8 research outputs found

    Сравнительная оценка эффективности иммуномодулирующей терапии при инфекционном мононуклеозе смешанной этиологии (Эпштейна – Барр и цитомегаловирусной) у детей

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    Objective: to conduct a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of immunomodulatory drugs in infectious mononucleosis of mixed etiology (EBV and CMV) in children, using the principles of evidence-based medicine.Materials and methods: a comprehensive comparative assessment of the effectiveness of immunomodulatory drugs in children with infectious mononucleosis EBV+CMV-etiology in 3 groups: group I-20 patients receiving recombinant interferon α-2β, group II-20 children receiving interferon – meglumin inducer acridonacetate and group III-20 children treated with a synthetic immunomodulator-inosin pranobex. The comparison group (IV) consisted of 20 children who received basic therapy.Results: Analysis of key intervention indicators for the outcome «fever Duration less than 5 days» showed the highest effectiveness of recombinant interferon α-2β, less effective were meglumina  acridonacetate and inosine pranobex. According to the outcomes «Reduction of lymph nodes by 2 or more times» and «Reduction of the liver and spleen by 2 or more times», data on the advantage of meglumin acridonacetate were obtained. The recombinant interferon α-2β was the second most effective. All the studied drugs do notsignificantly affect the severity of the hematological syndrome. The expediency of using immunomodulatory therapy in infectious mononucleosis of EBV+CMV-etiology is shown, the deviation from the norm of the integral outcome indicator is significantly higher in the group of children who were on symptomatic therapy. The overall effectiveness of the studied immunomodulatory drugs with all clinical outcomes does not have statistically significant differences.Conclusion: the obtained data allow us to rationally approach the choice of immunomodulatory therapy, taking into account the effectiveness of clinical outcomes and the overall effectiveness of the drug.Цель: провести сравнительную оценку эффективности иммуномодулирующих препаратов при инфекционном мононуклеозе смешанной этиологии (Эпштейна – Барр и цитомегаловирусной) у детей, используя принципы доказательной медицины.Материалы и методы: проведена комплексная сравнительная оценка эффективности иммуномодулирующих препаратов у детей с инфекционным мононуклеозом смешанной этиологии (Эпштейна – Барр и цитомегаловирусной) в 3 группах детей, которые на фоне базисной терапии (патогенетической и симптоматической) получали иммуномодуляторы: I группа – 20 пациентов, получавших рекомбинантный интерферон α-2β, II группа – 20 детей, получавших индуктор интерферона – меглюмина акридонацетат, и III группа – 20 детей, лечившихся синтетическим иммуномодулятором – инозином пранобексом. Группу сравнения (IV) составили 20 детей, получавших только базисную терапию.Результаты: анализ ключевых показателей вмешательства по исходу «Длительность лихорадки менее 5 дней» показал наибольшую эффективность рекомбинантного интерферона α-2β, менее эффективными были меглюмина акридонацетат и инозин пранобекс. По исходам «Сокращение лимфатических узлов в 2 и более раз» и «Сокращение печени и селезенки в 2 и более раз» получены данные о преимуществе меглюмина акридонацетата. На втором месте по эффективности оказался рекомбинантный интерферона α-2β. Все исследованные препараты не оказывают существенного влияния на выраженность гематологического синдрома. Показана целесообразность применения иммуномодулирующей терапии при инфекционном мононуклеозе смешанной этиологии (Эпштейна – Барр и цитомегаловирусной), отклонение от нормы интегрального показателя исхода значимо выше в группе детей, которые находились на симптоматической терапии. Общая эффективность исследуемых иммуномодулирующих препаратов при всех клинических исходах не имеет статистически значимых различий.Заключение: полученные данные позволяют рационально подойти к выбору иммуномодулирующей терапии с учетом эффективности по клиническим исходам и общей эффективности препарата

    Design and evaluation of an end-user friendly tool for robot programming

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    End-user programming for robots is becoming an increasingly important topic since robots are being introduced into a wide variety of domains. We propose a design of a web based programming interface that makes it possible for end-users with different backgrounds to program robots using natural language. We used the cognitive dimensions framework to compare the usability of the newly created and the currently employed programming interfaces. The results showed that domain specialists are able to make robot programs more quickly and pleasantly with the proposed interface than with an existing one. Another important finding is that without physical simulation of the robot behaviours, the end-users do not feel confident enough to develop their scenarios in a realistic setting

    Evaluating The Role Of Empathy In Crowdsourcing User Interfaces

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    Empathy induced altruism is believed to motivate people in a crowdsourcing environment to produce better quality work. However, there hasn’t been any considerable investigation regarding how empathy can be effectively\u3cbr/\u3econveyed through user interfaces (UI). We conducted a study to find the effects of introducing empathy in task descriptions, and investigate its effect in workers’\u3cbr/\u3emotivation. We validated that empathy is perceived to have a positive effect for workers. But merely manipulating the task description to express the empathy has produced inconclusive results

    Design and evaluation of an end-user friendly tool for robot programming

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    End-user programming for robots is becoming an increasingly important topic since robots are being introduced into a wide variety of domains. We propose a design of a web based programming interface that makes it possible for end-users with different backgrounds to program robots using natural language. We used the cognitive dimensions framework to compare the usability of the newly created and the currently employed programming interfaces. The results showed that domain specialists are able to make robot programs more quickly and pleasantly with the proposed interface than with an existing one. Another important finding is that without physical simulation of the robot behaviours, the end-users do not feel confident enough to develop their scenarios in a realistic setting

    Context based service discovery in unmanaged networks using MDNS/DNS-SD

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    We propose an extension of the mDNS/DNS-SD service discovery protocol, which enables service clients to discover and select services based on their context. The extension improves scalability in large networks, which is of particular importance in future Internet of Things deployments

    Context based service discovery in unmanaged networks using MDNS/DNS-SD

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    We propose an extension of the mDNS/DNS-SD service discovery protocol, which enables service clients to discover and select services based on their context. The extension improves scalability in large networks, which is of particular importance in future Internet of Things deployments

    Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of immunomodulatory therapy for infectious mononucleosis of mixed etiology (Epstein Barr and cytomegalovirus) in children

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    Objective: to conduct a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of immunomodulatory drugs in infectious mononucleosis of mixed etiology (EBV and CMV) in children, using the principles of evidence-based medicine.Materials and methods: a comprehensive comparative assessment of the effectiveness of immunomodulatory drugs in children with infectious mononucleosis EBV+CMV-etiology in 3 groups: group I-20 patients receiving recombinant interferon α-2β, group II-20 children receiving interferon – meglumin inducer acridonacetate and group III-20 children treated with a synthetic immunomodulator-inosin pranobex. The comparison group (IV) consisted of 20 children who received basic therapy.Results: Analysis of key intervention indicators for the outcome «fever Duration less than 5 days» showed the highest effectiveness of recombinant interferon α-2β, less effective were meglumina  acridonacetate and inosine pranobex. According to the outcomes «Reduction of lymph nodes by 2 or more times» and «Reduction of the liver and spleen by 2 or more times», data on the advantage of meglumin acridonacetate were obtained. The recombinant interferon α-2β was the second most effective. All the studied drugs do notsignificantly affect the severity of the hematological syndrome. The expediency of using immunomodulatory therapy in infectious mononucleosis of EBV+CMV-etiology is shown, the deviation from the norm of the integral outcome indicator is significantly higher in the group of children who were on symptomatic therapy. The overall effectiveness of the studied immunomodulatory drugs with all clinical outcomes does not have statistically significant differences.Conclusion: the obtained data allow us to rationally approach the choice of immunomodulatory therapy, taking into account the effectiveness of clinical outcomes and the overall effectiveness of the drug