8,715 research outputs found


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    Density distribution analysis in continuous gradients of albumin has been used to study the development of cytotoxic lymphocytes (CL), to separate and characterize the progenitors of CL, and to determine their relationship to subpopulations of T cells. CL progenitors in the thymus were a homogeneous, medium-density population, distinct from the typical, dense, thymus small-lymphocyte. Activity seemed to be associated with one minor subpopulation of cells with surface antigenic properties characteristic of peripheral T cells (high levels of H-2 antigen, low levels of θ-antigen). CL progenitors in the spleen differed from those in the thymus and normally had the high buoyant density of typical small T lymphocytes. In states of antigenic stimulation, some lighter-density CL progenitors were found in the spleen. The buoyant density of the CL population developing in the spleens of immunized animals showed progressive changes with time. Early, "immature" CL had the light-density characteristics of large, activated lymphocytes. As the response developed, the density of the CL population increased, and finally approached that of CL progenitors and of typical small lymphocytes. The data suggest that density subpopulations of T cells represent stages in the development of immunocompetent cells. Possible differentiation pathways of T lymphocytes in the thymus and in the spleen are discussed

    Defect flows in minimal models

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    In this paper we study a simple example of a two-parameter space of renormalisation group flows of defects in Virasoro minimal models. We use a combination of exact results, perturbation theory and the truncated conformal space approach to search for fixed points and investigate their nature. For the Ising model, we confirm the recent results of Fendley et al. In the case of central charge close to one, we find six fixed points, five of which we can identify in terms of known defects and one of which we conjecture is a new non-trivial conformal defect. We also include several new results on exact properties of perturbed defects and on the renormalisation group in the truncated conformal space approach.Comment: 35 pages, 21 figures. 1 reference adde

    D-brane Categories for Orientifolds -- The Landau-Ginzburg Case

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    We construct and classify categories of D-branes in orientifolds based on Landau-Ginzburg models and their orbifolds. Consistency of the worldsheet parity action on the matrix factorizations plays the key role. This provides all the requisite data for an orientifold construction after embedding in string theory. One of our main results is a computation of topological field theory correlators on unoriented worldsheets, generalizing the formulas of Vafa and Kapustin-Li for oriented worldsheets, as well as the extension of these results to orbifolds. We also find a doubling of Knoerrer periodicity in the orientifold context.Comment: 45 pages, 6 figure

    Lithographic engineering of anisotropies in (Ga,Mn)As

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    The focus of studies on ferromagnetic semiconductors is moving from material issues to device functionalities based on novel phenomena often associated with the anisotropy properties of these materials. This is driving a need for a method to locally control the anisotropy in order to allow the elaboration of devices. Here we present a method which provides patterning induced anisotropy which not only can be applied locally, but also dominates over the intrinsic material anisotropy at all temperatures

    B-type defects in Landau-Ginzburg models

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    We consider Landau-Ginzburg models with possibly different superpotentials glued together along one-dimensional defect lines. Defects preserving B-type supersymmetry can be represented by matrix factorisations of the difference of the superpotentials. The composition of these defects and their action on B-type boundary conditions is described in this framework. The cases of Landau-Ginzburg models with superpotential W=X^d and W=X^d+Z^2 are analysed in detail, and the results are compared to the CFT treatment of defects in N=2 superconformal minimal models to which these Landau-Ginzburg models flow in the IR.Comment: 50 pages, 2 figure

    Measuring the equation of state of a hard-disc fluid

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    We use video microscopy to study a two-dimensional (2D) model fluid of charged colloidal particles suspended in water and compute the pressure from the measured particle configurations. Direct experimental control over the particle density by means of optical tweezers allows the precise measurement of pressure as a function of density. We compare our data with theoretical predictions for the equation of state, the pair-correlation function and the compressibility of a hard-disc fluid and find good agreement, both for the fluid and the solid phase. In particular the location of the transition point agrees well with results from Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in EPL, slightly corrected versio


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    After transfer into heavily-irradiated allogeneic mice, spleen cells were found to produce two types of effector cells directed against the recipient alloantigens, namely alloantibody plaque-forming cells (PFC) and cytotoxic lymphocytes (CL). Both types of effector cells were detectable in vitro by virtue of their lytic effect on target cells carrying the recipient alloantigens. Alloantibody PFC activity was dependent on the presence of an exogenous source of complement and could be inhibited by the addition of heterologous antisera to mouse µ-chain or Fab fragment in the assay system. CL activity was independent of added complement, was not affected by anti-immunoglobulin antisera, but was inhibited by the addition of antibody against target cell alloantigens. Treatment of the transferred spleen cells with anti-θ-serum and complement before in vitro assays for PFC and CL completely abolished the CL activity but had no effect on alloantibody-plaque formation. These results indicate that the two types of effector cells can be differentiated in vitro by virtue of their susceptibility to anti-θ-serum and the mechanisms by which they cause cell lysis

    Quantum-dot-based optical polarization conversion

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    We report circular-to-linear and linear-to-circular conversion of optical polarization by semiconductor quantum dots. The polarization conversion occurs under continuous wave excitation in absence of any magnetic field. The effect originates from quantum interference of linearly and circularly polarized photon states, induced by the natural anisotropic shape of the self assembled dots. The behavior can be qualitatively explained in terms of a pseudospin formalism.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; a reference adde

    Single electron charging of impurity sites visualized by scanning gate experiments on a quantum point contact

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    A quantum point contact (QPC) patterned on a two-dimensional electron gas is investigated with a scanning gate setup operated at a temperature of 300 mK. The conductance of the point contact is recorded while the local potential is modified by scanning the tip. Single electron charging of impurities induced by the local potential is observed as a stepwise conductance change of the constriction. By selectively changing the state of some of these impurities, it is possible to observe changes in transmission resonances of the QPC. The location of such impurities is determined, and their density is estimated to be below 50 per \mu m^2, corresponding to less than 1 % of the doping concentration