24 research outputs found

    Population growth of Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana) predates human agricultural activity

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    Background Human activities, such as agriculture, hunting, and habitat modification, exert a significant effect on native species. Although many species have suffered population declines, increased population fragmentation, or even extinction in connection with these human impacts, others seem to have benefitted from human modification of their habitat. Here we examine whether population growth in an insectivorous bat (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana) can be attributed to the widespread expansion of agriculture in North America following European settlement. Colonies of T. b. mexicana are extremely large (~106 individuals) and, in the modern era, major agricultural insect pests form an important component of their food resource. It is thus hypothesized that the growth of these insectivorous bat populations was coupled to the expansion of agricultural land use in North America over the last few centuries. Results We sequenced one haploid and one autosomal locus to determine the rate and time of onset of population growth in T. b. mexicana. Using an approximate Maximum Likelihood method, we have determined that T. b. mexicana populations began to grow ~220 kya from a relatively small ancestral effective population size before reaching the large effective population size observed today. Conclusions Our analyses reject the hypothesis that T. b. mexicana populations grew in connection with the expansion of human agriculture in North America, and instead suggest that this growth commenced long before the arrival of humans. As T. brasiliensis is a subtropical species, we hypothesize that the observed signals of population growth may instead reflect range expansions of ancestral bat populations from southern glacial refugia during the tail end of the Pleistocene

    Response of a Specialist Bat to the Loss of a Critical Resource

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    Human activities have negatively impacted many species, particularly those with unique traits that restrict their use of resources and conditions to specific habitats. Unfortunately, few studies have been able to isolate the individual and combined effects of different threats on population persistence in a natural setting, since not all organisms can be associated with discrete habitat features occurring over limited spatial scales. We present the results of a field study that examines the short-term effects of roost loss in a specialist bat using a conspicuous, easily modified resource. We mimicked roost loss in the natural habitat and monitored individuals before and after the perturbation to determine patterns of resource use, spatial movements, and group stability. Our study focused on the disc-winged bat Thyroptera tricolor, a species highly morphologically specialized for roosting in the developing furled leaves of members of the order Zingiberales. We found that the number of species used for roosting increased, that home range size increased (before: mean 0.14±SD 0.08 ha; after: 0.73±0.68 ha), and that mean association indices decreased (before: 0.95±0.10; after: 0.77±0.18) once the roosting habitat was removed. These results demonstrate that the removal of roosting resources is associated with a decrease in roost-site preferences or selectivity, an increase in mobility of individuals, and a decrease in social cohesion. These responses may reduce fitness by potentially increasing energetic expenditure, predator exposure, and a decrease in cooperative interactions. Despite these potential risks, individuals never used roost-sites other than developing furled leaves, suggesting an extreme specialization that could ultimately jeopardize the long-term persistence of this species' local populations

    Effects of reproductive condition, roost microclimate, and weather patterns on summer torpor use by a vespertilionid bat

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    A growing number of mammal species are recognized as heterothermic, capable of maintaining a high-core body temperature or entering a state of metabolic suppression known as torpor. Small mammals can achieve large energetic savings when torpid, but they are also subject to ecological costs. Studying torpor use in an ecological and physiological context can help elucidate relative costs and benefits of torpor to different groups within a population. We measured skin temperatures of 46 adult Rafinesque's big-eared bats (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) to evaluate thermoregulatory strategies of a heterothermic small mammal during the reproductive season. We compared daily average and minimum skin temperatures as well as the frequency, duration, and depth of torpor bouts of sex and reproductive classes of bats inhabiting day-roosts with different thermal characteristics. We evaluated roosts with microclimates colder (caves) and warmer (buildings) than ambient air temperatures, as well as roosts with intermediate conditions (trees and rock crevices). Using Akaike's information criterion (AIC), we found that different statistical models best predicted various characteristics of torpor bouts. While the type of day-roost best predicted the average number of torpor bouts that bats used each day, current weather variables best predicted daily average and minimum skin temperatures of bats, and reproductive condition best predicted average torpor bout depth and the average amount of time spent torpid each day by bats. Finding that different models best explain varying aspects of heterothermy illustrates the importance of torpor to both reproductive and nonreproductive small mammals and emphasizes the multifaceted nature of heterothermy and the need to collect data on numerous heterothermic response variables within an ecophysiological context

    Buildings provide vital habitat for little brown myotis ( Myotis lucifugus

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    © 2019 The Authors. Bats in North America are currently experiencing dramatic population declines due to the disease white-nose syndrome. The long-term viability of vulnerable species requires recognition of critical habitats, including those also occupied by humans. Our study aimed to quantify the importance of buildings to little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus) in Yellowstone National Park, a high-elevation landscape with relatively few human structures and abundant alternative roosting habitat. We measured roost preferences and thermoregulation in adult male and female bats roosting in buildings, trees, and rocks using temperature-sensitive radio-transmitters. We also studied microclimates within each roost type for comparison to roost preferences. We found reproductive females roosting in building attics on 84% of all possible days, while males roosted exclusively in rock crevices or in trees. This dichotomous roosting pattern reflected differences in roost microclimates. All roost types buffered bats from daily minimum ambient temperatures; however, buildings were more insulated from low ambient temperatures during the middle of the maternity season. Male bats roosting in rocks and trees predominantly thermoconformed to roost temperatures, while females roosting in buildings sustained higher body temperatures than males throughout the day. Pregnant and lactating females also used torpor frequently, with skin temperatures reaching \u3c10°C, and a gestation period lasting 49–89 d. These results show that cool summer temperatures at high elevations present an energetic challenge to little brown myotis. Buildings provide critical habitat for reproductive females and likely allow for larger populations than would be possible in their absence, making these roosts a priority for long-term conservation of this declining species