54 research outputs found

    Caso de estudio: IOI's global challenge: moving up the palm oil value chain

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    El objetivo del presente caso es evaluar a IOI Corporation Berhad, determinando cuantitativamente el nivel de éxito y de competitividad que esta ha tenido durante el periodo entre los años 2012 y 2017. Para esto, se analizó el desempeño del grupo en las áreas de inteligencia de mercados, mercadotecnia internacional, strategic global management, logística de comercio y finanzas internacionales en la industria global de aceite de palma. Para este análisis, se consideraron las características diferenciales de este caso debido al contexto en el que se encuentra la empresa. En primer lugar, IOI es una empresa familiar y debido a esto ha enfrentado estigmatismos que suponen una empresa de esta naturaleza, pero que a pesar de estos se ha mantenido siendo profesional e incluso con un enfoque en diferenciación no usual en empresas de este tipo, sin embargo los riesgos de caer en un nepotismo que brinde pocas eficiencias o el conservadurismo de las cabezas de la empresa siguen latentes. En segundo lugar, esta exitosa empresa ha enfrentado dos crisis en el último quinquenio, viendo afectada su sostenibilidad financiera y dañando su imagen, obligando a IOI a examinar sus estrategias financieras y de comunicación solamente para actuar de manera reactiva, cuando la empresa ya estuvo sumergida en ambas crisis. Por último, y como ya se mencionó, IOI ha invertido bastos recursos en su estrategia de diferenciación, adquiriendo Loders Croklaan para la investigación y desarrollo de nuevos productos y empleo de estos dentro de la industria de aceite de palma, viendo esta estrategia como su estandarte y principal valor agregado frente a una competencia global ciertamente fragmentada. Es por estos motivos que el caso de esta empresa de origen malayo tiene factores diferenciales importantes que se medirán durante este caso para recomendar qué estrategias se deben seguir para continuar con la internacionalización de IOI.The objective of this case is to evaluate IOI Corporation Berhad, determing quantitatively the level of success and competitiveness that it has had during the period between 2012 and 2017. To achieve this, the group's performance was analyzed in the areas of market intelligence, international marketing, Strategy Global Management, international commerce logistics and international finance in the global palm oil industry. For this analysis, the differential characteristics of this case were considered due to the context in which the company is located. In the first place, IOI is a family business and because of this it has faced stigmatisms that suppose a company of this nature, but despite this it has remained professional and focused on differentiation strategies, unusual along this type of companies. However, the risks of falling into a nepotism that provides few efficiencies or the conservatism of company bosses remain latent. Secondly, this successful company has faced two crises in the last five years, affecting its financial sustainability and damaging its image, forcing IOI to examine its financial and communication strategies only to act reactively, when the company was already submerged in these events. Finally, and as already mentioned, IOI has invested vast resources in its differentiation strategy, acquiring Loders Croklaan for research, development of new products and their use within the palm oil industry, seeing this strategy as its most important added value against a global market which is certainly fragmented. It is for these reasons that the case of this company of Malay has important differential factors that will be measured in order to recommend what strategies should be followed to continue the internationalization of IOI

    Herta Nagl-Docekal: Innere Freiheit. Grenzen der nachmetaphysischen Moralkonzeptionen

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    A Review of Herta-Nagl Docekal Book Innere Freiheit. Grenzen der nachmetaphysischen Moralkonzeptionen (Inner Freedom. The Limits of the postmetaphysical moral conceptions), 2014

    Feministische Religionsphilosophie – ein innovatives Projekt

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    Feminist Philosophy of Religion – an innovative Project  This essay seeks to launch a systematic basis for a feminist philosophy of religion. The critical thrust is explained with reference to latent sexism in a great part of the traditional philosophy of religion, with reference to Vatican documents, which are marked by perceptions and observations that have resulted in an attitude of discrimination against women. Furthermore, many theories in the field of feminist theology are flawed by argumentative deficiencies as well. These problem areas warrant a necessity to develop a new approach, which eliminates the reductionist views dominating the current debates, by means of a careful philosophical argument. The article is divided in three parts. It starts by a short exposition of the issues at stak, to explain the philosophical methodology and the concept of feminist philosophy constituting the basis of this essay. Reconstructing central differentiations of Kant's 'Critical Philosophy', it is demonstrated that Kant's most elaborate conception of the human being does provide a sound foundation for dealing with the pressing issues of our time. Thus core elements of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason are examined in light of the question, in which way a philosophical and theological discourse on God may be possible. What can feminist philosophy gain from Kant's moral philosophy as it seeks to discard unfounded or defective theories that result in discrimination against women? The third point leads through central arguments of Kant's philosophy of religion, mainly his theory of "Herzenskündiger”, and provides a survey of Kant's philosophical conception of 'church' (ethical commonwealth), contending that this sophisticated understanding is more in line with feminist concerns than some recent theories of an 'ecclesia of women'