26 research outputs found

    Influence of fertilization rate on the quality of the root vegetables yield

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    Tyrimai atlikti 2009 metais LŽŪU Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės katedros mokomajame darže Ringaudų kaime (Kauno raj.). Darbo tikslas – įvertinti tręšimo normų įtaką šakniavaisinių daržovių bendram ir standartiniam derliui. Tyrimams pasirinktos šios šakniavaisinės daržovės: morkos, petražolės, pastarnokai. Šakniavaisinės daržovės buvo tręšiamos skirtingomis kompleksinių trąšų normomis: 50 ml 10 l-1; 70 ml 10 l-1 ir 90 ml 10 l-1. Nustatyti šakniavaisių kokybės rodikliai, standartiniais metodais nustatyta daržovių cheminė sudėtis. Tyrimų duomenys įvertinti dispersinės analizės metodu (ANOVA) naudojant kompiuterinę programą SELEKCIJA (Sakalauskas, 2003). Tyrimais nustatyta, kad šakniavaisinių daržovių tręšimas skirtingomis trąšų normomis neturėjo esminės įtakos šakniavaisių derliui, biometriniams rodikliams bei cheminei sudėčiai. Reikšminiai žodžiai: šakniavaisinės daržovės, derlius, tręšimas, cheminė sudėtisIn the 2009 year at Lithuanian University of Agriculture there was performed laboratory research on how fertilization rate influence on quality of the root vegetables yield. Research was executed with the root vegetables: carrot , parsnip, parley. After harvest average sample of the root vegetables were collected and re – counted to t ha-1 . There were determinate efficient index of the root vegetables, the chemical composition were carried out using standard methods. Research data statistically processed by method of (ANOVA) using computer program SELEKCIJA. The investigate showed that application of different fertilization rate did not have any significant effect on the root vegetables yield, efficient index and chemical composition. Key words: root vegetables yield, fertelizing, chemical composition.Žemės ūkio akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Analysis of mobile application functionality reuse

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    Mobile applications developers often face challenge to provide as similar as possible user experience to users of both Android and iOS operating systems. One of currently existing solutions is React Native framework, which lightens this process by reusing code between platforms. However, hence sacrification of positive user experience when comparing React Native applications with native ones is inevitable. To reduce detriment, React Native team presents New Architecture based on JavaScript Interface (JSI), which should not only ensure more stable and performant applications, but also improve developer experience. This paper compares TurboModules and Fabric renderer with native modules and user experience before the re-architecture. To evaluate its advantages and disadvantages, a test application was developed, and performance assessments were conducted, while also specifying migration to the New Architecture characteristics. Results of this paper indicate that the New Architecture of React Native is superior to making communication between native and React Native through bridge, however it takes additional developer effort and challenges might be encountered to take full advantage of JSI

    Trąšų normų įtaka šakniavaisių daržovių derliaus kokybei

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Zoobentoso bendrijos Baltijos jūros priekrantės zonoje (Nidos–Juodkrantės akvatorija)

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    While studying regularities of the distribution of bioceonoses of the sea ground fauna, the abundance of animals and the amount of biomass, a direct connection can be noticed with the granulometric composition of bottom sediments and the depth. Coarser sediments of the bottom make optimum conditions for the development of zoobenthos. With the sediments getting finer and the depth decreasing, the biomass of some zoobenthic organisms also decreases (e. g., Macoma baltica), but the abundance of polychaetes (Pygospio elegans) notably increases. In the Nida-Juodkrantė water area where the bottom is vcovered with fine and intermediate sand, the dominant are the Pygospio elegans-Macoma baltica- Mesidotea entomon biocoenoses which are very important as a food resource for benthophagous fish, especially cod. This work offers an analysis of background data on macrozoobenthic communities at different depths of the Nida–Juodkrantė water area (the economic zone of the Republic of Lithuania)

    Zoobentoso bendrijos Baltijos jūros priekrantės zonoje (Nidos–Juodkrantės akvatorija)

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    While studying regularities of the distribution of bioceonoses of the sea ground fauna, the abundance of animals and the amount of biomass, a direct connection can be noticed with the granulometric composition of bottom sediments and the depth. Coarser sediments of the bottom make optimum conditions for the development of zoobenthos. With the sediments getting finer and the depth decreasing, the biomass of some zoobenthic organisms also decreases (e. g., Macoma baltica), but the abundance of polychaetes (Pygospio elegans) notably increases. In the Nida-Juodkrantė water area where the bottom is vcovered with fine and intermediate sand, the dominant are the Pygospio elegans-Macoma baltica- Mesidotea entomon biocoenoses which are very important as a food resource for benthophagous fish, especially cod. This work offers an analysis of background data on macrozoobenthic communities at different depths of the Nida–Juodkrantė water area (the economic zone of the Republic of Lithuania)