59 research outputs found

    Multiyear modeling and measuring of carbon dioxide and methane exchange at a poor fen

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    We have made CO_2 and CH_4 flux measurements with manual chambers at Sallie`s Fen, NH, USA at weekly to monthly intervals over the past decade. We have also made quasi-continuous CO_2 flux measurements with an automated chamber flux system for the past three years. Additional ancillary data (temperature, water table depth, incoming radiation, and precipitation) have also been regularly recorded for the past decade. We also ran the PCARS peatland ecosystem model to simulate daily CO_2 and CH_4 exchange for 1997 through 2001. We compare model results to observations, and evaluate interannual variability in CO_2 and CH_4 budgets. Preliminary simulations show annual methane flux varied by about 20% around a 5-year mean of 75 g CH_4-C m-2 yr-1. Net C uptake by the fen varied from 50-150 g C m-2 yr-1. Using a 100-year global warming potential (GWP) of 1 for CO_2 and 23 for CH_4, the simulated annual GWP of the fen is -650 g CO_2-equiv m-2 yr-1 for CO_2, +2300 g CO_2-equiv m-2 yr-1 for CH_4, and a net value of +1650 g CO_2-equiv m-2 yr-1

    Net ecosystem productivity and its uncertainty in a diverse boreal peatland

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    Net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 was measured in four peatlands along plant community, hydrologic, and water chemistry gradients from bog to rich fen in a diverse peatland complex near Thompson, Manitoba, as part of the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS). A simple model for estimating growing season net ecosystem productivity (NEP) using continuous measurements of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and peat temperature was constructed with weekly chamber measurements of NEE from May to October 1996. The model explained 79–83% of the variation in NEE across the four sites. Model estimation and parameter uncertainty calculations were performed using nonlinear regression analyses with a maximum likelihood objective function. The model underestimated maximum NEE and respiration during the midseason when the standard errors for each parameter were greatest. On a daily basis, uncertainty in the midday NEE simulation was higher than at night. Although the magnitude of both photosynthesis and respiration rates followed the trophic gradient bog less than poor fen less than intermediate fen less than rich fen, NEP did not follow the same pattern. NEP in the bog and rich fen was close to zero, while the poor and intermediate fens had higher NEP due to a greater imbalance between uptake and release of CO2. Although all sites had a positive growing season NEP, upper and lower 95% confidence limits showed that the bog and rich fen were either a source or sink of CO2 to the atmosphere, while the sedge-dominated poor and intermediate fens were accumulating approximately 20–100 g CO2 C m−2over the 5 month period in 1996. Peatland ecosystems may switch from a net sink to a source of carbon on short timescales with small changes in soil temperature or water table position. Since the difference between production and decomposition is small, it is important to understand and quantify the magnitude of uncertainty in these measurements in order to predict the effect of climatic change on peatland carbon exchange

    Effect of Carex rostrata on seasonal and interannual variability in peatland methane emissions

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    Peatlands are a large natural source of atmospheric methane (CH4), and the sedge Carex rostrata plays a critical role in the production, oxidation, and transport of CH4 in these systems. This 4 year clipping experiment examined the changes in CH4 emissions from a temperate peatland after removing all aboveground C. rostrata biomass. Methane fluxes, dissolved CH4, and environmental variables were measured during spring, summer, and fall from 2008 to 2011. Clipping and removing the C. rostrata leaves and stems caused an immediate decrease in CH4 emissions that persisted over 4 years of this study. There was a strong seasonal trend in CH4 flux, with the largest treatment effects occurring during the fall months when the sedges were senescing. As expected, there was a strong positive correlation between C. rostrata green-leaf area and CH4 flux, implying that the presence of C. rostrata increases CH4 emissions from this peatland. Large interannual variability in vegetation distribution and biomass, water table depth, and temperature was observed in this study, indicating the importance of multiyear studies for understanding the interactions among these factors to determine how they could be incorporated into biogeochemical models to predict CH4 emissions under changing environmental conditions

    Timescale dependence of environmental and plant‐mediated controls on CH4 flux in a temperate fen

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    This study examined daily, seasonal, and interannual variations in CH4 emissions at a temperate peatland over a 5‐year period. We measured net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE), CH4 flux, water table depth, peat temperature, and meteorological parameters weekly from the summers (1 May to 31 August) of 2000 through 2004 at Sallie\u27s Fen in southeastern New Hampshire, United States. Significant interannual differences, driven by high variability of large individual CH4 fluxes (ranging from 8.7 to 3833.1 mg CH4 m−2 d−1) occurring in the late summer, corresponded with a decline in water table level and an increase in air and peat temperature. Monthly timescale yielded the strongest correlations between CH4 fluxes and peat and air temperature (r2 = 0.78 and 0.74, respectively) and water table depth (WTD) (r2 = 0.53). Compared to daily and seasonal timescales, the monthly timescale was the best timescale to predict CH4 fluxes using a stepwise multiple regression (r2 = 0.81). Species composition affected relationships between CH4 fluxes and measures of plant productivity, with sedge collars showing the strongest relationships between CH4 flux, water table, and temperature. Air temperature was the only variable that was strongly correlated with CH4 flux at all timescales, while WTD had either a positive or negative correlation depending on timescale and vegetation type. The timescale dependence of controls on CH4 fluxes has important implications for modeling

    Modeling peatland carbon dynamics on decadal to millennial time scales

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    Interannual, seasonal, and diel variation in soil respiration relative to ecosystem respiration at a wetland to upland slope at Harvard Forest

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    Soil carbon dioxide efflux (soil respiration, SR) was measured with eight autochambers at two locations along a wetland to upland slope at Harvard Forest over a 4 year period, 2003–2007. SR was consistently higher in the upland plots than at the wetland margin during the late summer/early fall. Seasonal and diel hystereses with respect to soil temperatures were of sufficient magnitude to prevent quantification of the influence of soil moisture, although apparent short‐term responses of SR to precipitation occurred. Calculations of annual cumulative SR illustrated a decreasing trend in SR over the 5 year period, which were correlated with decreasing springtime mean soil temperatures. Spring soil temperatures decreased despite rising air temperatures over the same period, possibly as an effect of earlier leaf expansion and shading. The synchronous decrease in spring soil temperatures and SR during regional warming of air temperatures may represent a negative feedback on a warming climate by reducing CO2 production from soils. SR reached a maximum later in the year than total ecosystem respiration (ER) measured at a nearby eddy covariance flux tower, and the seasonality of their temperature response patterns were roughly opposite. SR, particularly in the upland, exceeded ER in the late summer/early fall in each year, suggesting that areas of lower efflux such as the wetland may be significant in the flux tower footprint or that long‐term bias in either estimate may create a mismatch. Annual estimates of ER decreased over the same period and were highly correlated with SR

    A new model of Holocene peatland net primary production, decomposition, water balance, and peat accumulation

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    Peatland carbon and water cycling are tightly coupled, so dynamic modeling of peat accumulation over decades to millennia should account for carbon-water feedbacks. We present initial results from a new simulation model of long-term peat accumulation, evaluated at a wellstudied temperate bog in Ontario, Canada. The Holocene Peat Model (HPM) determines vegetation community composition dynamics and annual net primary productivity based on peat depth (as a proxy for nutrients and acidity) and water table depth. Annual peat (carbon) accumulation is the net balance above- and below-ground productivity and litter/peat decomposition – a function of peat hydrology (controlling depth to and degree of anoxia). Peat bulk density is simulated as a function of degree of humification, and affects the water balance through its influence on both the growth rate of the peat column and on peat hydraulic conductivity and the capacity to shed water. HPM output includes both time series of annual carbon and water fluxes, peat height, and water table depth, as well as a final peat profile that can be “cored” and compared to field observations of peat age and macrofossil composition. A stochastic 8500-yr, annual precipitation time series was constrained by a published Holocene climate reconstruction for southern Quebec. HPM simulated 5.4 m of ´ peat accumulation (310 kg C m−2 ) over 8500 years, 6.5% of total NPP over the period. Vascular plant functional types accounted for 65% of total NPP over 8500 years but only 35% of the final (contemporary) peat mass. Simulated age-depth and carbon accumulation profiles were compared to a radiocarbon dated 5.8 m, c.9000-yr core. The simulated core was younger than observations at most depths, but had a similar overall trajectory; carbon accumulation rates were generally higher in the simulation and were somewhat more variable than observations. HPM results were sensitive to centuryscale anomalies in precipitation, with extended drier periods (precipitation reduced ∼10%) causing the peat profile to lose carbon (and height), despite relatively small changes in NP

    Evidence for elevated emissions from high-latitude wetlands contributing to high atmospheric CH4 concentration in the early Holocene

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    The major increase in atmospheric methane (CH4) concentration during the last glacial-interglacial transition provides a useful example for understanding the interactions and feedbacks among Earth\u27s climate, biosphere carbon cycling, and atmospheric chemistry. However, the causes of CH4 doubling during the last deglaciation are still uncertain and debated. Although the ice-core data consistently suggest a dominant contribution from northern high-latitude wetlands in the early Holocene, identifying the actual sources from the ground-based data has been elusive. Here we present data syntheses and a case study from Alaska to demonstrate the importance of northern wetlands in contributing to high atmospheric CH4concentration in the early Holocene. Our data indicate that new peatland formation as well as peat accumulation in northern high-latitude regions increased more than threefold in the early Holocene in response to climate warming and the availability of new habitat as a result of deglaciation. Furthermore, we show that marshes and wet fens that represent early stages of wetland succession were likely more widespread in the early Holocene. These wetlands are associated with high CH4 emissions due to high primary productivity and the presence of emergent plant species that facilitate CH4 transport to the atmosphere. We argue that early wetland succession and rapid peat accumulation and expansion (not simply initiation) contributed to high CH4 emissions from northern regions, potentially contributing to the sharp rise in atmospheric CH4 at the onset of the Holocene
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