generated throughout the TMA workflow, and of results from core evaluation. Database content consistency is achieved using structured classifications of parameters. This allows the extraction of high quality results for subsequent biologically-relevant data analyses. Tissue cores in the images of stained tissue sections are automatically located and extracted and can be evaluated using a set of predefined analysis algorithms. Additional evaluation algorithms can be easily integrated into the application via a plug-in interface. Downstream analysis of results is facilitated via a flexible query generator. CONCLUSION: We have developed an integrated system tailored to the specific needs of research projects using high density TMAs. It covers the complete workflow of TMA production, experimental use and subsequent analysis. The system is freely available for academic and non-profit institutions from

    Determining the Quantitative Principles of T Cell Response to Antigenic Disparity in Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Alloreactivity compromising clinical outcomes in stem cell transplantation is observed despite HLA matching of donors and recipients. This has its origin in the variation between the exomes of the two, which provides the basis for minor histocompatibility antigens (mHA). The mHA presented on the HLA class I and II molecules and the ensuing T cell response to these antigens results in graft vs. host disease. In this paper, results of a whole exome sequencing study are presented, with resulting alloreactive polymorphic peptides and their HLA class I and HLA class II (DRB1) binding affinity quantified. Large libraries of potentially alloreactive recipient peptides binding both sets of molecules were identified, with HLA-DRB1 generally presenting a greater number of peptides. These results are used to develop a quantitative framework to understand the immunobiology of transplantation. A tensor-based approach is used to derive the equations needed to determine the alloreactive donor T cell response from the mHA-HLA binding affinity and protein expression data. This approach may be used in future studies to simulate the magnitude of expected donor T cell response and determine the risk for alloreactive complications in HLA matched or mismatched hematopoietic cell and solid organ transplantation

    The Ellipticity and Orientation of Clusters of Galaxies from N-Body Experiments

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    In this study we use simulations of 1283^3 particles to study the ellipticity and orientation of clusters of galaxies in N-body simulations of differing power-law initial spectra (P(k) \propto k^n ,n = +1, 0, -1, -2),anddensityparameters(), and density parameters (\Omega_0 = 0.2to1.0).Furthermore,unlikemosttheoreticalstudieswemimicmostobserversbyremovingallparticleswhichlieatdistancesgreaterthan21/hMpcfromtheclustercenterofmass.Wecomputedtheaxialratioandtheprincipalaxesusingtheinertiatensorofeachcluster.Themeanellipticityofclustersincreasesstronglywithincreasing to 1.0). Furthermore, unlike most theoretical studies we mimic most observers by removing all particles which lie at distances greater than 2 1/h Mpc from the cluster center of mass. We computed the axial ratio and the principal axes using the inertia tensor of each cluster. The mean ellipticity of clusters increases strongly with increasing n.Wealsofindthatclusterstendtobecomemoresphericalatsmallerradii.Wecomparedtheorientationofaclustertotheorientationofneighboringclustersasafunctionofdistance(correlation).Inaddition,weconsideredwhetheraclustersmajoraxistendstoliealongthelineconnectingittoaneighboringcluster,asafunctionofdistance(alignment).Bothalignmentsandcorrelationswerecomputedinthreedimensionsandinprojectiontomimicobservationalsurveys.Ourresultsshowthatsignificantalignmentsexistforallspectraatsmallseparations(. We also find that clusters tend to become more spherical at smaller radii. We compared the orientation of a cluster to the orientation of neighboring clusters as a function of distance (correlation). In addition, we considered whether a cluster's major axis tends to lie along the line connecting it to a neighboring cluster, as a function of distance (alignment). Both alignments and correlations were computed in three dimensions and in projection to mimic observational surveys. Our results show that significant alignments exist for all spectra at small separations (D < 15 h^{-1}Mpc)butdropsoffatlargerdistanceinastrongly Mpc) but drops off at larger distance in a strongly n-$dependent way.Comment: 22 pages, requires aaspp4.sty, flushrt.sty, and epsf.sty Revised manuscript, accepted for publication in Ap

    Nonsusceptibility of Primate Cells to Taura Syndrome Virus

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    Primate cells commonly used to test for viruses of the Picornaviridae family are not susceptible to infection by Taura syndrome virus of penaeid shrimp

    Signal Processing Research Program

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    Contains table of contents for Part III, table of contents for Section 1, an introduction and reports on fourteen research projects.Charles S. Draper Laboratory Contract DL-H-404158U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-89-J-1489National Science Foundation Grant MIP 87-14969Battelle LaboratoriesTel-Aviv University, Department of Electronic SystemsU.S. Army Research Office Contract DAAL03-86-D-0001The Federative Republic of Brazil ScholarshipSanders Associates, Inc.Bell Northern Research, Ltd.Amoco Foundation FellowshipGeneral Electric FellowshipNational Science Foundation FellowshipU.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research FellowshipU.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-85-K-0272Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada - Science and Technology Scholarshi