1,371 research outputs found

    Hydrogen sulfide pathway and skeletal muscle: an introductory review.

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    The presence of the H2 S pathway in skeletal muscle (SKM) has recently been established. SKM expresses the three constitutive H2 S-generating enzymes in animals and humans, and it actively produces H2 S. The main, recognized molecular targets of H2 S, that is, potassium channels and PDEs, have been evaluated in SKM physiology in order to hypothesize a role for H2 S signalling. SKM dysfunctions, including muscular dystrophy and malignant hyperthermia, have also been evaluated as conditions in which the H2 S and transsulfuration pathways have been suggested to be involved. The intrinsic complexity of the molecular mechanisms involved in excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling together with the scarcity of preclinical models of SKM-related disorders have hampered any advances in the knowledge of SKM function. Here, we have addressed the role of the H2 S pathway in E-C coupling and the relative importance of cystathionine β-synthase, cistathionine γ-lyase and 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase in SKM diseases

    Biosynthesis of H2S is impaired in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice

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    Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) has been involved in cardiovascular homoeostasis but data about its role in animal models of diabetic pathology are still lacking. Here, we have analysed H2S signalling in a genetic model of diabetes, the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice. NOD mice exhibit a progressive endothelial dysfunction characterized by a reduced reactivity of blood vessels as diabetes develops. NOD mice were divided into three groups according to different glycosuria values: NOD I, NOD II and NOD III. Age-matched non-obese resistant (NOR) mice were used as controls. H(2)S levels in plasma and aortic tissue were measured. Functional studies in aorta were carried out in isolated organ baths using both an exogenous source of H2S (NaHS) and the metabolic precursor (L-cysteine). Real time PCR and western blot analysis were also carried out on aortic tissues. NOD mice exhibited a progressive reduction of H2S plasma levels, which paralleled disease severity. L-cysteine-induced H2S production by aortic tissues was also progressively reduced. L-cysteine-induced vasorelaxation was significantly reduced in NOD mice while NaHS-induced relaxation was unaffected. ODQ (guanylate cyclase inhibitor), L-NAME (NO synthase inhibitor) or PAG, an inhibitor of cystathionine-gamma-lyase (CSE) inhibited H2S production induced by L-cysteine. In NOD mice, endogenous H2S production is significantly impaired. Also, the ability of isolated aorta to respond to exogenous H2S is enhanced and endothelium-derived NO appears to be involved in the enzymatic conversion of L-cysteine into H2S

    Structural and Biological Features of G-Quadruplex Aptamers as Promising Inhibitors of the STAT3 Signaling Pathway

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    : In this paper, we investigate the structural and biological features of G-quadruplex (G4) aptamers as promising antiproliferative compounds affecting the STAT3 signalling pathway. Targeting the STAT3 protein through high-affinity ligands to reduce its levels or activity in cancer has noteworthy therapeutic potential. T40214 (STAT) [(G3C)4] is a G4 aptamer that can influence STAT3 biological outcomes in an efficient manner in several cancer cells. To explore the effects of an extra cytidine in second position and/or of single site-specific replacements of loop residues in generating aptamers that can affect the STAT3 biochemical pathway, a series of STAT and STATB [GCG2(CG3)3C] analogues containing a thymidine residue instead of cytidines was prepared. NMR, CD, UV, and PAGE data suggested that all derivatives adopt dimeric G4 structures like that of unmodified T40214 endowed with higher thermal stability, keeping the resistance in biological environments substantially unchanged, as shown by the nuclease stability assay. The antiproliferative activity of these ODNs was tested on both human prostate (DU145) and breast (MDA-MB-231) cancer cells. All derivatives showed similar antiproliferative activities on both cell lines, revealing a marked inhibition of proliferation, particularly at 72 h at 30 µM. Transcriptomic analysis aimed to evaluate STAT's and STATB's influence on the expression of many genes in MDA-MB-231 cells, suggested their potential involvement in STAT3 pathway modulation, and thus their interference in different biological processes. These data provide new tools to affect an interesting biochemical pathway and to develop novel anticancer and anti-inflammatory drugs

    Role of the small GTPase Rab7 in the late endocytic pathway.

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    Rab7 is a small GTPase localized to the late endosomal compartment. Its function was investigated by overexpressing dominant negative or constitutively active mutants in BHK-21 cells. The effects of such overexpression on the internalization and/or degradation of different endocytic markers and on the morphology of the late endosomal compartment were analyzed. We observed a marked inhibition of the degradation of 125I-low density lipoproteins in cells transfected with the Rab7 dominant negative mutants while the rate of internalization was not affected. Moreover in these cells there was an accumulation of many small vesicles scattered throughout the cytoplasm. In contrast, overexpression of the activating mutants led to the appearance of atypically large endocytic structures and caused a dramatic change in the distribution of the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor. Our data indicate that the Rab7 protein in mammalian cells is present on a late endosomal compartment much larger than the compartment labeled by the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor. Rab7 also appears to play a fundamental role in controlling late endocytic membrane traffic

    Searching for novel hydrogen sulfide donors: The vascular effects of two thiourea derivatives

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    The gasotransmitter hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is involved in the regulation of the vascular tone and an impairment of its endogenous production may play a role in hypertension. Thus, the administration of exogenous H2S may be a possible novel and effective strategy to control blood pressure. Some natural and synthetic sulfur compounds are suitable H2S-donors, exhibiting long-lasting H2S release; however, novel H2S-releasing agents are needed to improve the pharmacological armamentarium for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. For this purpose, N-phenylthiourea (PTU) and N,N'-diphenylthiourea (DPTU) compounds have been investigated as potential H2S-donors. The thioureas showed long-lasting H2S donation in cell free environment and in human aortic smooth muscle cells (HASMCs). In HASMCs, DPTU caused membrane hyperpolarization, mediated by activation of KATP and Kv7 potassium channels. The thiourea derivatives promoted vasodilation in rat aortic rings, which was abolished by KATP and Kv7 blockers. The vasorelaxing effects were also observed in angiotensin II-constricted coronary vessels. In conclusion, thiourea represents an original H2S-donor functional group, which releases H2S with slow and long lasting kinetic, and promotes typical H2S-mediated vascular effects. Such a moiety will be extremely useful for developing original cardiovascular drugs and new chemical tools for investigating the pharmacological roles of H2S

    Hydrogen sulphide is involved in testosterone vascular effect

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    BACKGROUND: Testosterone (T) induces a rapid relaxation in vascular tissues of different species due to a nongenomic effect of this steroid on vessels. Different mechanisms have been proposed to explain T-induced vasodilatation but the effective mechanism(s) and the mediators involved are still a matter of debate. OBJECTIVES: We have evaluated if H(2)S pathway is involved in T vascular effects. DESIGN AND SETTING: Male Wistar rats were sacrificed and thoracic aorta was rapidly dissected and cleaned from fat and connective tissue. Rings of 2-3 mm length were cut and placed in organ baths filled with oxygenated Krebs solution at 37 degrees C and mounted to isometric force transducers. H(2)S determination was performed on thoracic aortic rings incubated with T or vehicle and in presence of inhibitors. H2S concentration was calculated against a calibration curve of NaHS (3-250 microM). Results were expressed as nmoles/mg protein. MEASUREMENTS: Vascular reactivity was evaluated by using isometric transducers. H(2)S determination was performed by using a cystathionine beta-synthetase (CBS) and cystathionine gamma lyase (CSE) activity assay. CSE and CBS protein levels were assessed by Western blot analysis. Statistical analysis was performed by using two-way ANOVA and unpaired Student's t-test where appropriate. RESULTS: T significantly increased conversion of L-cysteine to H(2)S. This effect was significantly reduced by PGG and BCA, two specific inhibitors of CSE. T (10 nM-10 microM) induced a concentration-dependent vasodilatation of rat aortic rings in vitro that was significantly and concentration-dependent inhibited by PGG, BCA, and glybenclamide. Incubation of aorta with T up to 1 h did not change CBS/CSE expression, suggesting that T modulates enzymatic activity. CONCLUSIONS: Here we demonstrate that T vasodilator effect involves H(2)S, a novel gaseous mediator. T modulates H(2)S levels by increasing the enzymatic conversion of L-cysteine to H(2)S

    Protective role of PI3-kinase-Akt-eNOS signalling pathway in intestinal injury associated with splanchnic artery occlusion shock.

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    Background and purpose: Endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) is a dynamic enzyme tightly controlled by co- and post-translational lipid modifications, phosphorylation and regulated by protein-protein interactions. Here we have pharmacologically modulated the activation of eNOS, at different post-translational levels, to assess the role of eNOS-derived NO and of these regulatory mechanisms in intestinal injury associated with splanchnic artery occlusion (SAO) shock. Experimental approach: SAO shock was induced by clamping both the superior mesenteric artery and the celiac trunk for 45 min followed by 30 min of reperfusion. During ischemia, 15 min prior to reperfusion, mice were given geldanamycin, an inhibitor of hsp90 recruitment to eNOS, or LY-294002 an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), an enzyme that initiates Akt-catalysed phosphorylation of eNOS on Ser 1179. After 30 min of reperfusion, samples of ileum were taken for histological examination or for biochemical studies. Key results: Either LY-294002 or geldanamycin reversed the increased activation of eNOS and Akt observed following SAO shock. These molecular effects were mirrored in vivo by an exacerbation of the intestinal damage. Histological damage also correlated with neutrophil infiltration, assessed as myeloperoxidase activity, and with an increased expression of the adhesion proteins: ICAM-I, VCAM, P-selectin and E-selectin. Conclusions and implications: Overall these results suggest that activation of the Akt pathway in ischemic regions of reperfused ileum is a protective event, triggered in order to protect the intestinal tissue from damage induced by ischaemia/reperfusion through a fine tuning of the endothelial NO pathway. © 2007 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved

    Backbone modified TBA analogues endowed with antiproliferative activity

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    Background: Thrombin binding aptamer (TBA) is endowed with antiproliferative properties but its potential development is counteracted by concomitant anticoagulant activity. Methods: Five oligonucleotides (ODNs) based on TBA sequence (GGTTGGTGTGGTTGG) and containing L-residues or both L-residues and inversion of polarity sites have been investigated by NMR and CD techniques for their ability to form G-quadruplex structures. Furthermore, their anticoagulant (PT assay) and antiproliferative properties (MTT assay), and their resistance in fetal bovine serum have been tested. Results: CD and NMR data suggest that investigated ODNs are able to form right- and left-handed G-quadruplex structures. All ODNs do not retain anticoagulant activity characteristic of TBA but are endowed with a significant antiproliferative activity against two cancerous cell lines. Their resistance in biological environment after six days is variable, depending on ODN. Conclusions: A comparison between results and literature data suggests that antiproliferative activity of TBA analogues investigated could depends on two factors: a) biological pathways and targets different from those already identified or proposed for other antiproliferative G-quadruplex aptamers, and b) contribution of the guanine-based degradation products. General significance: Modified TBA analogues containing L-residues and inversion of polarity sites lose the anticoagulant activity but gain antiproliferative properties against two cancer cell lines

    Vascular effects of linagliptin in non-obese diabetic mice are glucose-independent and involve positive modulation of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)/caveolin-1 (CAV-1) pathway

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    Aim: To test the effect of linagliptin in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, a murine model of type 1 diabetes, to unveil a possible direct cardiovascular action of dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitors beyond glycaemia control. Methods: NOD mice were grouped according to glycosuria levels as NODI: none; NODII: high; NODIII: severe. Linagliptin treatment was initiated once they reached NODII levels. Vascular reactivity was assessed ex vivo on aorta harvested from mice upon reaching NODIII level. In a separate set of experiments, the effect of linagliptin was tested directly in vitro on vessels harvested from untreated NODIII, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor knockout and soluble guanylyl cyclase-α1 knockout mice. Molecular and cellular studies were performed on endothelial and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)-transfected cells. Results: In this ex vivo vascular study, endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation was ameliorated and eNOS/nitric oxide (NO)/soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) signalling was enhanced. In the in vitro vascular study, linagliptin exerted a direct vasodilating activity on vessels harvested from both normo- or hyperglycaemic mice. The effect was independent from GLP-1/GLP-1 receptor (GLP-1R) interaction and required eNOS/NO/sGC pathway activation. Molecular studies performed on endothelial cells show that linagliptin rescues eNOS from caveolin-1 (CAV-1)-binding in a calcium-independent manner. Conclusion: Linagliptin, by interfering with the protein-protein interaction CAV-1/eNOS, led to an increased eNOS availability, thus enhancing NO production. This mechanism accounts for the vascular effect of linagliptin that is independent from glucose control and GLP-1/GLP-1R interaction

    Thioglycine and l-thiovaline: biologically active H2S-donors.

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    Thioglycine and l-thiovaline are stable under acidic and basic conditions but in the presence of bicarbonate they liberate the gasotransmitter H(2)S. In cells both thioamino acids were proven to enhance cGMP formation and promote vasorelaxation in mouse aortic rings. Given that H(2)S is known to lower arterial hypertension, reduce oxidative stress and exhibit cardioprotective effects in preclinical models, H(2)S donors hold promise as novel treatments for cardiovascular disease
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