95 research outputs found

    Capacitive Deionization for Selective Extraction of Lithium from Aqueous Solutions

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    The paper deals with extraction of lithium by means of two capacitive deionization systems: one composed of lithium selective electrode and second with electrode wrapped with Li-selective membrane. In the case of the first system, hybrid electrodes where obtained by mixing λ-MnO2sorbent with activated carbon .The best Li-capacity was determined for electrode with 20 wt.-% of manganese oxide. For larger amounts of λ-MnO2 the electrode capacity decreased significantly. The second system was composed of carbon electrodes wrapped with ion-exchange membranes. The lithium selective membranes were synthesized by plasma induced interpolymerization of (meth)acrylic monomersinpores of Celgard 2400 support. Two functional monomers, poly(di(ethylene glycol)methyl ether methacrylate) and poly(glycidylmethacylate modified with hydroxymethyl-12-crown-4) were copolymerized with acrylic acid. It was found that the extraction of lithium chloride was the best for membrane caring copolymers of acrylic acid and glycidyl methacrylate modified with crown ether, andit was better than for membranes with sole poly(acrylic acid)

    Electro-driven materials and processes for lithium recovery—A review

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    The mass production of lithium-ion batteries and lithium-rich e-products that are required for electric vehicles, energy storage devices, and cloud-connected electronics is driving an unprecedented demand for lithium resources. Current lithium production technologies, in which extraction and purification are typically achieved by hydrometallurgical routes, possess strong environmental impact but are also energy-intensive and require extensive operational capabilities. The emergence of selective membrane materials and associated electro-processes offers an avenue to reduce these energy and cost penalties and create more sustainable lithium production approaches. In this review, lithium recovery technologies are discussed considering the origin of the lithium, which can be primary sources such as minerals and brines or e-waste sources generated from recycling of batteries and other e-products. The relevance of electro-membrane processes for selective lithium recovery is discussed as well as the potential and shortfalls of current electro-membrane methods

    CAPMIX -Deploying Capacitors for Salt Gradient Power Extraction

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    AbstractThe process of mixing sea and river water can be utilised as a power source. At present, three groups of technology are established for doing so; i) mechanical; Pressure Retarded Osmosis PRO, ii) electrochemical reactions; Reverse ElectroDialysis (RED) and Nano Battery Electrodes (NBE) and iii) ultra capacitors; Capacitive Double Layer Expansion (CDLE) and Capacitors charge by the Donnan Potentials (CDP). The chemical potential for salt gradient power systems is only limited by the feed solution concentrations and is the same for all types of salt power branches, but the electric work to the grid, however, relies on the route of conversion and means chosen therein. The CAPMIX project is a joint project to develop and explore ultra capacitors for doing so.Ultra-capacitor materials can interact with sea and river water in order to be deployed as an electricity source. The author consortium is currently exploring two routes to extract the potential free energy from mixing sea and river water by such means. These two routes are the Capacitive Double Layer Expansion (CDLE) and Capacitors charge by the Donnan Potentials (CDP), which are both recently reported, since 2009. The denominator of the two processes is the porous carbon capacitors constituting the capacitors where the chemical energy is converted into electric energy (current). The CDP differs from the CDLE mainly because it includes the use of membranes in addition to the capacitor materials

    Effect of electrode thickness variation on operation of capacitive deionization

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    In capacitive deionization (CDI) water is desalinated by applying an electrical field between two porous electrodes placed on either side of a spacer channel that transports the aqueous solution. In this work we investigate the equilibrium salt adsorption and the dynamic development of the effluent salt concentration in time, both as function of spacer and electrode thicknesses. The electrode thickness will be varied in a symmetric manner (doubling both electrodes) and in an asymmetric manner, by doubling and tripling one electrode but not the other. To describe the structure of the electrostatic double layer (EDL) which determines the salt adsorption in the micropores of activated carbons, a modified Donnan-model is set up which successfully describes the data, also for situations of very significant electrode thickness ratios. We develop a generalized CDI transport model accounting for thickness variations, which compares favorably with experimental data for the change of the effluent salt concentration in time. These experiments are aimed at further testing our equilibrium and transport models, specifically the assumption therein that in first approximation, for electrodes made of chemically unmodified activated carbon particles, the EDL structure is independent of the sign of the electronic charge. To investigate the relevance of chemical surface charge we also varied pH of the salt solution flowing into the cell

    Boron Removal From Seawater Using Reverse Osmosis Integrated Processes

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    The reverse osmosis (RO) membrane desalination process is a relevant and reliable technology for the desalination of seawater. However, some serious limitations have recently been discovered during field practice, among them the boron problem seems to be critically important. It has been reported that the target level of boron in permeate, which was set at 0.5. mg/L, was rarely reached for conventional RO desalination plants equipped with commercially available membranes. Although boron is an essential trace element for plant growth, it can be detrimental at higher concentrations. Therefore, boron limits in the permeate of seawater RO process were kept between 0.3 and 1. mg/L till 2011. In 2011, the World Health Organization modified the Boron Guideline Value and raised it to 2.4. mg/L. However, some utilities may still set seawater desalination plant product water limits lower than 1. mg/L, bearing the agricultural-related issues in mind. This chapter will mostly deal with the RO integrated membrane processes used particularly for boron removal from seawater. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Boron Separation Processes

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    The impending crisis posed by water stress and poor sanitation represents one of greatest human challenges for the 21st century, and membrane technology has emerged as a serious contender to confront the crisis. Yet, whilst there are countless texts on wastewater treatment and on membrane technologies, none address the boron problem and separation processes for boron elimination. Boron Separation Processes fills this gap and provides a unique and single source that highlights the growing and competitive importance of these processes. For the first time, the reader is able to see in one reference work the state-of-the-art research in this rapidly growing field. The book focuses on four main areas: Effect of boron on humans and plants; Separation of boron by ion exchange and adsorption processes; Separation of boron by membrane processes; Simulation and optimization studies for boron separation; Provides in one source a state-of-the-art overview of this compelling area; Reviews the environmental impact of boron before introducing emerging boron separation processes; Includes simulation and optimization studies for boron separation processes; Describes boron separation processes applicable to specific sources, such as seawater, geothermal water and wastewater. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved