98 research outputs found

    Enduring Enmity: The Story of Otto Kirchheimer and Carl Schmitt

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    To date, the relationship between Otto Kirchheimer and Carl Schmitt has invariably been described as friendly, despite their political differences. Kirchheimer has even beeen attributed the role of the godfather of today's left-Schmittianism. With reference to previously unknown archival materials, conversations with personal contacts, and through a new reading of the theoretical works of both authors, including an analysis of the Nazi vocabulary used by Schmitt, Hubertus Buchstein exposes this view as a politically motivated legend. Buchstein claims that the best way to characterize their relationship from their first meeting in Bonn in 1926 up until Kirchheimer's death in 1965 is as enduring enmity - in a political, a theoretical, and even a personal sense

    Anatomie des Unstaats: Alfons Söllner und Michael Wildt bringen eine Neuausgabe von Franz Neumanns "Behemoth" heraus

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    Franz L. Neumann: Behemoth: Struktur und Praxis des Nationalsozialismus 1933-1944. Hamburg: Europäische Verlagsanstalt 2018. 978-3-86393-048-

    Perspektiven Kritischer Demokratietheorie

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    The following article calls for Critical Tbeory of Democrcy to be geared towards theoretical aspects of institutions. This call does not only flow from critically analysing the deficits involved in the Critical Theory's tradition ofprimarily diagnosing cultures; rather, it is made in view ofthe Theory of Democracy's normative aspects and aspects relating to analysing power. Dilemmas as regards the theory of power, the argument runs, may be resolved by means of the Games Theory. The Theory of Democracy's normative dimension raises complex requirements tobe outlined here

    Vom Verschwinden bedroht? Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte in der curricularen Reformfalle

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    'Der Artikel wertet den Status der Subdisziplin 'Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte' in den neuen Bachelor- und Masterprogrammen an bundesdeutschen Hochschulen aus. Das Ergebnis lautet, dass der Teilbereich in eine Bedrängnis geraten ist, die mit dem Qualifizierungsgrad des Studiums ansteigt. Im letzten Teil des Artikels werden Handlungsoptionen diskutiert, die der Subdisziplin wieder einen stärkeren Stellenwert zukommen lassen.' (Autorenreferat)'The article measures the status of the subfield 'Political Theory and History of Political Thought' in the curricula of current BA- and MA-programmes in German Political Science. The empirical data indicate that the subfield is under heavy pressure within the discipline. The last section of the article discusses strategies in order to strengthen the role of the subfield.' (author's abstract)

    From Democratic Peace to Democratic Distinctiveness: A Critique of Democratic Exceptionalism in Peace and Conflict Studies

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    Democracy and lottery: Revisited

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    Lottocracy and deliberative accountability

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    The comment on Cristina Lafont’s book includes two main points. (1) Minipublics do not necessarily stand in opposition to political theories that justify electoral democracy and participatory conceptions of deliberative democracy. In contrast to such a view, I argue that minipublics should be combined with electoral and participatory forms of democracy. (2) A deliberative concept of accountability may overcome some of the shortcomings of the traditional, voluntaristic concepts of democratic accountability