659 research outputs found

    Forecasting with many predictors - Is boosting a viable alternative?

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    This paper evaluates the forecast performance of boosting, a variable selection device, and compares it with the forecast combination schemes and dynamic factor models presented in Stock and Watson (2006). Using the same data set and comparison methodology, we find that boosting is a serious competitor for forecasting US industrial production growth in the short run and that it performs best in the longer run

    Forecasting with many predictors - Is boosting a viable alternative?

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    This paper evaluates the forecast performance of boosting, a variable selection device, and compares it with the forecast combination schemes and dynamic factor models presented in Stock and Watson (2006). Using the same data set and comparison methodology, we find that boosting is a serious competitor for forecasting US industrial production growth in the short run and that it performs best in the longer run.Forecasting; Boosting; Cross-validation

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    Small Satellite Market Observations

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    Since 2008, SpaceWorks has actively monitored global small satellite activities, and annually publishes a summary update to the satellite development and launch communities. SpaceWorks’ 2014 Projection estimated between 140 and 143 nano/microsatellites across all sectors would launch globally in 2014; 158 nano/microsatellites actually launched, representing an increase of nearly 72% compared to 2013 and a growth of over 40% per year since 2009. The data source for this assessment is a subset of the SpaceWorks Satellite Launch Demand Database (LDDB), an extensive collection of all known historical missions, announced future satellite projects, and estimated future commercial missions. This paper presents the latest observations and trends for the nano/microsatellite market based on over 1,100 identifiable satellites currently under development with masses between 1 kilogram and 50 kilograms

    Determinanten institutioneller Vielfalt

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    The paper attempts to assess the validity of competing theories of institutional determinants and change using a sample of both transition countries and non-transition countries. Economic theory explains the determinants of institutions as results of political economy approaches, legal origin theory or culture differences between societies. As dependent institutional variables investor protection, labor market institutions and a composite index of coordination are chosen. In order to allow for different slopes and intercepts of transition countries several interaction terms are included. All variables are able to explain some of the variation across countries, but it seems that for transition countries political and cultural approaches are most applicable

    The Future of Death and Immortality

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    Labor made a bold attempt in the case of Apex Hosiery Company v. Leader to procure a determination by the Supreme Court that labor organizations and their activities are exempt from the Sherman Act. The act, having survived this attack, presumably remains a potential weapon against labor unions. However, the Court by its decision has rejected a theory that the Sherman Act should be expanded on the principles of the Wagner Act decisions, has imposed a new restriction upon its application, and has opened the way for developments which will have substantially the effect of excluding labor unions from its application

    Die Rekonstruktion der digitalen Handlungspraxis Jugendlicher als Theoriegrundlage für eine geschlechterreflexive schulische Medienbildung

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    Ausgangspunkt unserer bildungstheoretischen Überlegungen zum Thema «Informationstechnologie und Medienbildung» sind Ergebnisse unseres Forschungsprojekts «Interneterfahrungen und Habitusformen Jugendlicher unterschiedlicher Schulformen». Die rekonstruktive Jugendstudie auf der Grundlage der «dokumentarischen Methode» zielt darauf, die digitale Handlungspraxis Jugendlicher, insbes. aus Haupt- und Realschulmilieus, schulform- und geschlechtspezifisch zu generieren; d. h. die Untersuchung ist an der Schnittstelle von Jugend- und Schulforschung zu verorten. Ein zentrales Ziel des Forschungsprojekts besteht darin, Erkenntnisse, die über die medialen Orientierungen der Jugendlichen gewonnen werden, in allgemeindidaktische Bildungskonzepte für die Lehreraus- und -fortbildung überzuführen. Im Zentrum des Projekts steht also die bildungs- bzw. professionstheoretische Frage, der auch in unserem Beitrag nachgegangen werden soll, wie eine theoriegestützte schulformbezogene Lehrerbildung aussehen könnte, um Unterricht so zu gestalten, dass Schüler/innen ein (selbst-)reflexives Verhältnis zu den neuen Medien aufbauen können. Hierbei sollen erstens Ergebnisse unseres Projekts kurz dargestellt und auf einen Befund fokussiert werden: die zentrale Bedeutung der digitalen Medien im Leben von Haupt- und Realschüler/innen ausserhalb der Schule und ein daran geknüpfter «digitaler Pseudo-Spezialistenhabitus» von Jungen, insbesondere im Hauptschulbereich. Vor diesem Hintergrund soll zweitens der Kern pädagogischen Handelns genauer beleuchtet und Ansätze eines heuristischen Modells für die Lehreraus- und -fortbildung diskutiert werden, das beansprucht, zu einer geschlechterreflexiven Medienbildung beizutragen