33 research outputs found

    Selective methylation of histone H3 variant H3.1 regulates heterochromatin replication

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    Histone variants have been proposed to act as determinants for posttranslational modifications with widespread regulatory functions. We identify a histone-modifying enzyme that selectively methylates the replication-dependent histone H3 variant H3.1. The crystal structure of the SET domain of the histone H3 lysine-27 (H3K27) methyltransferase ARABIDOPSIS TRITHORAX-RELATED PROTEIN 5 (ATXR5) in complex with a H3.1 peptide shows that ATXR5 contains a bipartite catalytic domain that specifically "reads" alanine-31 of H3.1. Variation at position 31 between H3.1 and replication-independent H3.3 is conserved in plants and animals, and threonine-31 in H3.3 is responsible for inhibiting the activity of ATXR5 and its paralog, ATXR6. Our results suggest a simple model for the mitotic inheritance of the heterochromatic mark H3K27me1 and the protection of H3.3-enriched genes against heterochromatization during DNA replication

    Structure of the APPL1 BAR-PH domain and characterization of its interaction with Rab5

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    APPL1 is an effector of the small GTPase Rab5. Together, they mediate a signal transduction pathway initiated by ligand binding to cell surface receptors. Interaction with Rab5 is confined to the amino (N)-terminal region of APPL1. We report the crystal structures of human APPL1 N-terminal BAR-PH domain motif. The BAR and PH domains, together with a novel linker helix, form an integrated, crescent-shaped, symmetrical dimer. This BAR–PH interaction is likely conserved in the class of BAR-PH containing proteins. Biochemical analyses indicate two independent Rab-binding sites located at the opposite ends of the dimer, where the PH domain directly interacts with Rab5 and Rab21. Besides structurally supporting the PH domain, the BAR domain also contributes to Rab binding through a small surface region in the vicinity of the PH domain. In stark contrast to the helix-dominated, Rab-binding domains previously reported, APPL1 PH domain employs β-strands to interact with Rab5. On the Rab5 side, both switch regions are involved in the interaction. Thus we identified a new binding mode between PH domains and small GTPases

    To automate or not to automate: this is the question

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    New protocols and instrumentation significantly boost the outcome of structural biology, which has resulted in significant growth in the number of deposited Protein Data Bank structures. However, even an enormous increase of the productivity of a single step of the structure determination process may not significantly shorten the time between clone and deposition or publication. For example, in a medium size laboratory equipped with the LabDB and HKL-3000 systems, we show that automation of some (and integration of all) steps of the X-ray structure determination pathway is critical for laboratory productivity. Moreover, we show that the lag period after which the impact of a technology change is observed is longer than expected

    Automated Structure Solution with the PHENIX Suite

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    Significant time and effort are often required to solve and complete a macromolecular crystal structure. The development of automated computational methods for the analysis, solution and completion of crystallographic structures has the potential to produce minimally biased models in a short time without the need for manual intervention. The PHENIX software suite is a highly automated system for macromolecular structure determination that can rapidly arrive at an initial partial model of a structure without significant human intervention, given moderate resolution and good quality data. This achievement has been made possible by the development of new algorithms for structure determination, maximum-likelihood molecular replacement (PHASER), heavy-atom search (HySS), template and pattern-based automated model-building (RESOLVE, TEXTAL), automated macromolecular refinement (phenix.refine), and iterative model-building, density modification and refinement that can operate at moderate resolution (RESOLVE, AutoBuild). These algorithms are based on a highly integrated and comprehensive set of crystallographic libraries that have been built and made available to the community. The algorithms are tightly linked and made easily accessible to users through the PHENIX Wizards and the PHENIX GUI

    Crystallographic analysis of murine constitutive androstane receptor ligand-binding domain complexed with 5α-androst-16-en-3α-ol

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    The purification and structure determination of the murine constitutive androstane receptor bound to its inverse agonist/antagonist androstenol is described

    Higher Desolvation Energy Reduces Molecular Recognition in Multi-Drug Resistant HIV-1 Protease

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    Designing HIV-1 protease inhibitors that overcome drug-resistance is still a challenging task. In this study, four clinical isolates of multi-drug resistant HIV-1 proteases that exhibit resistance to all the US FDA-approved HIV-1 protease inhibitors and also reduce the substrate recognition ability were examined. A multi-drug resistant HIV-1 protease isolate, MDR 769, was co-crystallized with the p2/NC substrate and the mutated CA/p2 substrate, CA/p2 P1’F. Both substrates display different levels of molecular recognition by the wild-type and multi-drug resistant HIV-1 protease. From the crystal structures, only limited differences can be identified between the wild-type and multi-drug resistant protease. Therefore, a wild-type HIV-1 protease and four multi-drug resistant HIV-1 proteases in complex with the two peptides were modeled based on the crystal structures and examined during a 10 ns-molecular dynamics simulation. The simulation results reveal that the multi-drug resistant HIV-1 proteases require higher desolvation energy to form complexes with the peptides. This result suggests that the desolvation of the HIV-1 protease active site is an important step of protease-ligand complex formation as well as drug resistance. Therefore, desolvation energy could be considered as a parameter in the evaluation of future HIV-1 protease inhibitor candidates

    Biochemical and Structural Analysis of the Bacterial Enzyme Succinyl-Diaminopimelate Desuccinylase (DapE) from Acinetobacter baumannii

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    There is an urgent need for new antibiotics given the rise of antibiotic resistance, and succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase (DapE, E.C. has emerged as a promising bacterial enzyme target. DapE from Haemophilus influenzae (HiDapE) has been studied and inhibitors identified, but it is essential to explore DapE from different species to assess selective versus broad-spectrum therapeutics. We have determined the structure of DapE from the ESKAPE pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii (AbDapE) and studied inhibition by known inhibitors of HiDapE. AbDapE is inhibited by captopril and sulfate comparable to HiDapE, but AbDapE was not significantly inhibited by a known indoline sulfonamide HiDapE inhibitor. Captopril and sulfate both stabilize HiDapE by increasing the thermal melting temperature (Tm) in thermal shift assays. By contrast, sulfate decreases the stability of the AbDapE enzyme, whereas captopril increases the stability. Further, we report two crystal structures of selenomethionine-substituted AbDapE in the closed conformation, one with AbDapE in complex with succinate derived from enzymatic hydrolysis of N6-methyl-l,l-SDAP substrate and acetate (PDB code 7T1Q, 2.25 Å resolution), and a crystal structure of AbDapE with bound succinate along with l-(S)-lactate, a product of degradation of citric acid from the crystallization buffer during X-ray irradiation (PDB code 8F8O, 2.10 Å resolution)

    In vitro reconstitution and crystal structure of p-aminobenzoate N-oxygenase (AurF) involved in aureothin biosynthesis

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    p-aminobenzoate N-oxygenase (AurF) from Streptomyces thioluteus catalyzes the formation of unusual polyketide synthase starter unit p-nitrobenzoic acid (pNBA) from p-aminobenzoic acid (pABA) in the biosynthesis of antibiotic aureothin. AurF is a metalloenzyme, but its native enzymatic activity has not been demonstrated in vitro, and its catalytic mechanism is unclear. In addition, the nature of the cofactor remains a controversy. Here, we report the in vitro reconstitution of the AurF enzyme activity, the crystal structure of AurF in the oxidized state, and the cocrystal structure of AurF with its product pNBA. Our combined biochemical and structural analysis unequivocally indicates that AurF is a non-heme di-iron monooxygenase that catalyzes sequential oxidation of aminoarenes to nitroarenes via hydroxylamine and nitroso intermediates