791 research outputs found

    Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers in the studies of rare events (phenomena) in particle physics and astrophysics

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    W ciagu kilku ostatnich dekad, neutrinowa społecznosc naukowa, wykazała olbrzymie zainteresowanie wykorzystaniem techniki ciekłoargonowej i ciekłoargonowymi komorami projekcji czasu (LAr-TPC) do badania rzadkich zdarzen (np. oddziaływanie neutrin czy WIMPów). Działanie ciekłoargonowych komór projekcji czasu polega na pomiarze sladów naładowanych czastek oddziałujacych w ciekłym argonie, pomiarze strat energii w wyniku jonizacji osrodka (dE/dx) oraz identyfikacji oddziałujacych i powstałych czastek. W pracy tej przedstawiona została technika ciekłoargonowa, zalety i wady róznych koncepcji detektora ciekłoargonowego, ich konstrukcja i zasada działania, przykłady mozliwych zastosowan i wyniki jakie mozna osiagnac stosujac ciekłoargonowa komore projekcji czasu. To ostatnie pokazane jest na przykładzie najwiekszego zbudowanego do tej pory ciekłoargonowego detektora projekcji czasu: ICARUSa T600 (760 t LAr, 476 t czynnej masy). Detektor ICARUS T600 z powodzeniem pracował w podziemnym laboratorium w Gran Sasso we Włoszech (LNGS - Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso [1]) od 2010 do 2013 roku. Podczas jego eksploatacji zebrano dane bedace wynikiem oddziaływania, w ciekłym argonie, neutrin wyprodukowanych w osrodku CERN i przesłanych do Gran Sasso (wiazka CNGS [2]). Przeprowadzono takze badania oddziaływan neutrin atmosferycznych. Doskonała rozdzielczosc kalorymetryczna i rekonstrukcyjna detektora pozwoliła na szeroki program badawczy, od rozpadu nukleonu do badania oscylacji neutrin z wiazki CNGS. Wsród badan przeprowadzonych z wykorzystaniem wiazki neutrin mozemy wyróznic trzy główne: (1) weryfikacja zjawiska nadswietlnosci neutrin sugerowanej przez eksperyment OPERA [4], (2) dokładne badanie znikania neutrin mionowych oraz (3) anomalne pojawianie sie neutrin elektronowych. Celem tego ostatniego była eksperymentalna weryfikacja lub wykluczenie nieprawidłowosci w liczbie obserwowanych neutrin elektronowych, sugerowany przez eksperyment LSND [3]. W pracy zostały takze opisane rózne aspekty zwiazane z praca detektora ICARUS T600, poczawszy od zastosowania ciekłego argonu jako medium w którym oddziałuja czastki, przez osiagniecia z zakresu fizyki, do przyszłosci detektora w osrodku Fermilab National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL [5]) i jego udział w programie badawczym z krótka baza (SBN [6])

    The Perception of Utah Division of Wildlife Resource’s Law Enforcement by Local, County and Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies

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    Like most states throughout the nation, Utah’s population has continually grown since settlement. In 2014 Utah’s population was estimated at 2.95 million and between 2015-2016 Utah had the highest percentage growth rate of any state in the nation. This profound amount of growth can be attributed to many factors that are unique to Utah; two of which are the aesthetic and recreational opportunities available to Utah residents. Due to population growth and urban sprawl, areas commonly patrolled by Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) conservation officers are now located closer to urban populations. Previously rural or backcountry areas are seeing increases in recreational use by the residents of newly developed and expanding communities. Because of the increased use, conservation officers are encountering and performing “traditional police work” (drug enforcement, domestic violence issues, property theft, DUI, etc.) more frequently than ever before. Additionally, conservation officers are seeing an increase in requests to respond to non-wildlife crimes that occur within developed areas due to the proximity of their enforcement areas to urban fronts; especially in northern Utah. These factors have increased the frequency with which UDWR conservation officers and local law enforcement officials’ work together to address enforcement related issues within local communities. Despite the increased level of interaction between conservation officers and local law enforcement officers, the increased number of police agencies that do traditional police work within the state of Utah, and the fact that conservation officers have increased their knowledge of and experience with traditional police work, it is believed that traditional police agencies within the state have a limited understanding of wildlife law enforcement tasks addressed by the conservation officers working within their own community (hunting, fishing, and trapping license compliance enforcement, poaching investigations and a conservation officer’s role in wildlife management, to name a few). The results of the survey described in this paper indicate the lack of knowledge pertaining to wildlife law enforcement by traditional agencies is a rather common occurrence throughout Utah. The goal of the survey is to establish a baseline for the following: 1) knowledge other law enforcement agencies have regarding wildlife law enforcement, 2) perceived value of wildlife law enforcement within the broader law enforcement community, 3) impediments to cooperative work efforts between the UDWR law enforcement section and other law enforcement agencies within the state, 4) perceived shortcomings of UDWR in the eyes of different law enforcement agencies, 5) how to close the knowledge gap between agencies to produce more cohesive and effective field enforcement efforts, and 6) how to maintain working relationships once they have been created. The answers provided by surveyed agencies show: 1) only 16% have a strong understanding of the roles and responsibilities held by a conservation officer while almost 20% know little to nothing about conservation officers and their work responsibilities (Baseline #1), 2) virtually 100% of the surveyed agencies feel it is important that UDWR conservation officers spend their time enforcing wildlife-related violations and would expect their officers to contact a UDWR conservation officer if a wildlife-related crime was detected by their agency’s officers (Baseline #2), 3) while overall there were positive results relating to communication, especially in the rural communities, there is a belief that UDWR conservation officers could communicate better with office and field personnel associated with other law enforcement agencies (Baselines #3 and #4), and 4) traditional law enforcement agencies would like to see UDWR conservation officers attend trainings with them or provide trainings to them and/or interact with officers in the field so they can better understand who local UDWR conservation officers are and what they do on a daily basis (Baselines #5 and #6)

    The ICARUS T600 experiment at LNGS

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    Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LAr-TPCs) is an exciting class of detectors designed for registration of very rare events, like neutrino interactions or nucleon decay. They offer good detection efficiency, excellent background rejection, bubble chamber quality images, very good particle identification and calorimetric reconstruction of particle's deposited energy. These capabilities made LAr-TPCs a very promising choice for neutrino physics experiments. In this paper, an overview of LAr-TPC ICARUS T600 detector and its achievements are presented

    The past, present and future of LAr-TPC neutrino experiments

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    Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LAr-TPCs) is an exciting class of detectors designed for registration of very rare events, such as neutrino interactions or nucleon decay. They offer a good detection efficiency, excellent background rejection, bubble chamber quality images, very good particle identification and calorimetric reconstruction of particle’s deposited energy. These capabilities made LAr-TPCs a very promising choice for neutrino physics experiments. In this paper, an overview of past, present and future neutrino experiments based on LAr-TPC technology is presented

    Wybrane teorie leżące u podstaw współczesnego paradygmatu wojny

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    This article will try to indicate the most important theories which constitute the modern paradigm of the war. The theory of the war is an important issue in political philosophy because it accentuates how the boundaries of the existence and the functioning of the state are drawn. Seeking works that form the basis of the paradigm, one should begin with presenting a specific structure of the theory proposed by T. Kuhn. On this basis the article will be divided into three parts. The first part is focused on the construction of Kuhn’s scientific paradigm. Additionally in order to prove the meaningful use of paradigmatic structure in issues connected to humanities and philosophy Giorgio Agamben thesis will also be presented. The next part will expose the main elements of Carl von Clausewitz's theory of war. The most important of these is an assumption that war is the continuation of political action that seeks to compel the enemy to fulfill “our will”. The second element to be tested will be a political concept of Carl Schmitt along with its specific categories of the enemy and the friend. The second element to be tested will be Carl Schmitt’s the Concept of the political with its specific categories: the enemy and the friend. The third part of the paper will present the concept of Jerzy Wiatr. Its task will be to supplement the paradigm by showing that the parties of the war may be a “political community” and not only the state. This will help to extend the applicability of the paradigm in various fields of the social sciences. The ultimate aim will be to convince the reader that these theories are the most important part of the paradigm. Moreover, there is a high probability that they became the basis for the modern paradigm of the war.Numer został przygotowany przy wsparciu Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego

    „Komunikowanie się” kontra „komunikowanie”. O problemach komunikacji i ich wpływie na kształtowanie się tożsamości jednostki

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    High Performance Computations for Decision Support in Critical Situations: Introduction to the Third Workshop on Urgent Computing

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    AbstractThis paper is the preface to the Third Workshop on Urgent Computing.The Urgent Computing workshops have been traditionally embedded in frame of International Conference of Computational Science (ICCS) since 2012. They are aimed to develop a dialogue on the present and future ofresearch and applications associated with the large-scale computations for decision support in critical situations. The key workshop topics in 2014 are: methods and principles of urgent computing, middleware, platforms and infrastructures, simulation-based decision support for complex systems control, interactive visualization and virtual reality for decision support in emergency situations, domain-area applications to emergency situations, including natural and man-made disasters, e.g.transportation problems, epidemics, criminal acts, etc

    Production diversity and dietary diversity in smallholder subsistence- and market-oriented farming households in rural Paraguay

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    Objective: Determine the association between on-farm production diversity (PD) and quality of household diets in smallholder farming households in rural Paraguay and assess hypothesized mechanisms for this association via both subsistence- and market-oriented pathways.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    La adecuación del consumo aparente de frutas, verduras y proteínas en hogares con niños menores de 19 años en el Paraguay, 2012 = The apparent adequacy of fruits, vegetables and protein foods consumption in households with children under 19 years of age in Paraguay, 2012

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el consumo aparente y la adecuación del consumo aparente de frutas, verduras y alimentos proteicos en hogares paraguayos con niños menores de 19 años en 2011/12.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI