1 research outputs found

    Freedom To Operate (fto) For Management Of New Technologies: The Importance Of Intellectual Property

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    The acceleration, increase and deepening of innovation processes, as well as the integration of national economies in an economic system that operates in global scale had a strong impact over existing intellectual property systems. A large number of international treaties and agreements were consolidated during the negotiations of the Uruguay Round/WTO, which since then acts like a basis to renovate the national systems of IP protection and as a reference to the management of growing conflicts on this matter. The diffusion of knowledge and the encouragement to innovation foster the appearing and functioning of the intellectual property protection system. Even more, the universe of research has a large number of protected technologies. In this sense, it is increased the complexity of innovation in every knowledge area. More and more the innovations depend on a larger set of pre-existing technologies. In this respect, there is a need of making a preliminary search in order to understand the technology routes of certain innovations. Hence the need to do a search in a patent database in order to identify other documents that need to be part of a technology FTO. Keywords: freedom to operate, technological innovation, intellectual property.3461Ávila, J.P.C., Desenvolvimento, inovação e propriedade intelectual no Brasi (2008) A história da tecnologia brasileira contada por patentes., , Rio de Janero: INPIAdolfo, L.G.S., Moraes, R., (2008) Propriedade intelectual em perspectiva, , Rio de Janeiro: Lumen JuirsAndersen, B., If intellectual property rights is the answer, what is the question? 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