840 research outputs found

    High efficiency coherent optical memory with warm rubidium vapour

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    By harnessing aspects of quantum mechanics, communication and information processing could be radically transformed. Promising forms of quantum information technology include optical quantum cryptographic systems and computing using photons for quantum logic operations. As with current information processing systems, some form of memory will be required. Quantum repeaters, which are required for long distance quantum key distribution, require optical memory as do deterministic logic gates for optical quantum computing. In this paper we present results from a coherent optical memory based on warm rubidium vapour and show 87% efficient recall of light pulses, the highest efficiency measured to date for any coherent optical memory. We also show storage recall of up to 20 pulses from our system. These results show that simple warm atomic vapour systems have clear potential as a platform for quantum memory

    An AC Stark Gradient Echo Memory in Cold Atoms

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    The burgeoning fields of quantum computing and quantum key distribution have created a demand for a quantum memory. The gradient echo memory scheme is a quantum memory candidate for light storage that can boast efficiencies approaching unity, as well as the flexibility to work with either two or three level atoms. The key to this scheme is the frequency gradient that is placed across the memory. Currently the three level implementation uses a Zeeman gradient and warm atoms. In this paper we model a new gradient creation mechanism - the ac Stark effect - to provide an improvement in the flexibility of gradient creation and field switching times. We propose this scheme in concert with a move to cold atoms (~1 mK). These temperatures would increase the storage times possible, and the small ensemble volumes would enable large ac Stark shifts with reasonable laser power. We find that memory bandwidths on the order of MHz can be produced with experimentally achievable laser powers and trapping volumes, with high precision in gradient creation and switching times on the order of nanoseconds possible. By looking at the different decoherence mechanisms present in this system we determine that coherence times on the order of 10s of milliseconds are possible, as are delay-bandwidth products of approximately 50 and efficiencies over 90%

    Storage and Manipulation of Light Using a Raman Gradient Echo Process

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    The Gradient Echo Memory (GEM) scheme has potential to be a suitable protocol for storage and retrieval of optical quantum information. In this paper, we review the properties of the Λ\Lambda-GEM method that stores information in the ground states of three-level atomic ensembles via Raman coupling. The scheme is versatile in that it can store and re-sequence multiple pulses of light. To date, this scheme has been implemented using warm rubidium gas cells. There are different phenomena that can influence the performance of these atomic systems. We investigate the impact of atomic motion and four-wave mixing and present experiments that show how parasitic four-wave mixing can be mitigated. We also use the memory to demonstrate preservation of pulse shape and the backward retrieval of pulses.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    Feedback cooling of a cantilever's fundamental mode below 5 mK

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    We cool the fundamental mechanical mode of an ultrasoft silicon cantilever from a base temperature of 2.2 K to 2.9 +/- 0.3 mK using active optomechanical feedback. The lowest observed mode temperature is consistent with limits determined by the properties of the cantilever and by the measurement noise. For high feedback gain, the driven cantilever motion is found to suppress or "squash" the optical interferometer intensity noise below the shot noise level.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Time- and frequency-domain polariton interference

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    We present experimental observations of interference between an atomic spin coherence and an optical field in a {\Lambda}-type gradient echo memory. The interference is mediated by a strong classical field that couples a weak probe field to the atomic coherence through a resonant Raman transition. Interference can be observed between a prepared spin coherence and another propagating optical field, or between multiple {\Lambda} transitions driving a single spin coherence. In principle, the interference in each scheme can yield a near unity visibility.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Suppression of Classical and Quantum Radiation Pressure Noise via Electro-Optic Feedback

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    We present theoretical results that demonstrate a new technique to be used to improve the sensitivity of thermal noise measurements: intra-cavity intensity stabilisation. It is demonstrated that electro-optic feedback can be used to reduce intra-cavity intensity fluctuations, and the consequent radiation pressure fluctuations, by a factor of two below the quantum noise limit. We show that this is achievable in the presence of large classical intensity fluctuations on the incident laser beam. The benefits of this scheme are a consequence of the sub-Poissonian intensity statistics of the field inside a feedback loop, and the quantum non-demolition nature of radiation pressure noise as a readout system for the intra-cavity intensity fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Near-field imaging and frequency tuning of a high-Q photonic crystal membrane microcavity

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    We discuss experimental studies of the interaction between a nanoscopic object and a photonic crystal membrane resonator of quality factor Q=55000. By controlled actuation of a glass fiber tip in the near-field of a photonic crystal, we constructed a complete spatio-spectral map of the resonator mode and its coupling with the fiber-tip. On the one hand, our findings demonstrate that scanning probes can profoundly influence the optical characteristics and the near-field images of photonic devices. On the other hand, we show that the introduction of a nanoscopic object provides a low-loss method for on-command tuning of a photonic crystal resonator frequency. Our results are in a very good agreement with the predictions of a combined numerical/analytical theory.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
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