15 research outputs found

    Triple-negative breast cancer with ACTH-dependent Cushing's syndrome : case report

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    Introduction: Endocrine and metabolic paraneoplastic syndromes in the course of malignant tumors result from ectopic production of hormones or hormone precursors in tumor cells. Production of hormones by endocrine tumors is relatively frequent, while such production by adenocarcinoma cells is definitely rare. The study presents a case of triple-negative invasive breast cancer, with the ectopic secretion of ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), which provokes serious metabolic disorders. Materials and methods: The patient was admitted to hospital with symptoms of Cushing`s syndrome. Diagnostic tests revealed that the cause of metabolic disorders was breast cancer. After proper preparation, the patient was qualified for surgery. Results: After the mastectomy, the patient’s metabolism stabilized. The patient underwent adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Four months after the last cycle of systemic treatment, cancer dissemination was found. The patient was treated with second-line chemotherapy, however, control CT revealed progression. The patient died 20 months after surgery and two months after the last cycle of chemotherapy. Conclusions: The case reported in this study – triple-negative invasive breast cancer, responsible for ectopic production of ACTH and causing Cushing’s syndrome – is a rare phenomenon. Treatment of patients with breast cancer showing hormonal activity should not differ from general rules applied for breast cancer. However, due to accompanying metabolic disturbances, the patients need individualized oncological approach, precise diagnostic tests, and adequate preoperative preparation

    Underestimation of breast cancer in intraductal papillomas treated with vacuum-assisted core needle biopsy

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    Objectives: The aims of the study were as follows: 1) to determine the applicability of vacuum-assisted core needle biopsy in the diagnosis and management of intraductal papillomas of the breast; 2) to define factors which increase the risk for underestimation of breast cancer.  Material and methods: Between 2002–2017, a total of 222 cases of intraductal papillomas were diagnosed in one center (201 using vacuum-assisted core-needle ultrasound-guided biopsy and 21 using stereotactic biopsy). All patients under- went scheduled follow-up imaging.  Results: Pure papillomas were diagnosed in 158 women, whereas papillomas with atypia, in this case atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH), were found in 29 subjects. In the latter group, 3 cases of invasive carcinoma and 5 cases of ductal carci- noma in situ (DCIS) were detected using open surgical biopsy. Breast cancer underestimation in that group of patients was 20%. Overall, ADH, whose presence increases the risk for BC by thirteen-fold as compared to other accompanying lesions, proved to be the most important predictive factor. Also, age, non-radical biopsy excision, and high BI-RADS ultrasound and mammogram scores increased the probability of malignancy. During the control follow-up, no cases of IP recurrence in the primary localization were observed in the group without open surgical biopsy.  Conclusions: Vacuum-assisted core needle biopsy is an efficient tool in the diagnosis and management of intraductal papillomas of the breast. Surgical excision is not indicated in cases when a pure intraductal papilloma, and data correlation between the diagnosis and the clinical presentation were confirmed. Regardless, caution is advised if residual lesions were left and in older populations. Open surgical biopsy should remain the standard of care in cases with atypia and discordance between clinical and pathology data. 

    COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant and lactating women

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic significantly changed the lifestyle of pregnant women. Pregnant women with COVID-19 are more likely to suffer from severe disease, as well as unfavorable pregnancy and childbirth. Currently, there is no causal treatment for this disease available, so attention should be paid to preventing infection with vaccines. Aim of the study: A review of the literature on the influence of COVID-19 vaccines on the course of pregnancy and summary of recommendations regarding the use of COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy and breastfeeding.  State of knwoledge: Three types of COVID-19 vaccines are most commonly used: mRNA vaccines, vector vaccines as well as subunit vaccines. In preclinical developmental and reproductive toxicity studies in animal models, there were no alarming safety signals, and observations of vaccinated pregnant women did not reveal any complications with respect to the course of pregnancy and development of the fetus. No cases of neonatal death have been reported in the first 28 days after birth. Most of the side effects following vaccination, such as injection site pain or tenderness, fatigue, fever or muscle pain, were moderate and resolved within 24 hours. The current research results confirm a positive immune response in pregnant women. Moreover, it is important that the presence of antibodies in the umbilical cord blood makes it possible to protect and reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection of the newborn. Summary: All pregnant women, irrespective of trimester, and breastfeeding mothers are advised to administer a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine within an appropriate period of time after the primary vaccination schedule

    The Outcome of Targeted Therapy in Advanced Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (Gist) with Non-Exon 11 Kit Mutations

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    GIST is the most common mesenchymal tumour of gastrointestinal tract arising from mutation of KIT or PDGFRA gene. Surgery is the primary method of treatment, however a targeted therapy with imatinib is necessary due to recurrence. The aim of the study was to evaluate efficacy of the targeted chemotherapy in advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumours with non-exon 11 KIT mutations. Material and methods. Data from 279 patients with advanced GIST treated with imatinib between 2001 and 2011 were analysed in the study. Exon 11 KIT mutation was found in 192 patients (68.7%), non-exon 11 KIT mutation was found in 87 patients (31.3%): this group included lack of mutation - wild-type, exon 9 KIT mutations, exon 18 PDGFRA D842V mutations, non-D842V PDGFRA mutations as well as non-exon 9 and 11 KIT mutations. Analysis of progression-free survival and overall survival were done for the entire group of patients and for patients with particular mutations, and then effects on progression-free survival and overall survival of such factors as sex, age, imatinib dose were evaluated. Results. Occurrence of non-exon 11 KIT mutation increases the risk of disease progression by 20% in comparison to the presence of exon 11 KIT mutation, however it does not increase the risk of patient’s death. Percentage of 5-year progression-free survivals is the greatest in the case of PDGFRA mutation other than D842V mutation. Percentage of 5-year survivals in case of the presence of D842V PDGFRA mutation is more than twice worse than in the case of the other mutations. Lesion location in the gastrointestinal tract affected the risk of death, with the greatest percentage of 5-year survival for lesions located in the stomach. Such factors as sex, age at diagnosis (<50, ≥50 years) and imatinib dose did not affect the risk of disease progression and the risk of patient’s death. Conclusions. The ratio of overall survival of patients with advanced GIST with a mutation other than exon 11 KIT mutation treated with imatinib is similar to the ratio of overall survival of patients with GIST with exon 11 KIT mutation. An exception is the group of patients with GIST in whom the presence of D842V PDGFRA mutation was found. In general, longer survival has been found in patients with GIST located in the stomach in comparison to the small intestine or other less frequent locations. Percentage of 5-year progression-free survivals is the greatest in the case of PDGFRA mutation other than D842V mutation