367 research outputs found

    Shadow on the wall cast by an Abrikosov vortex

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    At the surface of a d-wave superconductor, a zero-energy peak in the quasiparticle spectrum can be observed. This peak appears due to Andreev bound states and is maximal if the nodal direction of the d-wave pairing potential is perpendicular to the boundary. We examine the effect of a single Abrikosov vortex in front of a reflecting boundary on the zero-energy density of states. We can clearly see a splitting of the low-energy peak and therefore a suppression of the zero-energy density of states in a shadow-like region extending from the vortex to the boundary. This effect is stable for different models of the single Abrikosov vortex, for different mean free paths and also for different distances between the vortex center and the boundary. This observation promises to have also a substantial influence on the differential conductance and the tunneling characteristics for low excitation energies.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    The Effect of Surfaces on the Tunneling Density of States of an Anisotropically Paired Superconductor

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    We present calculations of the tunneling density of states in an anisotropically paired superconductor for two different sample geometries: a semi-infinite system with a single specular wall, and a slab of finite thickness and infinite lateral extent. In both cases we are interested in the effects of surface pair breaking on the tunneling spectrum. We take the stable bulk phase to be of dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry. Our calculations are performed within two different band structure environments: an isotropic cylindrical Fermi surface with a bulk order parameter of the form Δkx2ky2\Delta\sim k_x^2-k_y^2, and a nontrivial tight-binding Fermi surface with the order parameter structure coming from an anti-ferromagnetic spin-fluctuation model. In each case we find additional structures in the energy spectrum coming from the surface layer. These structures are sensitive to the orientation of the surface with respect to the crystal lattice, and have their origins in the detailed form of the momentum and spatial dependence of the order parameter. By means of tunneling spectroscopy, one can obtain information on both the anisotropy of the energy gap, |\Delta(\p)|, as well as on the phase of the order parameter, \Delta(\p) = |\Delta(\p)|e^{i\varphi(\p)}.Comment: 14 pages of revtex text with 11 compressed and encoded figures. To appear in J. Low Temp. Phys., December, 199

    Annexation-Virginia\u27s Dilemma

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    Avalanche statistics of sand heaps

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    Large scale computer simulations are presented to investigate the avalanche statistics of sand piles using molecular dynamics. We could show that different methods of measurement lead to contradicting conclusions, presumably due to avalanches not reaching the end of the experimental table.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Hands-On TAROT: Intercontinental use of the TAROT for Education and Public Outreach

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    The TAROT telescope has for primary goal the search for the prompt optical counterpart of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts. It is a completely autonomous 25cm telescope installed near Nice (France), able to point any location of the sky within 1-2 seconds. The control, scheduling, and data processing activities are completely automated, so the instrument is completely autonomous. In addition to its un-manned modes, we added recently the possibility to remotely control the telescope, as a request of the "Hands-On Universe" (HOU) program for exchange of time within automatic telescopes for the education and public outreach. To this purpose we developed a simple control interface. A webcam was installed to visualize the telescope. Access to the data is possible through a web interface. The images can be processed by the HOU software, a program specially suited for use within the classroom. We experienced these feature during the open days of the University of California Berkeley and the Astronomy Festival of Fleurance (France). We plan a regular use for an astronomy course of the Museum of Tokyo, as well as for French schools. Not only does Hands-On TAROT gives the general public an access to professional astronomy, but it is also a more general tool to demonstrate the use of a complex automated system, the techniques of data processing and automation. Last but not least, through the use of telescopes located in many countries over the globe, a form of powerful and genuine cooperation between teachers and children from various countries is promoted, with a clear educational goal.Comment: 4 pages, Based on a demonstration presented at the ADASS X Conference, Boston, MA, USA, October 2000, to appear in ASP Conf. Serie

    Gastrocnemius muscle architecture in distance runners with and without Achilles tendinopathy

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    Background: Achilles tendinopathy is a common condition amongst distance runners due to the cumulative repetitive overload of the tendon. Gastrocnemius weakness and inflexibility can predispose to this condition. Thesepredisposing functional deficits could have architectural underpinnings, but the gastrocnemius architecture of distance runners with Achilles tendinopathy has not been previously described or compared to the architecture of healthy distance runners. Objectives: We aimed to investigate the differences in gastrocnemius architecture between distance runners withAchilles tendinopathy and uninjured counterparts. Methods: Twenty distance runners (10 with Achilles tendinopathy; 10 uninjured) were recruited to this study. Ultrasound measurement of the gastrocnemius muscle architecture (pennation angle; fascicle length; muscle thickness; muscle belly length; muscle volume; physiological cross-sectional area) was performed. Results: Gastrocnemius Medial Head (GM) fascicle length was significantly greater (p = 0.02), whilst the physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) was significantly less (p = 0.01) in the case group. Gastrocnemius Lateral Head (GL) pennation angle (p = 0.01) and PCSA (p = 0.01) were significantly lower, whilst fascicle length was significantly greater (p = 0.01) in the case group. There were no significant between-group differences in GM and GL muscle thickness, muscle belly length, or muscle volume. Conclusion: Components of gastrocnemius architecture differ significantly between distance runners with Achillestendinopathy and uninjured controls in our study sample. This study cannot infer whether these results are secondary or predisposing to the condition. Further longitudinal investigation is required to explore these relationships further

    Odd-frequency pairing in normal metal/superconductor junctions

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    We study the induced odd-frequency pairing states in ballistic normal metal/superconductor (N/S) junctions where a superconductor has even-frequency symmetry in the bulk and a normal metal layer has an arbitrary length. Using the quasiclassical Green's function formalism, we demonstrate that, quite generally, the pair amplitude in the junction has an admixture of an odd-frequency component due to the breakdown of translational invariance near the N/S interface where the pair potential acquires spatial dependence. If a superconductor has even-parity pair potential (spin-singlet s-wave state), the odd-frequency pairing component with odd-parity is induced near the N/S interface, while in the case of odd-parity pair potential (spin-triplet pxp_{x}-wave or spin-singlet dxyd_{xy}-wave) the odd-frequency component with even-parity is generated. We show that in conventional s-wave junctions, the amplitude of the odd-frequency pairing state is enhanced at energies corresponding to the peaks in the local density of states (LDOS). In pxp_x- and dxyd_{xy}-wave junctions, the amplitude of the odd-frequency component on the S side of the N/S interface is enhanced at zero energy where the midgap Andreev resonant state (MARS) appears due to the sign change of the pair potential. The odd-frequency component extends into the N region and exceeds the even-frequency component at energies corresponding to the LDOS peak positions, including the MARS.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Exact microscopic analysis of a thermal Brownian motor

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    We study a genuine Brownian motor by hard disk molecular dynamics and calculate analytically its properties, including its drift speed and thermal conductivity, from microscopic theory.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Thermodynamic properties of thin films of superfluid 3He-A

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    The pairing correlations in superfluid He-3 are strongly modified by quasiparticle scattering off a surface or an interface. We present theoretical results and predictions for the order parameter, the quasiparticle excitation spectrum and the free energy for thin films of superfluid He-3. Both specular and diffuse scattering by a substrate are considered, while the free surface is assumed to be a perfectly reflecting specular boundary. The results are based on self-consistent calculations of the order parameter and quasiparticle excitation spectrum at zero pressure. We obtain new results for the phase diagram, free energy, entropy and specific heat of thin films of superfluid He-3.Comment: Replaced with an updated versio

    Low-energy quasiparticle states near extended scatterers in d-wave superconductors and their connection with SUSY quantum mechanics

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    Low-energy quasiparticle states, arising from scattering by single-particle potentials in d-wave superconductors, are addressed. Via a natural extension of the Andreev approximation, the idea that sign-variations in the superconducting pair-potential lead to such states is extended beyond its original setting of boundary scattering to the broader context of scattering by general single-particle potentials, such as those due to impurities. The index-theoretic origin of these states is exhibited via a simple connection with Witten's supersymmetric quantum-mechanical model.Comment: 5 page