34 research outputs found

    Hydrometallurgical Technology for Processing of Galvanic Sludges

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    The problem of processing galvanic sludges, formed as a result of neutralization of technological solutions and wastewater containing heavy non-ferrous metals is considered. At present, sludges are transported to disposal area and are not used in any way. Typically, such sludges contain significant amounts of chromium and nickel, which creates environmental hazard. Investigated sludge contains up to 6.6% Ni and up to 7.4% Cr. The hydrometallurgical technology for processing of these sludges has been developed. Solutions of sulfuric acid and ammonia were used as lixiviants. It is shown that when using a solution of sulfuric acid with pH=1.5, extraction of up to 93.3% Cu, 70.2 Ni, 90.3 Zn is achieved. For selective recovery of nickel from leachates the process of sorption concentration by Lewatit TP207 is proposed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Study of Nickel Sorption Recovery from Leachates of Oxidized Nickel Ores

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    Проведены исследования сорбции никеля из сернокислых растворов выщелачивания окисленных никелевых руд. Показано, что иониты с бис-пиколиламиновыми и иминодиацетатными группами проявляют способность к сорбции ионов никеля (II) даже на фоне преобладающих концентраций ионов железа (III). Наиболее эффективным оказался ионит Lewatit TP220. Сорбция никеля с удовлетворительными показателями протекает как в варианте сорбционного выщелачивания, так и извлечения из осветленных растворов. При сорбции из пульпы емкость по никелю составила 5,44 мг/г, по железу 25,17 мг/г.Studies of nickel sorption from sulfuric acid leachates of oxidized nickel ores have been carried out. It was shown that ion exchangers with bis-picolylamine and iminodiacetate groups exhibit the ability to adsorb nickel (II) ions even against the background of prevailing concentrations of iron (III) ions. The most effective was the ion exchanger Lewatit TP220 and, to a lesser extent, Lewatit TP207. Sorption of nickel with satisfactory performance occurs both in the variant of resin-in-pulp and from clarified solutions. During sorption from the pulp, the capacity for nickel was 5.44 mg/g, for iron, 25.17 mg/g

    Optimization of medium composition and study of growth stages of <i>Mycoplasma bovis</i> “Kaluga 2020” isolate

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    Mycoplasma bovis is considered one of bovine mycoplasmosis pathogens responsible for respiratory diseases, mastitis, arthritis and keratoconjunctivitis. The paper presents results of the study on optimizing the component composition of the culture medium for Mycoplasma bovis “Kaluga 2020” isolate, as well as the study of this pathogen’s growth stages. The color-changing units assay and the culture method combined with colony-forming unit quantification were used for determination of Mycoplasma activity. It was found that when cultured in an optimized nutrient medium based on modified Hayflick broth, the microorganism enters a logarithmic growth phase after first 24 hours ofgrowth, in 72 hours the Mycoplasma culture enters astability phase, and adecline phase is recorded in 84 hours. The effect of percentage content of glucose, fresh yeast extract and horse serum in the nutrient medium on accumulation of Mycoplasma bovis “Kaluga2020” isolate was evaluated using the one-factor-at-a-time approach. It was found that the greatest effect on Mycoplasma accumulation was exerted by such growth factors as fresh yeast extract and horse serum in the nutrient medium (p &lt; 0.05), while changes in the amount of glucose did not stimulate Mycoplasma bovis growth. Based on results of the conducted studies, the appropriate composition was determined and the optimal content of growth factors in the medium for culturing Mycoplasma bovis “Kaluga 2020” isolate was selected: 12.5%of fresh yeast extract and 25% of horse serum. The use of the optimized nutrient medium based on modified Hayflick broth allowed 5-fold increase in accumulation of Mycoplasma biomass (3.98 × 109CFU/ml)compared to the standard medium (0.79 × 109CFU/ml)


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    Study of nickel sorption by complexing ion exchangers

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    Объектом исследования являются растворы, полученные после атмосферного сернокислотного выщелачивания окисленных никелевых руд. Цель работы заключается в исследовании сорбционного поведения ионов никеля (II) в сульфатных растворах на ионообменных смолах с разными функциональными группами Lewatit TP 207 и Lewatit TP 220. В работе проведены исследования сорбции никеля синтетическими ионообменными смолами. Показано, что иониты с бис–пиколиламиновыми и иминодиацетатными группами проявляют способность к сорбции ионов никеля (II) даже на фоне преобладающих концентраций ионов железа (III). Проверена возможность реализации процесса сорбционного выщелачивания. Установлено, что наиболее благоприятными условиями является рН раствора 3,5–4 и предварительное частичное осаждение железа в виде гидроксида. Рассмотрены варианты десорбции насыщенного ионита. В результате проведенных исследований предложена принципиальная технологическая схема гидрометаллургической переработки окисленных никелевых руд с ионообменным извлечением никеля.The object of research is the solutions obtained after atmospheric sulfuric acid leaching of oxidized nickel ores. The aim of this work is to study the sorption behavior of nickel (II) ions in sulfate solutions on ion-exchange resins with different functional groups Lewatit TP 207 and Lewatit TP 220. Studies of nickel sorption by synthetic ion-exchange resins have been carried out. It has been shown that ion exchangers with bis-picolylamine and iminodiacetate groups exhibit the ability to adsorb nickel (II) ions even against the background of prevailing concentrations of iron (III) ions. The possibility of implementing the sorption leaching process has been tested. It was found that the most favorable conditions are solution pH 3,5–4 and preliminary partial precipitation of iron in the form of hydroxide. Variants of saturated ion exchanger desorption are considered. As a result of the research carried out, a basic technological scheme of hydrometallurgical processing of oxidized nickel ores with ion-exchange nickel extraction was proposed

    Systematic approach to balanced control technology management

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    Articulated understanding of important systemic controls that exist in the modern world. Identify and describe the key success factors of a balanced management of organizational change. Proposed register of compliance balanced scorecard target values and objectives of balanced management of industrial organizations

    Comparison of cosmetic results after treatment in women with breast cancer who received additional radiation to the tumor bed

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    Objective: to compare cosmetic result of two techniques of boost delivery to the tumor bed after breast concerving treatment.Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of the results of treatment of patients with stage IA–IIIA breast cancer from three groups was carried out: 1) 45 women received tumor bed boost with interstitial brachytherapy; 2) 48 women with electrons (energies from 6 to 18 MeV); 3) 59 women did not receive additional irradiation of the removed tumor bed. The analysis of the cosmetic results of treatment was carried out using subjective and objective methods using mammographic data, including information about the most common complications from the skin, subcutaneous fat and remaining breast tissue, such as telangiectasias, fibrosis, and fatty necrosis.Results. According to the results of self-assessment by patients and assessment by independent expert (oncologist), carried out on a 4-point Harvard scale, the cosmetic result in most cases was characterized as “excellent” or “good”. Frequency and grade of telangiectasia were used for objective evaluation of skin complications and were similar in all 3 groups. The incidence of localized fibrosis also did not differ and was most often observed as absent or moderate (grade 1–2). There were no significant differences between the severity and incidence of fatty necrosis on both physical examinations and when it was evaluated on mammography.Conclusions. additional irradiation of the tumor bed does not compromise cosmetic result of the treatment. In most cases (57–78 %) estimated as “good” and “excellent”. The cosmetic result of the treatment does not depend on the technology of boost delivery