23 research outputs found

    Erasable PUFs: Formal treatment and generic design

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    Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) have not only been suggested as new key storage mechanism, but - in the form of so-called "Strong PUFs"- also as cryptographic primitives in advanced schemes, including key exchange, oblivious transfer, or secure multi-party computation. This notably extends their application spectrum, and has led to a sequence of publications at leading venues such as IEEE S&P, CRYPTO, and EUROCRYPT in the past[3,6,10,11,29, 41]. However, one important unresolved problem is that adversaries can break the security of all these advanced protocols if they gain physical access to the employed Strong PUFs after protocol completion [41]. It has been formally proven[49] that this issue cannot be overcome by techniques on the protocol side alone, but requires resolution on the hardware level - the only fully effective known countermeasure being so-called Erasable PUFs. Building on this work, this paper is the first to describe a generic method how any given silicon Strong PUF with digital CRP-interface can be turned into an Erasable PUFs[36]. We describe how the Strong PUF can be surrounded with a trusted control logic that allows the blocking (or "erasure") of single CRPs. We implement our approach, which we call "GeniePUF", on FPGA, reporting detailed performance data and practicality figures. Furthermore, we develop the first comprehensive definitional framework for Erasable PUFs. Our work so re-establishes the effective usability of Strong PUFs in advanced cryptographic applications, and in the realistic case adversaries get access to the Strong PUF after protocol completion

    On the Foundations of Key Exchange

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    Key exchange protocols allow two parties to agree on a shared secret over an untrusted channel. A huge number of scientific works on key exchange have been published since the discovery of the first key exchange protocol, designed in 1976 by Diffie and Hellman [DH76]. The most prominent of these works is the game-based security model by Bellare and Rogaway [BR93], published in 1993 and, today, known as the "golden standard" for the security of key exchange protocols. The main purpose of key exchange protocols is to establish keys for a symmetric-key protocol such as a secure channel. Ideally, if both, the key exchange protocol and the channel protocol, are secure, then we would hope that they can be securely composed. While this is true for simulation-based security models [Can01, KT11, BPW03], game-based models usually lack composition theorems altogether. That is unfortunate, as they are often more suitable for real-life protocols such as TLS. Our first two composition theorems address the composition of BR-secure key exchange protocols with arbitrary symmetric-key protocols. We formally establish that an additional condition is necessary, namely, the key exchange requires a public session matching algorithm. Maybe surprisingly, many important key agreement protocols are not BR-secure due to the popular technique of explicit key confirmation. We devise a more flexible yet sufficiently strong model for this class of protocols and prove that it is closed under reductions. Overall, we devellop a tool for the modular analysis of real-life protocols and exemplify the use of our framwork on a profile of the TLS protocol. As in the case of most practical cryptography, information-theoretic security for key exchange protocols is out of reach, i.e., impossible in a formal sense. Therefore, protocols such as TLS rely on computational assumptions, e.g., the Diffie-Hellmann assumption or the hardness of factoring numbers. As the security of protocols is tightly related to the underlying complexity assumptions, researchers have been striving for simpler and weaker assumptions. The holy grail in this area is to base key agreement, one-way functions or simply any type of cryptography on the mere assumptions that NP does not equal P [FF93, BT03, AGGM06]. While positive results in this area remain elusive, there has been some recent progress on negative results [HMX10, PTV11], showing that cryptographic primitives such as hash functions cannot be based on NP-hardness unless coAM is contained in NP. In this thesis, we provide two oracle results that show that, via relativizing techniques, these negative results do not carry over to key agreement and regular one-way functions. In particular, we give an oracle relative to which the intersection of NP and coNP is easy while infinitely many often secure key agreement exists; and we give an oracle relative to which languages in the intersection of AM and coAM is easy while regular function families exists that are infinitely many often one-way

    On the Foundations of Key Exchange

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    Key exchange protocols allow two parties to agree on a shared secret over an untrusted channel. A huge number of scientific works on key exchange have been published since the discovery of the first key exchange protocol, designed in 1976 by Diffie and Hellman [DH76]. The most prominent of these works is the game-based security model by Bellare and Rogaway [BR93], published in 1993 and, today, known as the "golden standard" for the security of key exchange protocols. The main purpose of key exchange protocols is to establish keys for a symmetric-key protocol such as a secure channel. Ideally, if both, the key exchange protocol and the channel protocol, are secure, then we would hope that they can be securely composed. While this is true for simulation-based security models [Can01, KT11, BPW03], game-based models usually lack composition theorems altogether. That is unfortunate, as they are often more suitable for real-life protocols such as TLS. Our first two composition theorems address the composition of BR-secure key exchange protocols with arbitrary symmetric-key protocols. We formally establish that an additional condition is necessary, namely, the key exchange requires a public session matching algorithm. Maybe surprisingly, many important key agreement protocols are not BR-secure due to the popular technique of explicit key confirmation. We devise a more flexible yet sufficiently strong model for this class of protocols and prove that it is closed under reductions. Overall, we devellop a tool for the modular analysis of real-life protocols and exemplify the use of our framwork on a profile of the TLS protocol. As in the case of most practical cryptography, information-theoretic security for key exchange protocols is out of reach, i.e., impossible in a formal sense. Therefore, protocols such as TLS rely on computational assumptions, e.g., the Diffie-Hellmann assumption or the hardness of factoring numbers. As the security of protocols is tightly related to the underlying complexity assumptions, researchers have been striving for simpler and weaker assumptions. The holy grail in this area is to base key agreement, one-way functions or simply any type of cryptography on the mere assumptions that NP does not equal P [FF93, BT03, AGGM06]. While positive results in this area remain elusive, there has been some recent progress on negative results [HMX10, PTV11], showing that cryptographic primitives such as hash functions cannot be based on NP-hardness unless coAM is contained in NP. In this thesis, we provide two oracle results that show that, via relativizing techniques, these negative results do not carry over to key agreement and regular one-way functions. In particular, we give an oracle relative to which the intersection of NP and coNP is easy while infinitely many often secure key agreement exists; and we give an oracle relative to which languages in the intersection of AM and coAM is easy while regular function families exists that are infinitely many often one-way

    Notions of Black-Box Reductions, Revisited

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    Abstract. Reductions are the common technique to prove security of cryptographic constructions based on a primitive. They take an allegedly successful adversary against the construction and turn it into a successful adversary against the underlying primitive. To a large extent, these reductions are black-box in the sense that they consider the primitive and/or the adversary against the construction only via the input-output behavior, but do not depend on internals like the code of the primitive or of the adversary. Reingold, Trevisan, and Vadhan (TCC, 2004) provided a widely adopted framework, called the RTV framework from hereon, to classify and relate different notions of black-box reductions. Having precise notions for such reductions is very important when it comes to black-box separations, where one shows that black-box reductions cannot exist. An impossibility result, which clearly specifies the type of reduction it rules out, enables us to identify the potential leverages to bypass the separation. We acknowledge this by extending the RTV framework in several respects using a more fine-grained approach. First, we capture a type of reduction—frequently ruled out by so-called meta-reductions—which escapes the RTV framework so far. Second, we consider notions that are “almost black-box”, i.e., where the reduction receives additiona

    Notions of Black-Box Reductions

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    Random-Oracle Uninstantiability from Indistinguishability Obfuscation

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    Assuming the existence of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO), we show that a number of prominent transformations in the randomoracle model are uninstantiable in the standard model. We start by showing that the Encrypt-with-Hash transform of Bellare, Boldyreva and O’Neill (CRYPTO 2007) for converting randomized public-key encryption schemes to deterministic ones is not instantiable in the standard model. To this end, we build on the recent work of Brzuska, Farshim and Mittelbach (CRYPTO 2014) and rely on the existence of iO for Turing machines or for circuits to derive two flavors of uninstantiability. The techniques that we use to establish this result are flexible and lend themselves to a number of other transformations such as the classical Fujisaki–Okamoto transform (CRYPTO 1998) and transformations akin to those by Bellare and Keelveedhi (CRYPTO 2011) and Douceur et al. (ICDCS 2002) for obtaining KDM-secure encryption and de-duplication schemes respectively. Our results call for a re-assessment of scheme design in the random-oracle model and highlight the need for new transforms that do not suffer from iO-based attacks