932 research outputs found

    Transmembrane proton translocation by cytochrome c oxidase

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    AbstractRespiratory heme-copper oxidases are integral membrane proteins that catalyze the reduction of molecular oxygen to water using electrons donated by either quinol (quinol oxidases) or cytochrome c (cytochrome c oxidases, CcOs). Even though the X-ray crystal structures of several heme-copper oxidases and results from functional studies have provided significant insights into the mechanisms of O2-reduction and, electron and proton transfer, the design of the proton-pumping machinery is not known. Here, we summarize the current knowledge on the identity of the structural elements involved in proton transfer in CcO. Furthermore, we discuss the order and timing of electron-transfer reactions in CcO during O2 reduction and how these reactions might be energetically coupled to proton pumping across the membrane

    Z3_3-graded differential geometry of quantum plane

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    In this work, the Z3_3-graded differential geometry of the quantum plane is constructed. The corresponding quantum Lie algebra and its Hopf algebra structure are obtained. The dual algebra, i.e. universal enveloping algebra of the quantum plane is explicitly constructed and an isomorphism between the quantum Lie algebra and the dual algebra is given.Comment: 17 page

    SUq(2)SU_q(2) Lattice Gauge Theory

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    We reformulate the Hamiltonian approach to lattice gauge theories such that, at the classical level, the gauge group does not act canonically, but instead as a Poisson-Lie group. At the quantum level, it then gets promoted to a quantum group gauge symmetry. The theory depends on two parameters - the deformation parameter λ\lambda and the lattice spacing aa. We show that the system of Kogut and Susskind is recovered when λ0\lambda \rightarrow 0, while QCD is recovered in the continuum limit (for any λ\lambda). We thus have the possibility of having a two parameter regularization of QCD.Comment: 26 pages, LATEX fil

    Proton transfer from glutamate 286 determines the transition rates between oxygen intermediates in cytochrome c oxidase

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    AbstractWe have investigated the electron–proton coupling during the peroxy (PR) to oxo-ferryl (F) and F to oxidised (O) transitions in cytochrome c oxidase from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The kinetics of these reactions were investigated in two different mutant enzymes: (1) ED(I-286), in which one of the key residues in the D-pathway, E(I-286), was replaced by an aspartate which has a shorter side chain than that of the glutamate and, (2) ML(II-263), in which the redox potential of CuA is increased by ∼100 mV, which slows electron transfer to the binuclear centre during the F→O transition by a factor of ∼200. In ED(I-286) proton uptake during PR→F was slowed by a factor of ∼5, which indicates that E(I-286) is the proton donor to PR. In addition, in the mutant enzyme the F→O transition rate displayed a deuterium isotope effect of ∼2.5 as compared with ∼7 in the wild-type enzyme. Since the entire deuterium isotope effect was shown to be associated with a single proton-transfer reaction in which the proton donor and acceptor must approach each other (M. Karpefors, P. Ådelroth, P. Brzezinski, Biochemistry 39 (2000) 6850), the smaller deuterium isotope effect in ED(I-286) indicates that proton transfer from E(I-286) determines the rate also of the F→O transition. In ML(II-263) the electron-transfer to the binuclear centre is slower than the intrinsic proton-transfer rate through the D-pathway. Nevertheless, both electron and proton transfer to the binuclear centre displayed a deuterium isotope effect of ∼8, i.e., about the same as in the wild-type enzyme, which shows that these reactions are intimately coupled

    Proton-transfer pathways in the mitochondrial S. cerevisiae cytochrome c oxidase

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    In cytochrome c oxidase (CytcO) reduction of O2 to water is linked to uptake of eight protons from the negative side of the membrane: four are substrate protons used to form water and four are pumped across the membrane. In bacterial oxidases, the substrate protons are taken up through the K and the D proton pathways, while the pumped protons are transferred through the D pathway. On the basis of studies with CytcO isolated from bovine heart mitochondria, it was suggested that in mitochondrial CytcOs the pumped protons are transferred though a third proton pathway, the H pathway, rather than through the D pathway. Here, we studied these reactions in S. cerevisiae CytcO, which serves as a model of the mammalian counterpart. We analyzed the effect of mutations in the D (Asn99Asp and Ile67Asn) and H pathways (Ser382Ala and Ser458Ala) and investigated the kinetics of electron and proton transfer during the reaction of the reduced CytcO with O2. No effects were observed with the H pathway variants while in the D pathway variants the functional effects were similar to those observed with the R. sphaeroides CytcO. The data indicate that the S. cerevisiae CytcO uses the D pathway for proton uptake and presumably also for proton pumping

    Efeito do tratamento de sementes de soja com micronutrientes e bioestimulantes sobre o desenvolvimento de plântulas.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar os efeitos do tratamento de sementes de soja com micronutrientes (MN) e bioestimulantes (BE), sobre o desenvolvimento das plântulas. Os produtos com MN avaliados foram Broadacre CMZ, Broadacre Mn, Broadacre ZnCu e Maxi Zinc. Os BEs foram Kelpak e Booster. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos, um com a dose de 2,5 mL.kg-1 para cada produto e o outro com dose dobrada (5,0 mL.kg-1). Sementes da cultivar BRS 246RR foram utilizadas e submetidas aos testes de germinação, emergência de plântulas em areia, comprimento de plântula, de hipocótilo e de raiz, massa seca de plântula, de raiz e de parte aérea. Com relação aos testes de germinação e de comprimento de plântula, de hipocótilo e de raiz, os produtos Booster e Kelpak apresentaram baixa fitotoxicidade, caracterizada por encurtamento das plântulas, principalmente no sistema radicular. Em algumas situações, o Broadacre CMZ mostrou pouca fitotoxicidade. O Broadacre Mn propiciou melhor desenvolvimento das plântulas nesses testes. Efeitos positivos foram constatados também para o Broadacre CMZ e para o Maxi Zinc nas doses maiores. Nos testes de massa seca de plântula, raiz e parte aérea, foi verificado baixo efeito fitotóxico causado pelo Booster na dose maior. Entretanto, as fitotoxicidades aqui relatadas são consideradas aceitáveis e não se caracterizam num problema. Novamente, o Broadacre CMZ destacou-se pelo seu melhor desempenho quanto ao desenvolvimento das plântulas. De maneira geral, observou-se que os tratamentos com Broadacre CMZ, Mn e ZnCu e o Maxi Zinc propiciaram melhor desenvolvimento de plântulas, com maior massa seca em relação à testemunha

    Coadditive differential complexes on quantum groups and quantum spaces

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    A regular way to define an additive coproduct (or ``coaddition'') on the q-deformed differential complexes is proposed for quantum groups and quantum spaces related to the Hecke-type R-matrices. Several examples of braided coadditive differential bialgebras (Hopf algebras) are presented.Comment: 9 page

    Eficiência agronômica do tratamento de sementes com fungicidas, inseticidas, micronutrientes, bioestimuladores, inoculantes e polímeros.

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    O tratamento de sementes com fungicidas, inseticidas, aplicação de micronutrientes, bioestimulantes e a inoculação com o Bradirhyzobium japonicum, juntamente com a utilização de sementes de qualidade, vem se tornando práticas indispensáveis para a produção de sementes de soja de qualidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do tratamento de semente de soja com fungicidas, inseticidas, bioestimuladores, micronutrientes e polímeros, na emergência, população final, altura de plantas e rendimento da soja. Os experimentos foram instalados em dois locais, em solo já cultivado com soja, na fazenda experimental da Embrapa Soja e no Distrito Patrimônio Irerê, em Londrina-PR. Sementes da cultivar BRS 246 RR com vigor de 84% e viabilidade 94% (tetrazólio) e germinação (rolo de papel) 95 % foram tratadas com os seguintes produtos: Broadacre CMZ (fertilizante mineral misto em suspensão para uso no solo, contendo: Cu 23,6%, Mo 5,9%, Zn 47,2%); Booster ZnMo (extrato de algas enriquecido com 2,3% Mo e 3,5% Zn); Kelpak (extrato de algas) em combinação com os fungicidas Maxim XL (fludioxonil + metalaxyl) e Derosal Plus (carbendazin + thiram); inseticidas Cruiser 350 FS (tiametoxan) e Standak Top (piraclostrobina + tiofanato metílico + fipronil); Polímero Disco Ag Red e inoculante Cell Tech HC. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições e a análise da variância foi efetuada pelo programa SASM, sendo as médias separadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5%. Os resultados demonstraram que adição de Broadacre CMZ aumenta o rendimento da soja. Porém são necessários mais estudos em diferentes locais e safras para confirmar esses resultados. Dentre os fungicidas testados, fluodioxonil (2,5g) + metalaxyl (1,0g) foi o menos eficiente