52 research outputs found

    Hrvatska poezija Marka Marulića na engleskom u svjetlu teorije prevođenja Umberta Eca

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    Marko Marulić nije bio baš najbolje sreće kad je riječ o prijevodima njegove hrvatske poezije na engleski. Od njegovih poema do danas je u potpunosti prevedena samo Judita, dok druga vrijedna pjesnička djela ostaju neprevedena. To je dosta paradoksalno kad se zna da su za Marulićeva života, pa i kasnije, njegova djela bila poznata u Engleskoj i u drugim europskim zemljama. Valja napomenuti i to da se u svojoj bogatoj tradiciji engleski ponosi time što na njemu svaka generacija priređuje nove prijevode klasičnih i starih književnih djela. Iako se općenito može reći da je ono malo Marulićevih djela dobro prevedeno, valja pomišljati na nove pothvate, kako bi se Marulić učinio privlačnim i zanimljivim za modernog čitatelja. Teorija prevođenja Umberta Eca, kako ju je razradio u svojoj nedavno objavljenoj knjizi Experiences in Translation (Toronto, 2001), pruža prevoditeljima - a tu se svakako misli i na moguće prevoditelje Marulićevih djela - metodološke temelje i praktičan vodič u sučeljavanju s izazovima toga složenog zadatka. Prema Ecu, prevođenje je vrsta roda (genus) interpretacije, kojim upravljaju načela svojstvena prevođenju. Taj se “semiotički zadatak” ne odnosi na usporedbu dvaju jezika, nego na interpretiranje teksta u dvama jezicima, uvodeći tako zamjenu među kulturama. Eco povlači razliku između prijevoda usmjerena na jezik s kojega se prevodi i na jezik na koji se prevodi (takvi se prijevodi također imenuju kao “denotativni” i “konotativni” prijevodi), dajući prednost drugomu, a u isto vrijeme tražeći od prevoditelja da se povodi za “smislom” originalnog teksta. Kako bi u tomu procesu sačuvao “duboki smisao” originalnog teksta ili priče, prevoditelju je dopušteno mijenjati površinski tekst. Iako je usredotočen na raščlambu odabranih dijelova iz Marulićeva opusa na engleskom u svjetlu Ecove metodologije i uputı, ovaj rad nastoji k tomu pokazati kako pozornošću i senzibilitetom prema geniju jezika na koji se prevodi čitanje Marulićeve poezije iz 16. stoljeća može nadići granice povijesne znatiželje te pokazati profinjenost složena pjesničkog diskursa i estetskog uspona

    Hrvatska poezija Marka Marulića na engleskom u svjetlu teorije prevođenja Umberta Eca

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    Marko Marulić nije bio baš najbolje sreće kad je riječ o prijevodima njegove hrvatske poezije na engleski. Od njegovih poema do danas je u potpunosti prevedena samo Judita, dok druga vrijedna pjesnička djela ostaju neprevedena. To je dosta paradoksalno kad se zna da su za Marulićeva života, pa i kasnije, njegova djela bila poznata u Engleskoj i u drugim europskim zemljama. Valja napomenuti i to da se u svojoj bogatoj tradiciji engleski ponosi time što na njemu svaka generacija priređuje nove prijevode klasičnih i starih književnih djela. Iako se općenito može reći da je ono malo Marulićevih djela dobro prevedeno, valja pomišljati na nove pothvate, kako bi se Marulić učinio privlačnim i zanimljivim za modernog čitatelja. Teorija prevođenja Umberta Eca, kako ju je razradio u svojoj nedavno objavljenoj knjizi Experiences in Translation (Toronto, 2001), pruža prevoditeljima - a tu se svakako misli i na moguće prevoditelje Marulićevih djela - metodološke temelje i praktičan vodič u sučeljavanju s izazovima toga složenog zadatka. Prema Ecu, prevođenje je vrsta roda (genus) interpretacije, kojim upravljaju načela svojstvena prevođenju. Taj se “semiotički zadatak” ne odnosi na usporedbu dvaju jezika, nego na interpretiranje teksta u dvama jezicima, uvodeći tako zamjenu među kulturama. Eco povlači razliku između prijevoda usmjerena na jezik s kojega se prevodi i na jezik na koji se prevodi (takvi se prijevodi također imenuju kao “denotativni” i “konotativni” prijevodi), dajući prednost drugomu, a u isto vrijeme tražeći od prevoditelja da se povodi za “smislom” originalnog teksta. Kako bi u tomu procesu sačuvao “duboki smisao” originalnog teksta ili priče, prevoditelju je dopušteno mijenjati površinski tekst. Iako je usredotočen na raščlambu odabranih dijelova iz Marulićeva opusa na engleskom u svjetlu Ecove metodologije i uputı, ovaj rad nastoji k tomu pokazati kako pozornošću i senzibilitetom prema geniju jezika na koji se prevodi čitanje Marulićeve poezije iz 16. stoljeća može nadići granice povijesne znatiželje te pokazati profinjenost složena pjesničkog diskursa i estetskog uspona


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    Renesansa prema Istoku: slijepa mrlja ili opravdano zanemarivanje hrvatske i istočnoeuropske (slavenske) renesanse u zapadnjačkom proučavanju?

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    This paper examines why Renaissance scholarship in the West pays only passing attention to the developments south of Venice and east of Nuremberg–Leipzig–Wittenberg on the example of recently published reference books and books on reading and printing in the Renaissance: Paul F. Grendler’s Encyclopedia of the Renaissance (1999); The Oxford Companion to the Book (2009); Andrew Pettegree’s The Book in the Renaissance (2010); Guglielmo Cavallo’s & Roger Chartier’s A History of Reading in the West (1999); and Jean-François Gilmont’s The Reformation and the Book (1996). While a rich body of literature on the Renaissance exists in the areas peripheral to the mainstream (Croatia, Bohemia, Poland, Hungary), there is little evidence of any dovetailing of research in the West into areas beyond its traditional boundaries. This gives rise to questions: Is there a blind spot in Western scholarship when it comes to the Renaissance to the east? Can the disregard be explained or justified? Obstacles to a more inclusive scholarship are examined and opportunities for a greater integration of research are explored.U ovom se radu – na primjeru nekoliko nedavno objavljenih priručnika te knjiga o čitanju i tiskanju u doba renesanse (Paul F. Grendler, Encyclopedia of the Renaissance, 1999; The Oxford Companion to the Book, 2009; Andrew Pettegree, The Book in the Renaissance, 2010; Guglielmo Cavallo & Roger Chartier, A History of Reading in the West, 1999; Jean-François Gilmont, The Reformation and the Book, 1996) – istražuje zašto se u tim studijama tek usputna pažnja posvećuje zbivanjima južno od Venecije i istočno od crte Nürnberg–Leipzig–Wittenberg. Dok na perifernim područjima (Hrvatska, Češka, Poljska, Mađarska), postoji bogata literatura o renesansi, studije nastale u zapadnim zemljama rijetko zalaze u prostor koji nije obuhvaćen tradicionalnim granicama. U takvoj se situaciji na-meću pitanja: postoji li slijepa mrlja u zapadnjačkom proučavanju kad je posrijedi istočnoeuropska renesansa? Je li to očito zanemarivanje objašnjivo, pa možda čak i opravdano? U radu se ispituju zapreke obuhvatnijem proučavanju te se nudi nekoliko primjera za potpuniju integraciju u proučavanju renesanse s obje strane uvriježenih podjela

    Characterization of complexes with hemilable ligands in different oxidation states

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    Es gelang die Synthese von neuen hemilabilen DAB-Liganden des Typs ENNE (DABEMe, E = O (1), N (2), S (3)), wie auch die Synthese entsprechender Cu+-, Cu2+-, Zn2+-, Ag+-, Co2+- und Co3+-Komplexe. Der erste Teil (Kapitel 2) befasst sich mit der Synthese von Komplexen dieser Liganden mit d10-Metallionen (Zn2+, Ag+) und insbesondere mit dem Cu+/Cu2+-Redoxsystem. Bei der Synthese der Cu+-Komplexe mit den Liganden DABSMe und DABSeMe wurden 1:1-Verbindungen erhalten, wohingegen auf Grund der schwachen Koordination der Etherfunktion 2:1-Komplexe (Ligand:Metall) mit dem Liganden DABOMe gebildet wurden. Die synthetisierten Komplexe wurden sowohl strukturell und elektrochemisch als auch spektroskopisch untersucht. Alle Cyclovoltammogramme zeigen eine quasireversible Oxidation, in der Reduktion unterscheiden sich der Komplex [Cu(DABOMe)2]+ von [CuDABSMe]+ und [CuDABSeMe]+. Somit konnte gezeigt werden, dass in den Komplexen [CuDABSMe]+ und [CuDABSeMe]+ die Reorganisationsenergie (Kristallstrukturen, Diederwinkel in Cu+-Komplexen) relativ gering ist. Außerdem konnte der hemilabile Charakter der Etherfunktion im Cu+/Cu2+-Redoxsystem ([Cu(DABOMe)2]n) durch die Einkristallstrukturanalyse belegt werden. Zum strukturellen Vergleich wurden die Liganden mit den Metallen Zn2+ und Ag+ in entsprechenden Verhältnissen umgesetzt. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden Cobaltchloridkomplexe mit den neuen Liganden des Typs DABEMe synthetisiert. Die drei Co2+-Komplexe [CoCl2DABOMe] (12), [CoCl2DABSMe] (13) und [CoCl2DABSeMe] (14) wurden dargestellt. SQUID-Messungen ergaben effektive magnetische Momente von 4.2-5.2 was auf das Vorliegen von Co2+ im „high-spin“ Zustand hinweist. Durch Einkristallstrukturanalyse konnte gezeigt werden, dass in allen Co2+-Komplexen die Koordinationsgeometrie ein zweifach überkappter, verzerrter Tetraeder ist. Die oxidierten Komplexe [CoCl2DABSMe]+ und [CoCl2DABSeMe]+ konnten ebenfalls mittels Einkristallstrukturanalyse untersucht werden. Diese zeigen eine oktaedrische Koordinationssphäre wie sie für Co3+ (d6, l.s.) erwartet wird. Es konnte belegt werden, dass durch die zusätzliche Koordination der Thioether- und Selenoetherfunktionen einerseits die Koordinationssphäre verändert wird und andererseits mehr Elektronendichte zum Co2+-Zentrum geschoben wird, so dass eine chemisch reversible Oxidation des Co2+-Zentrums unter starker Veränderung der Koordinationssphäre ermöglicht wird. Die Synthese und Charakterisierung von Ruthenium- und Osmium-Aren-Amidophenolat-Komplexen war Bestandteil des dritten Teils dieser Arbeit. Zum Einen wurden hemilabile Amidophenolat-Liganden mit Ether-, Thioether- und Selenoetherfunktion verwendet, zum Anderen nicht hemilabile Liganden die sich in sterischen und elektronischen Eigenschaften unterscheiden. Die kristallographisch charakterisierten Komplexe [RuCymQSMe] / [RuCymQSMe]+ und [RuCymQSeMe] / [RuCymQSeMe]+ zeigen ein ähnliches elektrochemisches Verhalten wie der zuvor beschriebene Iridium-Komplex [IrCp*QSMe] es läuft eine reversible oxidative Addition mit einer intramolekularen Anlagerung der Thioether- bzw. Selenoetherfunktion ab. Mittels Cyclovoltammetrie, der Simulation der Cyclovoltammogramme und der UV-Vis-Spektroelektrochemie konnte gezeigt werden dass die „geschlossene“ Form B die bevorzugte Konformation für die monokationischen Komplexe ist und die „offene“ Form für die neutralen Komplexe bevorzugt wird. Die TD-DFT-Berechnungen zeigen, dass die Spindichte nicht ausschließlich ligandenbasiert ist, sondern auch Metallanteile besitzt. Dies bedeutet, dass schon ein geringer Spintransfer vom Liganden zum Metall ausreicht um eine Koordinationsänderung am Metall hervorzurufen. Im Gegensatz zu den von Ringenberg et al. synthetisierten [IrIIICp*Qt-Bu] ist die katalytische Aktivität gegenüber der Wasserstoffspaltung nur sehr schwach vorhanden.The syntheses of new hemilabile DAB ligands of the type ENNE (DABEMe, E = O (1), N (2), S (3)) as well as the preparation of the corresponding Cu+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Ag+, Co2+ and Co3+ complexes is reported here in. Chapter 2 covers the synthesis of complexes containing ligands mentioned above with d10 metal ions (Zn2+, Ag+) and with the Cu+/Cu2+ redox system. The synthesis of the Cu+ complexes with the ligands DABSMe and DABSeMe result in the formation of 1:1 compounds, while due to the proposed weaker coordination of the ether function 2:1 complexes (ligand:metal) were formed with the ligand DABOMe. The resulting complexes were characterized structurally, electrochemically as well as spectroscopically. Crystal structure were obtained for the Cu+ complexes [Cu(DABOMe)2]+, [CuDABSMe]+ and [CuDABSeMe]+ the coordination sphere as tetrahedrally distorted. The coordination spheres of the Cu2+ complexes [CuDABSMe]2+ and [CuDABSeMe]2+ can be described as pyramidal. The complex [Cu(DABOMe)2]2+ had coordination numbers of seven or eight in the crystal structure, in addition to the imine nitrogen atoms, the ether functions coordinated weakly. All cyclic voltammograms (CVs) show a quasireversible oxidation, only in the reduction process complex [Cu(DABOMe)2]+ differs from [CuDABSMe]+ and [CuDABSeMe]+. In order to compare the structures of the complexes, the ligands were reacted with Zn2+ and Ag+ in corresponding ratios. The second part of this thesis, cobalt chloride complexes with the new DABEMe type ligands were synthesized. The three Co2+ complexes [CoCl2DABOMe], [CoCl2DABSMe] and [CoCl2DABSeMe] were obtained in pure form, and single crystals were used for X-ray diffraction. SQUID measurements gave effective magnetic moments of 4.2-5.2 all three complexes (12-14), indicating the presence of „high-spin“ (h.s.) Co2+. Single crystal analysis showed the coordination geometry of a doubly capped distorted tetrahedron in all Co2+ complexes, with imine nitrogen atoms and chloride ions at the peaks of the tetrahedron, and ether, thioether or selenoether functions capped two sides each. The oxidized complexes [CoCl2DABSMe]+ and [CoCl2DABSeMe]+ could be characterized by x-ray diffraction. These structures contain an octahedral coordination sphere for Co3+ (d6, l.s.) as one might expect. The synthesis and characterization of ruthenium and osmium areneamidophenolate complexes make up the third part of this thesis. Hemilabile amidophenolate ligands with ether, thioether- and selenoether functions were used and compared to non-hemilabile ligands with different steric as well as electronic properties.The by crystal structure characterized complexes [RuCymQSMe]/ [RuCymQSMe]+ and [RuCymQSeMe]/ [RuCymQSeMe]+ show a similar electrochemical behavior as the iridium complex [IrCp*QSMe]described before, a reversible oxidative addition was combined with an intramolecular coordination of the thioether or selenoether function. Using cyclic voltammetry, a simulation of the CVs obtained and UV-Vis spectroelectrochemistry it was shown that the oxidation of [RuCymQOMe] and the analogous osmium complexes [OsCymQSMe] and [OsCymQSeMe] proceeds by the mechanism depicted. The equilibrium constants from the CV simulations as well as DFT calculations resulted in the "closed" Form B with increased coordination number at the metal as the preferred configuration for the monocationic compounds. TD-DFT calculations show that the spin density was not exclusively ligand based but also has contributions from the metal. Thus a small transfer of spin from the ligand to the metal is sufficient to effect a change of coordination at the metal. In contrast to the compounds [IrIIICp*Qt-Bu] synthesized by Ringenberg et al., a catalytic activity regarding cleavage of dihydrogen was present only to a weak extend


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    The title complex, [Cu4I4(C12H27P)4], crystallizes with six molecules in the unit cell and with three independent one-third molecule fragments, completed by application of the relevant symmetry operators, in the asymmetric unit. The tetranuclear copper core shows a tetrahedral geometry (site symmetry 3..). The I atoms also form a tetrahedron, with I...I distances of 4.471 (1) Å. Both tetrahedra show an orientation similar to that of a pair of self-dual platonic bodies. The edges of the I-tetrahedral structure are capped to the face centers of the Cu-tetrahedron and vice versa. The Cuface...I distances are 2.18 Å (averaged) and the Iface...Cu distances are 0.78 Å (averaged). As a geometric consequence of these properties there are eight distorted trigonal–bipyramidal polyhedra evident, wherein each trigonal face builds up the equatorial site and the opposite Cu...I positions form the axial site. As expected, the n-butyl moieties are highly flexible, resulting in large elongations of their anisotropic displacement parameters. Some C atoms of the n-butyl groups were needed to fix alternative discrete disordered positions

    Formation of Novel T‑Shaped NNN Ligands via Rare-Earth Metal-Mediated Si–H Activation

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    Reactions of silylamides [Ln­{N­(SiHMe<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>}<sub>3</sub>(thf)<sub>2</sub>] with sterically crowded terphenylamine DmpNH<sub>2</sub> (Dmp = 2,6-Mes<sub>2</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>3</sub> with Mes = 2,4,6-Me<sub>3</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>2</sub>) afforded via a template reaction the formation of a new tridentate ligand, and derived complexes of composition [LnN­{SiMe<sub>2</sub>N­(Dmp)}<sub>2</sub>] (Ln = Ce, Pr) were obtained. Usage of the even more bulky amine Ar*NH<sub>2</sub> (Ar* = 2,6-Trip<sub>2</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>3</sub> with Trip = 2,4,6-<i>i</i>Pr<sub>3</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>2</sub>) yielded the free protonated ligand NH­{SiMe<sub>2</sub>NH­(Ar*)}<sub>2</sub>