14 research outputs found

    A New Geographic Information System (GIS) Tool for Hydrogen Value Chain Planning Optimization: Application to Italian Highways

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    Optimizing the hydrogen value chain is essential to ensure hydrogen market uptake in replacing traditional fossil fuel energy and to achieve energy system decarbonization in the next years. The design of new plants and infrastructures will be the first step. However, wrong decisions would result in temporal, economic losses and, in the worst case, failures. Because huge investments are expected, decision makers have to be assisted for its success. Because no tools are available for the optimum design and geographical location of power to gas (P2G) and power to hydrogen (P2H) plants, the geographic information system (GIS) and mathematical optimization approaches were combined into a new tool developed by CNR-ITAE and the University of Bologna in the SuperP2G project, aiming to support the interested stakeholders in the investigation and selection of the optimum size, location, and operations of P2H and P2G industrial plants while minimizing the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH). In the present study, the tool has been applied to hydrogen mobility, specifically to investigate the conversion of the existing refuelling stations on Italian highways to hydrogen refuelling stations (HRSs). Middle-term (2030) and long-term (2050) scenarios were investigated. In 2030, a potential demand of between 7000 and 10,000 tons/year was estimated in Italy, increasing to between 32,600 and 72,500 tons/year in 2050. The optimum P2H plant configuration to supply the HRS was calculated in different scenarios. Despite the optimization, even if the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) reduces from 7.0-7.5 euro/kg in 2030 to 5.6-6.2 euro/kg in 2050, the results demonstrate that the replacement of the traditional fuels, i.e., gasoline, diesel, and liquefied petroleum gases (LPGs), will be disadvantaged without incentives or any other economic supporting schemes

    Integration of μ-SOFC Generator and ZEBRA Batteries for Domestic Application and Comparison with other μ-CHP Technologies

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    Abstract This study investigates the possibility to integrate a Solide Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) prime mover and ZEBRA batteries, with the aim to fulfill a domestic user energy demand and to reduce the primary energy consumption, thereby, to enhance the total efficiency in a μ-CHP (Combined Heat and Power) application on a yearly basis. A realistic operational sequence of the SOFC-ZEBRA integration has been calculated using simple logic conditions. Both electric and thermal integration have been considered, in order to exploit the SOFC residual heat for the battery stand-by feeding. The key advantage of this system architecture is that the SOFC is operated without major load variations close to constant load, resulting in longer lifetime and thus reducing total costs of operation. Eventually, a comparison with alternative μ-CHP technologies has been carried out, highlighting the SOFC-ZEBRA potential

    Thermal integration of a SOFC power generator and a Na-NiCl2 battery for CHP domestic application

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    In this study the integration of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) prime mover and a high temperature electrochemical Sodium Nickel Chloride (SNC) battery as storage has been investigated. The aim is to fulfil a domestic user energy demand and to reduce the primary energy consumption in comparison with a reference conventional scenario, thereby, to enhance the total efficiency in a μ-CHP (Combined Heat and Power) application on a yearly basis. A realistic operational sequence of the SOFC-battery integration has been calculated using simple logic conditions. Both thermal and electric integration have been considered, where the innovative thermal integration has been proposed in order to exploit the SOFC residual heat for the battery stand-by feeding. The key advantage of this system architecture is that the SOFC is operated without major load variations close to constant load, resulting in longer lifetime and thus reducing total costs of operation. The thermal integration provides additional advantages, as calculated in this study. Eventually, a comparison with alternative μ-CHP technologies has been carried out, highlighting the potential of the system based on the SOFC. Benefits are mainly shown in terms of primary energy savings and admissible costs

    Li-ion battery modeling and state of charge estimation method including the hysteresis effect

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    In this paper, a new approach to modeling the hysteresis phenomenon of the open circuit voltage (OCV) of lithium-ion batteries and estimating the battery state of charge (SoC) is presented. A characterization procedure is proposed to identify the battery model parameters, in particular, those related to the hysteresis phenomenon and the transition between charging and discharging conditions. A linearization method is used to obtain a suitable trade-off between the model accuracy and a low computational cost, in order to allow the implementation of SoC estimation on common hardware platforms. The proposed characterization procedure and the model effectiveness for SoC estimation are experimentally verified using a real grid-connected storage system. A mixed algorithm is adopted for SoC estimation, which takes into account both the traditional Coulomb counting method and the developed model. The experimental comparison with the traditional approach and the obtained results show the feasibility of the proposed approach for accurate SoC estimation, even in the presence of low-accuracy measurement transducers

    Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamic study of an active ventilated façade integrating battery and distributed MPPT

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    Ventilated Façades integrating photovoltaic panels are a promising way to improve efficiency and the thermal-physical performances of buildings. Due the inherent intermittence of the non-programmable renewable energy sources, their increasing usage implies the use of energy storage systems to mitigate the mismatch between power generation and the buildings’ load demand. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the thermo-fluid dynamic performances of a prototype integrating a photovoltaic cell and a battery as a module of an active ventilated façade. Based on an experimental setup, a numerical study in steady state conditions of flow through the air cavity of the module has been carried out and implemented in a fluid-dynamics Finite Volume code. In order to assess the viability of the prototype, the calibrated model was lastly used to predict thermal performance of the prototype on different climate conditions supporting its further improvement

    Widening neuropsychoanalysis. georg northoff’s contribution to the dialogue between psychoanalysis and neuroscience

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    La possibilità di dialogo tra psicoanalisi e neuroscienze è proceduta tra diffidenze reciproche e rifiuti, essendo sempre più perseguita nel corso degli ultimi due decenni attraverso la creazione di una disciplina “cerniera”, la neuropsicoanalisi. Il tentativo di far incontrare queste due discipline è tuttavia ostacolato da una serie di questioni epistemologiche e metodologiche. Con questo lavoro si introduce alla proposta di Georg Northoff, neurofilosofo e psichiatra, per superare questi rischi in una nuova cornice ampliata della neuropsicoanalisi. Il presupposto epistemologico dell’autore evidenzia la necessità di passare da una visione neuroscientifica in terza persona a un punto di vista sperimentale in grado di contemplare i fenomeni in prima persona di cui si occupa tradizionalmente la psicoanalisi. In particolare, la strategia di ricerca concettuale e sperimentale di Northoff si sofferma su come l’analisi dei profili di attivazione temporale cerebrale dell’attività a riposo, “resting state” e in presenza di uno stimolo esterno consente di indagare sul piano della ricerca neuroscientifica il Sé, un costrutto centrale nel pensiero psicoanalitico e fenomenologico.The possibility of a dialogue between psychoanalysis and neuroscience though raising mutual wariness and rebuttals, has been more and more pursued in the recent years, in particular, through the creation of a linkage-discipline, which is, neuropsychoanalysis. The encounter between these two disciplines, however, is hindered by a series of episthemological and methodological issues. In this paper, the German psychiatrist and neurophilosopher, Georg Northoff’s proposal to overcome these risks within a new widened psychoanalytic framework is introduced. Northoff’s episthemological assumption urges to a passage from a third-person neuroscience to an experimental perspective able to account for the first-person phenomena traditionally dealt with by psychoanalysis. Specifically, Northoff emphasizes how the analyses of temporal profiles of neural activation of the brain the “resting state” and in the presence of an external stimulus allows to investigate at a neuro-scientific level the self, a central construct for psychoanalytic and psychopathological thinking

    Life cycle energy and environmental impacts of a solid oxide fuel cell micro-CHP system for residential application

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    Fuel cells are considered one of the key technologies to reach the ambitious European goal of a low carbon economy, by reducing CO2 emissions and limiting the production of other pollutants. The manuscript presents an assessment of the life cycle energy and environmental performances of a solid oxide fuel cell system for household applications using primary data from the manufacturing phase and experimental data for the start-up and operation phases. The Life Cycle Assessment methodology is applied, based on a functional unit of 1 MJ of exergy and includes the life cycle steps from the raw materials extraction to the maintenance. The results show a particular relevance of the operation stage on the impacts (about 98% of cumulative energy demand and more than 63% of about half of the examined environmental impacts), mainly due to the fuel supply and, focusing on climate change, to the CO2 emissions during the conversion of chemical energy into electricity. Manufacturing step is the main responsible of the remaining half of the impacts, with a contribution higher than 38%, mainly imputable to the stacks production. For almost half of the examined impact, a contribution of 20\u201330% is caused by the maintenance step, with a relevant contribution of the stacks and DC/DC booster substitutions. The analysis highlights that eco-design solutions of the assessed system can be traced in the improvement of the energy system efficiency and reduction of emissions during the operation, and in the increase of the durability of the system components, thus reducing the number of their substitutions. The results of a sensitivity analysis on the selection of the functional unit also clarified the importance of the recovery of the thermal energy generated by the fuel cells, in order to avoid concurrent energy generation from conventional sources

    Analysis of the effects of climate change on the energy and environmental performance of a building with and without onsite generation from renewable energy

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    Climate Change is a priority, due to the large variety of implications and importance that it may cause in the next decades. In this context, the building sector is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. For this reason, buildings should be designed in such a way that they are responsible for fewer GHG emissions. In this context, the paper analyses the potential impact of climate change on the energy performances of buildings, with and without onsite generation from renewable energy, using a prototype building located in Messina (Italy) as case study. The analysis is based on Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change RCP scenarios and the results confirm the already known overall increase in total energy consumption of a building due to climate change, with a relative decrease in heating demand and increase in cooling demand. The analysis highlights that an active building (including onsite renewable energy generation) responds better to climate change than a passive building in terms of Global Warming Potential. The use of local energy storage will greatly improve the flexibility of the building to load-match and at the same time it could reduce CO2eq emissions

    Grid interaction and environmental impact of a net zero energy building

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    The concept of Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB), as a grid-connected building that generates as much energy as it uses over a given period, has been developing through policies and research agendas during the last decade as a contribution towards the decarbonization of the building sector. However, since the most applicable and widely used renewable energy supply options are non-programmable, the large-scale NZEBs diffusion into the existing power grids can seriously affect their stability having a relapse on operation costs and environmental impacts. In this context, the study aims at performing the design of the energy systems to be used in the case-study through a wide numbers of point of views, including the grid interaction, global warming potential, and different design alternatives such as using fuel cells and renewable energy generation systems and drawing lessons learned to be saved for similar buildings. A novel approach for developing for NZEBs, combining load match and grid interaction indicators with an environmental impact indicator, is proposed. The proposed design approach allows for the quantification of the power grid interaction and environmental impact (in terms of Global Warming Potential) aiming to find trade-offs between the opposing tendencies of building energy performances and the need to limit the embodied carbon within building envelope and systems. The design approach has been used to investigate the performances of a NZEB prototype with the aim to explore the effectiveness of the solution sets used in the current design (only Photovoltaic system) and plan different solutions (batteries and fuel cells system) for the future ones. For the base case, even though the overall PV energy generation (8069\u202fkWhe) in a year surpasses the electricity consumption (5290\u202fkWhe), on a yearly base only the 29% of the PV generation is used on-site. Hence, the assessed indicators show clearly how installing a PV system merely able to cover the energy uses on a yearly net base (or even slightly oversized) will have stress implications on the power grid. On the other hand, the use of batteries at the building scale largely decreases the reliance on power grid when not programmable renewable sources are present. Moreover, if coupled to the right size of the on-site generation systems, the storage system could increases the environmental benefits arising from the renewable energy technologies (the GHG emission reaches its minimum value of 0.92\ub7103\u202fkg CO2eq/year, with a reduction of the 50.4% if compared to the base case) for a storage capacity of 20\u202fkWh and a PV system nominal power of 4.56\u202fkW). Fuel cells guarantee a good load match at high energy efficiency, furthermore, a high installed power of fuel cells is not required to obtain high load cover factor values. On the other hand, since the specific CO2eq emission per unit of energy of the fuel cells are high, the CO2eq emissions are always greater than those of the base case if the system is equipped with a fuel cell system. Therefore, future research will have to focus on the eco-design of fuel cells with to reduce environmental impacts of these systems in a life cycle perspective

    Implementation of a Management System for Prosumer Energy Storage Scheduling in Smart Grids

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    Scheduling of energy storage systems of distributed generation is a key element for optimal renewable energy sources (RES) exploitation in smart grids, demand side response strategies implementation and prosumers interaction with Distribution System Operators (DSOs). In this context, this paper presents the implementation of a management system for energy storage scheduling, which allows taking appropriate account of the storage system behavior in real cases. To properly consider the real system operation, the employed battery model is modified, in order to include also the hysteresis phenomena in state of charge estimation in both charging and discharging operation. The validation of the proposed methodology is supported by experimental tests which allow comparing two different battery models. The obtained results show that better results can be obtained with the model including the hysteresis effect