26 research outputs found

    Sentence Complexity in Context

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    We study the influence of context on how humans evaluate the complexity of a sentence in English. We collect a new dataset of sentences, where each sentence is rated for perceived complexity within different contextual windows. We carry out an in-depth analysis to detect which linguistic features correlate more with complexity judgments and with the degree of agreement among annotators. We train several regression models, using either explicit linguistic features or contextualized word embeddings, to predict the mean complexity values assigned to sentences in the different contextual windows, as well as their standard deviation. Results show that models leveraging explicit features capturing morphosyntactic and syntactic phenomena perform always better, especially when they have access to features extracted from all contextual sentences

    Linguistic Profile of a Text and Human Ratings of Writing Quality: a Case Study on Italian L1 Learner Essays

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    This paper presents a study based on the linguistic profiling methodology to explore the relationship between the linguistic structure of a text and how it is perceived in terms of writing quality by humans. The approach is tested on a selection of Italian L1 learners essays, which were taken from a larger longitudinal corpus of essays written by Italian L1 students enrolled in the first and second year of lower secondary school. Human ratings of writing quality by Italian native speakers were collected through a crowdsourcing task, in which annotators were asked to read pairs of essays and rated which one they believed to be better written. By analyzing these ratings, the study identifies a variety of linguistic phenomena spanning across distinct levels of linguistic description that distinguish the essays considered as ‘winners’ and evaluates the impact of students’ errors on the human perception of writing quality

    That Looks Hard: Characterizing Linguistic Complexity in Humans and Language Models

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    This paper investigates the relationship between two complementary perspectives in the human assessment of sentence complexity and how they are modeled in a neural language model (NLM). The first perspective takes into account multiple online behavioral metrics obtained from eye-tracking recordings. The second one concerns the offline perception of complexity measured by explicit human judgments. Using a broad spectrum of linguistic features modeling lexical, morpho-syntactic, and syntactic properties of sentences, we perform a comprehensive analysis of linguistic phenomena associated with the two complexity viewpoints and report similarities and differences. We then show the effectiveness of linguistic features when explicitly leveraged by a regression model for predicting sentence complexity and compare its results with the ones obtained by a fine-tuned neural language model. We finally probe the NLM's linguistic competence before and after fine-tuning, highlighting how linguistic information encoded in representations changes when the model learns to predict complexity

    Lexicon and Syntax: Complexity across Genres and Language Varieties

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    This paper presents first results of an ongoing work to investigate the interplay between lexical complexity and syntactic complexity with respect to nominal lexicon and how it is affected by textual genre and level of linguistic complexity within genre. A cross-genre analysis is carried out for the Italian language using multi–leveled linguistic features automatically extracted from dependency parsed corpora.Questo articolo presenta i primi risultati di un lavoro in corso volto a indagare la relazione tra complessità lessicale e complessità sintattica rispetto al lessico nominale e in che modo sia influenzata dal genere testuale e dal livello di complessità linguistica interno al genere. Un’analisi comparativa su più generi è condotta per la lingua italiana usando caratteristiche linguistiche multilivello estratte automaticamente da corpora annotati fino alla sintassi a dipendenze

    Is this sentence difficult? Do you agree?

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    In this paper, we present a crowdsourcing-based approach to model the human perception of sentence complexity. We collect a large corpus of sentences rated with judgments of complexity for two typologically-different languages, Italian and English. We test our approach in two experimental scenarios aimed to investigate the contribution of a wide set of lexical, morpho-syntactic and syntactic phenomena in predicting i) the degree of agreement among annotators independently from the assigned judgment and ii) the perception of sentence complexity

    DARC-IT: a DAtaset for Reading Comprehension in Italian

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    In this paper, we present DARC-IT, a new reading comprehension dataset for the Italian language aimed at identifying ‘question-worthy’ sentences, i.e. sentences in a text which contain information that is worth asking a question about. The purpose of the corpus is twofold: to investigate the linguistic profile of question-worthy sentences and to support the development of automatic question generation systems.In questo contributo, viene presentato DARC-IT, un nuovo corpus di comprensione scritta per la lingua italiana per l’identificazione delle frasi che si prestano ad essere oggetto di una domanda2. Lo scopo di questo corpus è duplice: studiare il profilo linguistico delle frasi informative e fornire un corpus di addestramento a supporto di un sistema automatico di generazione di domande di comprensione

    What Makes My Model Perplexed? A Linguistic Investigation on Neural Language Models Perplexity

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    This paper presents an investigation aimed at studying how the linguistic structure of a sentence affects the perplexity of two of the most popular Neural Language Models (NLMs), BERT and GPT-2. We first compare the sentence-level likelihood computed with BERT and the GPT-2's perplexity showing that the two metrics are correlated. In addition, we exploit linguistic features capturing a wide set of morpho-syntactic and syntactic phenomena showing how they contribute to predict the perplexity of the two NLMs

    Design and Annotation of the First Italian Corpus for Text Simplification

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    In this paper, we present design and construction of the first Italian corpus for automatic and semi--automatic text simplification. In line with current approaches, we propose a new annotation scheme specifically conceived to identify the typology of changes an original sentence undergoes when it is manually simplified. Such a scheme has been applied to two aligned Italian corpora, containing original texts with corresponding simplified versions, selected as representative of two different manual simplification strategies and addressing different target reader populations. Each corpus was annotated with the operations foreseen in the annotation scheme, covering different levels of linguistic description. Annotation results were analysed with the final aim of capturing peculiarities and differences of the different simplification strategies pursued in the two corpora