4 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Industrial Pollution of the Environment in the Moravian-Silesian Region Using Radioanalytical Methods

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    Moravskosliezský región je súčasťou územia tzv. „malého čierneho trojuholníka“. Je to územie s vyšším znečistením, spôsobeným jedným z druhu priemyslu. Tento región patrí medzi najznečistenejšie ovzdušie v Českej republike. Znečistenie je spôsobené rôznymi faktory, medzi ktorými v najväčšom dôsledku prispieva metalurgický priemysel a potom následne ťažba, doprava a malé lokálne kotle. Pro analýzu znečistenia je využitá inštrumentálna neutrónová aktivačná analýza s analýzou machu. Machy sú veľmi vhodné pro analýzu znečistenia ovzdušia, pretože veľmi dobre zachytávajú ťažké kovy. Ožarovanie prebehlo vo Spojenom ústavu pre jadrový výskum v Dubne, Ruská federácia, vo Frankovom laboratóriu neutrónovej fyziky (FLNP) na reaktore IBR 2M. Vzorky byli ožarované dvakrát, pre zistenie krátko-žijúcich a dlho-žijúcich izotopov. Krátkodobé ožarovanie bolo po dobu 3 minút a vzorky boli následne merané jeden krát asi 15 minút. Dlhodobé ožarovanie trvalo 3 dny a vzorky boli merané dvakrát, po prvý krát po 4 dňoch po dobu 30 minút a po druhý krát po 23 dňoch po dobu 90 minút. Pre dlhodobé ožarovanie bol využitý reaktorový kanál s kadmiovým filtrom. K analýze a spracovaniu dát bol využitý software Genie 2000 a software vytvorený vo FLNP, SÚJV. Z celkom 43 vzoriek machu (Hypnum cupressiforme, Pleurozium schreberi a Brachythecium rutabulum) nazbieraných na jeseň v roku 2015 boli určené koncentrácie 38 prvkov zahrňujúcich i ťažké kovy. Výsledky z merania sú spracované faktorovou analýzou a vynesené do máp.Moravian-Silesian Region is a part of an area so called „small black triangle". It is an area of higher pollution caused by some kind of industrial zone. This region belongs to the most polluted atmosphere in the Czech Republic. The pollution is caused by various factors but the most negative one is metallurgic industry but also mine-mining, transport, and small local furnaces. To analyze pollution, the instrumental neutron activation analysis with analyzing of moss samples were used. The moss has rudimentary root system so it takes nutrients as well as heavy metals from the atmosphere. All irradiation has performed in the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (FLNP) at the reactor IBR-2M. Two kinds of irradiation have been performed as short-term irradiation as long-term irradiation. Short-term irradiation took about 3 mins and then short-lived isotopes were measured for about 15 mins. The long-lived isotopes were measured twice after about 4 days for 30 mins and after 23 days for 90 mins after 3 days of irradiation. For long term irradiation, the cadmium-screened irradiation channel was used. For analyzation and data processing the software Genie 2000 as well as software developed at FLNP JINR were used. In sum, 43 samples of the terrestrial mosses (Hypnum cupressiforme, Pleurozium schreberi and Brachythecium rutabulum) were collected in autumn of 2015 in which the concentration of 38 elements were determined, including heavy metals. As a result, the factor analysis have been performed as well as maps analyzation.

    Investigation of NPPs’ environmental impacts using radioanalytical methods

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    Táto práca má za cieľ zanalyzovať vplyvy JE na lokálne ŽP. Pre určenie vplyvom je potrebné danú lokalitu v okolí JE dlhodobo monitorovať a následne prípadne dopady vyhodnocovať. V biomonitoringu sa využívajú gama spektroskopy, ktoré je potrebné pred meraním nakalibrovať, v rámci tejto práci bude prevedená kalibrácia spektroskopov v laborátoriu ionizujúceho žiarenia na fakulte. V experimentálnej časti budú odobraté vzorky odpadnej vody do vodoteče z 3 jadrových zariadení a vyhodnotené.This thesis' objective is to analyse local environmental impact of NPP. For impact determination, it is necessary to monitor the locality for a long period. For biomonitoring method, gamma-spectrometers might be used. It should be calibrated before the measurement. Within the thesis investigation, spectrometer of the faculty was calibrated in the laboratory of ionizing radiation and three samples of Czech nuclear facilities outlet were analysed.

    Nuclear reactors for new units in the Czech Republic

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    Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá jadrovými reaktormi v prevádzke, vo výstavbe alebo v plánovanej výstavbe. Je to veľmi aktuálna téma. Samotná Česká republika rieši otázku výstavby nových jadrových blokov, konkrétne pre Temelín-3,4. V tendri sa rozhoduje medzi dvoma uchádzačmi, česko-ruským konsorciom MIR.1200 s ponúkaným reaktorom MIR.1200 a americkým konsorciom Westinghouse s ponúkaným reaktorom AP 1000. Oba projekty patria do III.+ generácie jadrových reaktorov. V tejto generácií nastali evolučné zmeny a využíva sa viac prvkov pasívnej bezpečnosti. Samotný AP 1000 rieši za pomoci výhradne pasívnych bezpečnostných systémov aj ťažkú haváriu. Projekt MIR.1200 využíva kombináciu aktívnych a pasívnych bezpečnostných systémov.This bachelor thesis is concerned with nuclear reactors in operation, in construction and in project plans. Because of that it is a very actual theme. Czech Republic tries to solve the question about building two new reactors for Temelín-3,4. There are two competitors in this tender. First of them is the CzechRussian consortium MIR.1200 with the alike named project MIR.1200, and the second one is Westinghouse company with the project AP 1000. Both of these projects belong to III.+ generation of nuclear reactors. In comparison with the previous generations, this generation brings evolution changes and uses much more passive security elements. The project AP 1000 solves heavy accidents by passive security systems solely. The project MIR.1200 uses combination of both active and passive security systems.

    Distribution of neutrons and protons in elongated targets

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    Analysis of neutron distribution was carried out for two elongated targets. The targets have cylindrical shape and are made of lead and carbon, respectively. The dimensions are approximately one meter in length and 19 cm in diameter. The targets were irradiated with 660 MeV proton beam at Phasotron accelerator at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The total number of protons was 2.35(18)E15 for the experiment with carbon target and the total number of particles at the second experiment was 2.32(19)E15. The produced neutron field was monitored by cobalt threshold activation detectors at various positions. The activation detectors were measured by means of gamma spectroscopy using HPGe detectors. Reaction rates of different radionuclides produced in the activation detectors were determined and the results from both experiments were compared. The ratios were calculated for 7 reactions produced in cobalt detectors. The ratio of the reaction rates shows that the number of residual nuclei with higher threshold energies is higher for experiment with carbon target than for the experiment with the lead target