17 research outputs found


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    Analysis of statistics at the micro-level shows that the development trends of a large number of resident entrepreneurial structures of industrial parks are characterised by adverse dynamics. Accordingly, assessment of the performance of entrepreneurial structures and improvement of their management models in the general system of industrial parks become more relevant. This paper presents a methodological approach to the construction of a spatial-rating assessment of the performance of entrepreneurial structures in the system of industrial parks functioning. As a result, two groups of Russian regions were identified, among which a potential resident, when making a decision on the placement of production facilities, can choose a region taking into account its investment attractiveness and industrial activity. Two discriminant groups of industrial parks were determined, the condition of which can be defined as economically inefficient and efficient, by evaluating parks with low and high values of the park rating level in terms of attractiveness for external investors and resident entrepreneurial structures. The proposed methodological approach can be applied to improve the quality of decisions on the formation of differentiated strategies for sustainable development of both individual entrepreneurial structures in the system of industrial parks and their clusters, and regions as a whole. It is recommended for both enterprises and industrial parks when making decisions on the formation of strategies and development scenarios, as well as for federal and regional authorities when designing documents for the territorial development on the strategic and tactical level


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    Analysis of statistics at the micro-level shows that the development trends of a large number of resident entrepreneurial structures of industrial parks are characterised by adverse dynamics. Accordingly, assessment of the performance of entrepreneurial structures and improvement of their management models in the general system of industrial parks become more relevant. This paper presents a methodological approach to the construction of a spatial-rating assessment of the performance of entrepreneurial structures in the system of industrial parks functioning. As a result, two groups of Russian regions were identified, among which a potential resident, when making a decision on the placement of production facilities, can choose a region taking into account its investment attractiveness and industrial activity. Two discriminant groups of industrial parks were determined, the condition of which can be defined as economically inefficient and efficient, by evaluating parks with low and high values of the park rating level in terms of attractiveness for external investors and resident entrepreneurial structures. The proposed methodological approach can be applied to improve the quality of decisions on the formation of differentiated strategies for sustainable development of both individual entrepreneurial structures in the system of industrial parks and their clusters, and regions as a whole. It is recommended for both enterprises and industrial parks when making decisions on the formation of strategies and development scenarios, as well as for federal and regional authorities when designing documents for the territorial development on the strategic and tactical level

    Mass wasting triggered by seasonal CO<sub>2</sub> sublimation under Martian atmospheric conditions: Laboratory experiments

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    Sublimation is a recognized process by which planetary landscapes can be modified. However, interpretation of whether sublimation is involved in downslope movements on Mars and other bodies is restricted by a lack of empirical data to constrain this mechanism of sediment transport and its influence on landform morphology. Here we present the first set of laboratory experiments under Martian atmospheric conditions which demonstrate that the sublimation of CO2 ice from within the sediment body can trigger failure of unconsolidated, regolith slopes and can measurably alter the landscape. Previous theoretical studies required CO2 slab ice for movements, but we find that only frost is required. Hence, sediment transport by CO2 sublimation could be more widely applicable (in space and time) on Mars than previously thought. This supports recent work suggesting CO2 sublimation could be responsible for recent modification in Martian gullies

    Пространственно-рейтинговая оценка деятельности предпринимательских структур в индустриальных парках российских регионов

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    Анализ статистики на микроуровне показывает, что тенденции развития большого числа предпринимательских структур - резидентов индустриальных парков характеризуются неблагоприятной динамикой. В этой связи актуализируются вопросы оценки эффективности деятельности предпринимательских структур и совершенствования моделей управления ими в общей системе индустриальных парков. В работе предложен методический подход к построению пространственной рейтинговой оценки эффективности деятельности предпринимательских структур в системе функционирования индустриальных парков. В результате были выделены две группы регионов Российской Федерации в зависимости от размещения потенциальным резидентом производственных площадей в регионе с учетом его инвестиционной привлекательности и промы山ленной активности. Также были получены две дискриминантные группы индустриальных парков, состояние которых можно определить как экономически неэффективное и эффективное путем оценивания парков с низким и высоким значением уровня рейтинговой оценки с точки зрения привлекательности для внешнего инвестора и предпринимательских структур-резидентов. Предложенный методический подход дает возможность повысить качество принимаемых решений по формированию дифференцированных стратегий устойчивого развития как отдельных предпринимательских структур в системе индустриальных парков, так и их кластеров, регионов в целом. Полученные результаты могут быть применены как предприятиями, так и индустриальными парками при принятии решений о формировании стратегий и сценариев развития, а также органами федерального и регионального управления при разработке документов развития территорий как в стратегическом, так и тактическом плане.Analysis of statistics at the micro-level shows that the development trends of a large number of resident entrepreneurial structures of industrial parks are characterised by adverse dynamics. Accordingly, assessment of the performance of entrepreneurial structures and improvement of their management models in the general system of industrial parks become more relevant.This paper presents a methodological approach to the construction of a spatial-rating assessment of the performance of entrepreneurial structures in the system of industrial parks functioning. As a result, two groups of Russian regions were identified, among which a potential resident, when making a decision on the placement of production facilities, can choose a region taking into account its investment attractiveness and industrial activity. Two discriminant groups of industrial parks were determined, the condition of which can be defined as economically inefficient and efficient, by evaluating parks with low and high values of the park rating level in terms of attractiveness for external investors and resident entrepreneurial structures. The proposed methodological approach can be applied to improve the quality of decisions on the formation of differentiated strategies for sustainable development of both individual entrepreneurial structures in the system of industrial parks and their clusters, and regions as a whole. It is recommended for both enterprises and industrial parks when making decisions on the formation of strategies and development scenarios, as well as for federal and regional authorities when designing documents for the territorial development on the strategic and tactical level

    Peasant settlers and the ‘civilizing mission’ in Russian Turkestan, 1865-1917

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    This article provides an introduction to one of the lesser-known examples of European settler colonialism, the settlement of European (mainly Russian and Ukrainian) peasants in Southern Central Asia (Turkestan) in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It establishes the legal background and demographic impact of peasant settlement, and the role played by the state in organising and encouraging it. It explores official attitudes towards the settlers (which were often very negative), and their relations with the local Kazakh and Kyrgyz population. The article adopts a comparative framework, looking at Turkestan alongside Algeria and Southern Africa, and seeking to establish whether paradigms developed in the study of other settler societies (such as the ‘poor white’) are of any relevance in understanding Slavic peasant settlement in Turkestan. It concludes that there are many close parallels with European settlement in other regions with large indigenous populations, but that racial ideology played a much less important role in the Russian case compared to religious divisions and fears of cultural backsliding. This did not prevent relations between settlers and the ‘native’ population deteriorating markedly in the years before the First World War, resulting in large-scale rebellion in 1916

    Notas : educación de personas adultas

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    El artículo ofrece el análisis de las características que presenta la educación de adultos en Argentina. Se ofrece una revisión histórica de esta enseñanza en aquel país desde el siglo pasado hasta la actualidad destacando las décadas de los años sesenta y setenta como las de mayor impulso. En la época actual, la educación de adultos está muy condicionada por la grave situación económica y social. Se traza un perfil tanto del alumno que asiste a estas clases, mayoritariamente joven, como del profesor que las imparte, que generalmente proviene de otras áreas profesionales. Finalmente, se analizan las mayores dificultades a las que se enfrenta esta enseñanza, así como los logros obtenidos.MadridES

    A search for Ganymede stereo images and 3D mapping opportunities

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    We used 126 Voyager-1 and -2 as well as 87 Galileo images of Ganymede and searched for stereo images suitable for digital 3D stereo analysis. Specifically, we consider image resolutions, stereo angles, as well as matching illumination conditions of respective stereo pairs. Lists of regions and local areas with stereo coverage are compiled. We present anaglyphs and we selected areas, not previously discussed, for which we constructed Digital Elevation Models and associated visualizations. The terrain characteristics in the models are in agreement with our previous notion of Ganymede morphology, represented by families of lineaments and craters of various sizes and degradation stages. The identified areas of stereo coverage may serve as important reference targets for the Ganymede Laser Altimeter (GALA) experiment on the future JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) mission


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    A new global control point network was derived for Enceladus, based on Cassini and Voyager-2 image data. Cassini images were taken from 2005 to 2014, for Voyager we have only one flyby in the middle of 1981. We have derived 3D Cartesian coordinates for 1128 control points as well as improved pointing data for 12 Voyager and 193 Cassini images in the Enceladus-fixed coordinate system. The point accuracies vary from 55 m to 2900 m (average point accuracy &ndash; 221 m). From tracking of the control points we detect a librational motion described by a model which includes 3 different periods and amplitudes (Rambaux et al., 2011). We determine the amplitudes for each term. Our new control point network has a higher number of point measurements and a higher accuracy than previous data (Giese et al., 2014)


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    The special modules of photogrammetric processing of remote sensing data that provide the opportunity to effectively organize and optimize the planetary studies were developed. As basic application the commercial software package PHOTOMOD™ is used. Special modules were created to perform various types of data processing: calculation of preliminary navigation parameters, calculation of shape parameters of celestial body, global view image orthorectification, estimation of Sun illumination and Earth visibilities from planetary surface. For photogrammetric processing the different types of data have been used, including images of the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Phobos, Galilean satellites and Enceladus obtained by frame or push-broom cameras. We used modern planetary data and images that were taken over the years, shooting from orbit flight path with various illumination and resolution as well as obtained by planetary rovers from surface. Planetary data image processing is a complex task, and as usual it can take from few months to years. We present our efficient pipeline procedure that provides the possibilities to obtain different data products and supports a long way from planetary images to celestial body maps. The obtained data &ndash; new three-dimensional control point networks, elevation models, orthomosaics &ndash; provided accurate maps production: a new Phobos atlas (Karachevtseva et al., 2015) and various thematic maps that derived from studies of planetary surface (Karachevtseva et al., 2016a)