288 research outputs found

    Audit of State-Owned Enterprises: The Most Relevant Areas of Risk

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the most relevant audit risks in state-owned public companies and whether they are influenced by the characteristics of the company or the auditor. For this purpose, the audit reports of the Spanish state-owned enterprises are analyzed and the areas of risk are identified, differentiating between risk at the entity level, which is the risk of a company in general, and the risk at the accounting level, related to elements of financial statements. The results show that these entities mostly present unqualified reports and that the most relevant aspects can be affected by the size, liquidity and economic profitability of the entity, as well as by the fees paid to audit companies

    Accrual financial reporting in the public sector: Is it a reality?

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    Although modernization of governmental accounting has led to the implementation of accrual financial reporting, budgets in most continental european countries, including spain, continue to be based on cash or modified cash methods. Consequently, cash-based and accrual- based financial information coexist. this may create problems for the full implementation of accrual financial statements. this paper analyzes the differences in practice between the results disclosed in financial and budgetary statements under both bases of accounting in order to identify to what extent accrual accounting has been implemented and to verify whether budgetary and accrual- based financial figures are significantly different. the research findings show that there is a high correlation between the current budgetary result and the economic result and, therefore, that in practice the accrual principle has not been implemented effectively

    Drivers for universities’ contribution to the sustainable development goals: An analysis of Spanish public universities

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    Universities have a critical role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), both for implementing active policies and for encouraging other actors to participate. This requires having the skills and mind-sets to contribute to these challenges. The relevance and the commitment of universities to sustainability has led to the inclusion of SDGs in the strategies and agendas of these institutions. This requires the involvement of all the actors and some structural and cultural changes that put SDGs at the core of the governance and management of the university, embracing all the stakeholders. Various internal and external factors may influence the impact and success of the policies and activities aiming at achieving the SDGs, both from an overall perspective and for individual SDGs. This paper assesses the influence of some internal factors, such as the presence of universities on the internet, the level of internationalization or the availability of financial resources. Through both regression analyses and the Gephi method, our results confirm the importance of the presence on the internet, the internationalization of the university and the financial resources for research and infrastructure received from regional governments for Spanish public universities to make a greater contribution to SDGs

    Accrual financial reporting in the public sector: Is it a reality?

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    Although modernization of governmental accounting has led to the implementation of accrual financial reporting, budgets in most continental european countries, including spain, continue to be based on cash or modified cash methods. Consequently, cash-based and accrual- based financial information coexist. this may create problems for the full implementation of accrual financial statements. this paper analyzes the differences in practice between the results disclosed in financial and budgetary statements under both bases of accounting in order to identify to what extent accrual accounting has been implemented and to verify whether budgetary and accrual- based financial figures are significantly different. the research findings show that there is a high correlation between the current budgetary result and the economic result and, therefore, that in practice the accrual principle has not been implemented effectively

    Public sector accounting harmonization in the European Union through the lens of the garbage can model

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    The public sector accounting harmonization process that started in the European Union in the aftermath of the financial crisis led the European Commission to launch a project for the development of a set of European Public Sector Accounting Standards (EPSAS). This paper analyses the process and the decision-making around development of the EPSAS through the lens of the garbage can model (Cohen, M. D., March, J. G., & Olsen, J. P. (1972). A garbage can model of organizational choice. Administrative Science Quarterly, 17(1), 1–25). More specifically, by identifying problems, participants, solutions, and choice opportunities, it discusses why the development of the EPSAS is taking so long and why the process does not seem to be progressing as planned. To this end, documents related to the process of EPSAS development are analyzed. The results provide evidence of problematic preferences and fluid participation possibly coupled with flight decisions—three elements of the garbage can model. Postponing decisions can be an option to dampen reluctance. The more the public sector becomes accustomed to the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) by adopting IPSAS-like accrual accounting standards while waiting for the completion of the EPSAS, the less resistance there might be to moving to accrual accounting standards. However, at the same time, an imminent change to a new set of EPSAS standards might become less plausible if changes demand extra reform

    Are SDGs being translated into accounting terms? Evidence from European cities

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    IMPACT: The challenge launched by the United Nations (UN) on the achievement of SDGs requires local governments to rethink how to devote their resources and report on their results regarding SDGs. The article analyses how existing frameworks communicate, through financial indicators, the efforts done towards sustainable development. The Voluntary Local Reviews (VLR) published by European cities and made available on the UN website can stimulate further reflection and actions toward making SDGs an accounting issue

    A multivariate study of Internet use and the Digital Divide

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    Method: The article is based on survey data (N = 2,304) collected in Spain, which are analyzed using multiple regression, principal component analysis, and cluster analysis. Results: Two dimensions are identified: the first is the comprehensive use of Internet and the second is the nature of this use, differentiating between a professional use and a recreational and social use of Internet. The article verifies that factors explaining the digital divide are age, education level, and income. Conclusions: The article identifies digitally excluded segments, and the efforts and actions for digital training to eradicate the digital divide should be directed at these groups. The most serious problem is encountered in homeworkers who are mainly woman. NEETs (not in education, employment, or training) are frequent users of Internet, but they only use it for entertainment and to certain extent they are digitally excluded

    A multivariate study of the digital divide and digital exclusion

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    This paper explores the use of Internet, including social networks, e-government services and e-commerce from the perspective of the digital divide. First, it aims to find out what factors explain the digital divide, considered as a multidimensional concept. Second, the article aims to identify the groups that are digitally excluded. The paper is based on survey data (N=2,304) collected in Spain that are analyzed by using multiple regression, principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Two dimensions are identified: the first is the comprehensive use of Internet and the second is the nature of this use, differentiating between a professional use and a recreational and social use of Internet. The paper verifies that factors explaining the digital divide are age, education level, and income. Many unemployed are among the most frequent users of Internet. The most serious problem is encountered in homeworkers, who are mainly woman. NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) are frequent users of Internet but they only use it for entertainment and to certain extent they are digitally excluded

    Features and drivers of citizen participation: Insights from participatory budgeting in three European cities

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    Participatory budgeting (PB) is a relatively novel approach to the allocation of funds which allows ordinary citizens to become directly involved in how local government money is spent. This study identifies and examines the features and drivers of PB that incentivize citizen participation and the co-production of public services. Our analysis takes a fresh approach by setting PB initiatives in an innovative frame combining a paradigm of ‘ideal’ types of PB and their diachronic constituent phases. The results provide insights for both scholars and policy makers on the key features and drivers of citizen participation through PB. © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    The relationship between thyroid disorders and vitamin A. A narrative minireview

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    : The terms "vitamin A" and "retinoids" encompass a group of fat-soluble compounds essential for human nutrition. Some of them (retinol, retinal, 9-cis-retinoic acid, tretinoin, and 13-cis-retinoic acid) are fully natural, while others are synthetic compounds used mostly for therapeutic purposes. Some evidence indicates that the nutritional status of these retinoids (i.e., the presence or absence of deficiency) is able to modulate thyroid gland metabolism. Vitamin A deficiency is tightly correlated with structural and functional impairment of the thyroid gland and is often associated with iodine deficiency. Furthermore, retinoids are involved in different immune functions, as well as in the process of activation, proliferation, and differentiation of regulatory T cells (Treg). This is particularly significant given the high prevalence of thyroid autoimmune disorders, whose pathogenesis seems to be related to the altered homeostasis of regulatory T cells. Retinoids are also involved in the modulation of gene expression via their interaction with nuclear receptors, and they also act as cofactors in cell growth and differentiation. The ability of retinoic acid to increase iodine uptake and sodium-iodine symporter activity in human thyroid cancer cell lines suggests that some retinoids and their derivatives may be of use in the treatment of different thyroid tumors. This minireview summarizes the current knowledge on the link between nutritional intake of vitamin A and various thyroid disorders
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