42 research outputs found

    Surface faulting during the August 24, 2016, central Italy earthquake (Mw 6.0): Preliminary results

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    We present some preliminary results on the mapping of coseismically-induced ground ruptures following the Aug. 24, 2016, Central Italy earthquake (Mw 6.0). The seismogenic source, as highlighted by InSAR and seismological data, ruptured across two adjacent structures: the Mt. Vettore and Laga faults. We collected field data on ground breaks along the whole deformed area and two different scenarios of on-fault coseismic displacement arise from these observations. To the north, along the Mt. Vettore fault, surface faulting can be mapped quite continuously along a well-defined fault strand while such features are almost absent to the south, along the Laga fault, where flysch-like marly units are present. A major lithological control affects the surface expression of faulting, resulting in a complex deformation pattern

    Paleoseismological evidence in the epicentral area of the January 13, 1968, Belice (SW Sicily) earthquake.

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    Association of Engineering Geologists, Bulletin, Special Publicatio

    Paleoseismological evidence in Central Apennines (Italy).

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    Tehran, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering & Seismology (IIEES) and UNESC

    A model of Como (N italy) urban subsurface: a multidisciplinary tool for hydraulic, hydrogeologic and subsidence risk management

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    The city of Como lies on the shores of Lake Como and is built on a sedimentary basin made of at least 155 m of post-LGM (Last Glacial Maximum) lacustrine, palustrine and alluvial deposits. The area is threatened by different kinds of geological hazards, mainly related to lake flooding and subsidence; the city is also particularly vulnerable in case of possible strong ground shaking, because of the local high liquefaction potential and the likely occurrence of slope instabilities and amplification phenomena. We applied a multidisciplinary approach aimed at reconstructing the late Quaternary and Holocene evolution of the area, based on field surveys and the analyses of stratigraphic and geotechnical data, hydrogeological and subsidence monitoring. Our model has been tested during the design of the new defense system for the mitigation of the flood hazard. We anticipated that the worst geological problems for this facility would have occurred in the area where, according to our model, the Roman lake harbour was located. We realized at this site a specific campaign consisting in the drilling of 7 new boreholes, a number of14C dating, and geotechnical and seismic surveys. A previously unrecognized organic silty unit, rich in archaeological remains and consistent with our hypothesis, has been found. This unit is the most critical for engineering planning due to its very bad mechanical properties. These results demonstrate that the model can be used as a predictive tool for hazard management and for a more efficient urban planning

    Seismic hazard evaluation in central Italy: preliminary results of the Rieti Basin Project

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    Seismic Landscape of the Monferrato Arc

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    The Emilia and Lombardia 2012 seismic sequence (two main shocks of Mw ca. 6.0) revamped once again the scientific debate about the seismic hazard posed by Quaternary tectonic structures of the Po Plain foredeep (e.g., Serva, 1990; Boccaletti et al., 2004; Picotti and Pazzaglia, 2008; Michetti et al., 2012; Galli et al., 2012). The W sector of the foredeep represents in particular the area with most controversial interpretation in terms of active tectonics and seismic potential. For instance, in the ITHACA catalogue of capable faults the Monferrato Arc is regarded as a seismogenic structure with potential for surface faulting earthquakes; while in the DISS database the W Lombardia and Piemonte are essentially interpreted as areas lacking any evidence of active faulting and seismic sources with Mw > 5.5. In order to attack this issue, we conducted field investigation, geomorphic analyses and the revision of the large existing database of seismic reflection profiles covering the study area in order to assess the seismic landscape of the Monferrato Arc. Our investigations confirm that the Late Quaternary landscape evolution of the South-Central Piemonte is the result of the interaction between active tectonics and widespread phenomena of river avulsion and piracy, which affected virtually the whole Piemonte and nearby Liguria region. In fact, these dramatic changes in the regional drainage network are controlled by shortening and thrust fault growth, which started during Oligo-Miocene times and is still active with visible deformation rates (Carraro et al., 1995). The development of the Apennines buried thrust fronts since Miocene give rise to the progressive uplift of the Monferrato and Torino Hills, translated above the depositional sequences of the Po Plain foredeep. The continuing deformation and displacement of the surficial deposits up to at least the Mid Pleistocene allow us to regard the buried structures of the Monferrato Arc as potentially capable faults (IAEA, 2010). Therefore, based on the available data, the regional seismotectonic framework for the W Po Plain is comparable with the one already recognized in the Emilia Arc or in the LombardiaVeneto S Alps (Modena 2012, Brescia 1222, Verona 1117). The seismic landscape of the Monferrato Arc thus includes potential surface faulting earthquakes, with M max in the order of 6.0 \u2013 6.5 (Michetti et al., 2012), and accompanied by considerable liquefaction and earthquake environmental effects