408 research outputs found

    Mobile metal adatoms on single layer, bilayer and trilayer graphene: an ab initio study correlated with experimental electron microscopy data

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    The plane-wave density functional theory code CASTEP was used with the Tkatchenko-Scheffler van der Waals correction scheme and the generalized gradient approximation of Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (GGA PBE) to calculate the binding energy of Au, Cr, and Al atoms on the armchair and zigzag edge binding sites of monolayer graphene, and at the high-symmetry adsorption sites of single layer, bilayer, and trilayer graphene. All edge site binding energies were found to be substantially higher than the adsorption energies for all metals. The adatom migration activation barriers for the lowest energy migration paths on pristine monolayer, bilayer, and trilayer graphene were then calculated and found to be smaller than or within an order of magnitude of kBT at room temperature, implying very high mobility for all adatoms studied. This suggests that metal atoms evaporated onto graphene samples quickly migrate across the lattice and bind to the energetically favorable edge sites before being characterized in the microscope. We then prove this notion for Al and Au on graphene with scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) images showing that these atoms are observed exclusively at edge sites, and also hydrocarbon-contaminated regions, where the pristine regions of the lattice are completely devoid of adatoms. Additionally, we review the issue of fixing selected atomic positions during geometry optimization calculations for graphene/adatom systems and suggest a guiding principle for future studies

    Sustainable and Regenerable Alkali Metal-Containing Carbons Derived from Seaweed for CO2 Post-Combustion Capture

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    Alkali-based CO2 sorbents were prepared from a novel material (i.e., Laminaria hyperborea). The use of this feedstock, naturally containing alkali metals, enabled a simple, green and low-cost route to be pursued. In particular, raw macroalgae was pyrolyzed at 800 °C. The resulting biochar was activated with either CO2 or KOH. KOH–activated carbon (AC) had the largest surface area and attained the highest CO2 uptake at 35 °C and 1 bar. In contrast, despite much lower porosity, the seaweed-derived char and its CO2-activated counterpart outweighed the CO2 sorption performance of KOH–AC and commercial carbon under simulated post-combustion conditions (53 °C and 0.15 bar). This was ascribed to the greater basicity of char and CO2–AC due to the presence of alkali metal-based functionalities (i.e., MgO) within their structure. These were responsible for a sorption of CO2 at lower partial pressure and higher temperature. In particular, the CO2–AC exhibited fast sorption kinetics, facile regeneration and good durability over 10 working cycles. Results presented in the current article will be of help for enhancing the design of sustainable alkali metal-containing CO2 captors

    Kinetically controlled fabrication of gold nanorods and investigation of their thermal stability via in-situ TEM heating

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    Size controlled CTAB-capped AuNRs with various aspect ratios (ARs) ranging from 1.63±0.13 to 4.12±0.25 were synthesized following a modified seed-mediated method. Their thermal stability was examined by in-situ TEM heating. The results revealed a structural change from rods to spheres with increasing temperature. At lower temperatures 600ÂșC, particles became increasingly spherical. This behaviour occurred at temperatures lower than the melting point of bulk gold supporting a surface diffusion mechanism with material diffusing from the tips and redepositing at the middle of the rods. The rate of change in AR appeared to increase for thinner AuNRs

    High‐resolution imaging of organic pharmaceutical crystals by transmission electron microscopy and scanning moirĂ© fringes

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    Formulation processing of organic crystalline compounds can have a significant effect on drug properties, such as dissolution rate or tablet strength/hardness. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has the potential to resolve the atomic lattice of these crystalline compounds and, for example, identify the defect density on a particular crystal face, provided that the sensitivity of these crystals to irradiation by high‐energy electrons can be overcome. Here, we acquire high‐resolution (HR) lattice images of the compound furosemide using two different methods: low‐dose HRTEM and bright‐field (BF) scanning TEM (STEM) scanning moirĂ© fringes (SMFs). Before acquiring HRTEM images of furosemide, a model system of crocidolite (asbestos) was used to determine the electron flux/fluence limits of low‐dose HR imaging for our scintillator‐based, complementary metal‐oxide semiconductor (CMOS) electron camera by testing a variety of electron flux and total electron fluence regimes. An electron flux of 10 e−/(Å2 s) and total fluence of 10 e−/Å2 was shown to provide sufficient contrast and signal‐to‐noise ratio to resolve 0.30 nm lattice spacings in crocidolite at 300 kV. These parameters were then used to image furosemide which has a critical electron fluence for damage of ≄10 e−/Å2 at 300 kV. The resulting HRTEM image of a furosemide crystal shows only a small portion of the total crystal exhibiting lattice fringes, likely due to irradiation damage during acquisition close to the compound's critical fluence. BF‐STEM SMF images of furosemide were acquired at a lower electron fluence (1.8 e−/Å2), while still indirectly resolving HR details of the (001) lattice. Several different SMFs were observed with minor variations in the size and angle, suggesting strain due to defects within the crystal. Overall BF‐STEM SMFs appear to be more useful than BF‐STEM or HRTEM (with a CMOS camera) for imaging the crystal lattice of very beam‐sensitive materials since a lower electron fluence is required to reveal the lattice. BF‐STEM SMFs may thus prove useful in improving the understanding of crystallization pathways in organic compounds, degradation in pharmaceutical formulations and the effect of defects on the dissolution rate of different crystal faces. Further work is, however, required to quantitatively determine properties such as the defect density or the amount of relative strain from a BF‐STEM SMF image

    Electron energy loss spectra from silica glass optical fibers

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    To investigate the possible structural differences between silica glass fibers and bulk silica glasses, electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) has been used to study the short-range and medium-range structures of both forms of silica glasses. The short-range structure of silica glass, such as the coordination and symmetry, was investigated by the energy loss near edge structure (ELNES) of Si L2,3-edges. The ordering structure in the medium-range was analyzed by the exponential optical absorption edge also known as the Urbach edge of the glasses. The optical absorption data were obtained from the low energy loss spectrum of EELS through Kramers-Kronig analysis. The results show that silica fiber has the same short-range structure as the bulk specimen, but is significantly more disordered than the bulk glasses

    A low-cost way to reduce greenhouse effects

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    Oak wood precursor was used for preparing low-cost CO2 sorbents. Adsorption is proposed as a cheaper alternative to chemical absorption, which is uneconomical, thus reducing the cost associated with the capture step. The raw material has been carbonised either by pyrolysis or by a hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC). Resulting biochars were then activated using CO2 . Initial chars and their activated counterparts were characterised by SEM imaging and N2 sorption measurements at 77 K. A significant rise in the BET surface area, total pore volume and micropore volume (textural parameters) occurred for all of the pristine chars after the activation process. Fast CO2 sorption kinetics (saturation reached in 3 mins.) and CO2 uptakes of up to ca. 6 wt. % have been measured by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) at 35 ÂșC and 1 atm. The activated carbons (ACs) thus synthesised showed competitive performances compared to a commercial AC standard. Although the sorbents’ performances decreased at higher temperatures, they were easily regenerated after the capture stage

    Progress on Cryogenic Analytical STEM of Nanomaterials

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    Fabrication and Characterisation of an Adaptable Plasmonic Nanorod Array for Solar Energy Conversion

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    The surface plasmonic modes of a side-by-side aligned gold nanorod array supported on a gold substrate has been characterised by electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Plasmonic coupling within the array splits the nanorods' longitudinal mode into a bright mode (symmetrically aligned dipoles) and a dark mode (anti-symmetrically aligned dipoles). We support this observation by means of finite element modelling (FEM)
