251 research outputs found

    Kinetic Analysis of Substrate Utilization by Native and TNAP-, NPP1-, or PHOSPHO1-Deficient Matrix Vesicles

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    During the process of endochondral bone formation, chondrocytes and osteoblasts mineralize their extracellular matrix by promoting the formation of hydroxyapatite seed crystals in the sheltered interior of membrane-limited matrix vesicles (MVs). Here, we have studied phosphosubstrate catalysis by osteoblast-derived MVs at physiologic pH, analyzing the hydrolysis of ATP, ADP, and PPi by isolated wild-type (WT) as well as TNAP-, NPP1- and PHOSPHO1-deficient MVs. Comparison of the catalytic efficiencies identified ATP as the main substrate hydrolyzed by WT MVs. The lack of TNAP had the most pronounced effect on the hydrolysis of all physiologic substrates. The lack of PHOSPHO1 affected ATP hydrolysis via a secondary reduction in the levels of TNAP in PHOSPHO1-deficient MVs. The lack of NPP1 did not significantly affect the kinetic parameters of hydrolysis when compared with WT MVs for any of the substrates. We conclude that TNAP is the enzyme that hydrolyzes both ATP and PPi in the MV compartment. NPP1 does not have a major role in PPi generation from ATP at the level of MVs, in contrast to its accepted role on the surface of the osteoblasts and chondrocytes, but rather acts as a phosphatase in the absence of TNAP. © 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

    siRNA-Based Targeting of Cyclin E Overexpression Inhibits Breast Cancer Cell Growth and Suppresses Tumor Development in Breast Cancer Mouse Model

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    Cyclin E is aberrantly expressed in many types of cancer including breast cancer. High levels of the full length as well as the low molecular weight isoforms of cyclin E are associated with poor prognosis of breast cancer patients. Notably, cyclin E overexpression is also correlated with triple-negative basal-like breast cancers, which lack specific therapeutic targets. In this study, we used siRNA to target cyclin E overexpression and assessed its ability to suppress breast cancer growth in nude mice. Our results revealed that cyclin E siRNA could effectively inhibit overexpression of both full length and low molecular weight isoforms of cyclin E. We found that depletion of cyclin E promoted apoptosis of cyclin E-overexpressing cells and blocked their proliferation and transformation phenotypes. Significantly, we further demonstrated that administration of cyclin E siRNA could inhibit breast tumor growth in nude mice. In addition, we found that cyclin E siRNA synergistically enhanced the cell killing effects of doxorubicin in cell culture and this combination greatly suppressed the tumor growth in mice. In conclusion, our results indicate that cyclin E, which is overexpressed in 30% of breast cancer, may serve as a novel and effective therapeutic target. More importantly, our study clearly demonstrates a very promising therapeutic potential of cyclin E siRNA for treating the cyclin E-overexpressing breast cancers, including the very malignant triple-negative breast cancers

    Optineurin Is Required for CYLD-Dependent Inhibition of TNFα-Induced NF-κB Activation

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    The nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) regulates genes that function in diverse cellular processes like inflammation, immunity and cell survival. The activation of NF-κB is tightly controlled and the deubiquitinase CYLD has emerged as a key negative regulator of NF-κB signalling. Optineurin, mutated in certain glaucomas and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is also a negative regulator of NF-κB activation. It competes with NEMO (NF-κB essential modulator) for binding to ubiquitinated RIP (receptor interacting protein) to prevent NF-κB activation. Recently we identified CYLD as optineurin-interacting protein. Here we have analysed the functional significance of interaction of optineurin with CYLD. Our results show that a glaucoma-associated mutant of optineurin, H486R, is altered in its interaction with CYLD. Unlike wild-type optineurin, the H486R mutant did not inhibit tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα)-induced NF-κB activation. CYLD mediated inhibition of TNFα-induced NF-κB activation was abrogated by expression of the H486R mutant. Upon knockdown of optineurin, CYLD was unable to inhibit TNFα-induced NF-κB activation and showed drastically reduced interaction with ubiquitinated RIP. The level of ubiquitinated RIP was increased in optineurin knockdown cells. Deubiquitination of RIP by over-expressed CYLD was abrogated in optineurin knockdown cells. These results suggest that optineurin regulates NF-κB activation by mediating interaction of CYLD with ubiquitinated RIP thus facilitating deubiquitination of RIP

    RNAi-mediated silencing of CD147 inhibits tumor cell proliferation, invasion and increases chemosensitivity to cisplatin in SGC7901 cells in vitro

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>CD147 is a widely distributed cell surface glycoprotein that belongs to the Ig superfamily. CD147 has been implicated in numerous physiological and pathological activities. Enriched on the surface of many tumor cells, CD147 promotes tumor growth, invasion, metastasis and angiogenesis and confers resistance to some chemotherapeutic drugs. In this study, we investigated the possible role of CD147 in the progression of gastric cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Short hairpin RNA (shRNA) expressing vectors targeting CD147 were constructed and transfected into human gastric cancer cells SGC7901 and CD147 expression was monitored by quantitative realtime RT-PCR and Western blot. Cell proliferation, the activities of MMP-2 and MMP-9, the invasive potential and chemosensitivity to cisplatin of SGC7901 cells were determined by MTT, gelatin zymography, Transwell invasion assay and MTT, respectively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Down-regulation of CD147 by RNAi approach led to decreased cell proliferation, MMP-2 and MMP-9 activities and invasive potential of SGC7901 cells as well as increased chemosensitivity to cisplatin.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>CD147 involves in proliferation, invasion and chemosensitivity of human gastric cancer cell line SGC7901, indicating that CD147 may be a promising therapeutic target for gastric cancer.</p

    Successful Inhibition of Tumor Development by Specific Class-3 Semaphorins Is Associated with Expression of Appropriate Semaphorin Receptors by Tumor Cells

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    The class-3 semaphorins (sema3s) include seven family members. Six of them bind to neuropilin-1 (np1) or neuropilin-2 (np2) receptors or to both, while the seventh, sema3E, binds to the plexin-D1 receptor. Sema3B and sema3F were previously characterized as tumor suppressors and as inhibitors of tumor angiogenesis. To determine if additional class-3 semaphorins such as sema3A, sema3D, sema3E and sema3G possess anti-angiogenic and anti-tumorigenic properties, we expressed the recombinant full length semaphorins in four different tumorigenic cell lines expressing different combinations of class-3 semaphorin receptors. We show for the first time that sema3A, sema3D, sema3E and sema3G can function as potent anti-tumorigenic agents. All the semaphorins we examined were also able to reduce the concentration of tumor associated blood vessels although the potencies of the anti-angiogenic effects varied depending on the tumor cell type. Surprisingly, there was little correlation between the ability to inhibit tumor angiogenesis and their anti-tumorigenic activity. None of the semaphorins inhibited the adhesion of the tumor cells to plastic or fibronectin nor did they modulate the proliferation of tumor cells cultured in cell culture dishes. However, various semaphorins were able to inhibit the formation of soft agar colonies from tumor cells expressing appropriate semaphorin receptors, although in this case too the inhibitory effect was not always correlated with the anti-tumorigenic effect. In contrast, the anti-tumorigenic effect of each of the semaphorins correlated very well with tumor cell expression of specific signal transducing receptors for particular semaphorins. This correlation was not broken even in cases in which the tumor cells expressed significant concentrations of endogenous semaphorins. Our results suggest that combinations of different class-3 semaphorins may be more effective than single semaphorins in cases in which tumor cells express more than one type of semaphorin receptors

    The Anaphase-Promoting Complex or Cyclosome Supports Cell Survival in Response to Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress

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    The anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C) is a multi-subunit ubiquitin ligase that regulates exit from mitosis and G1 phase of the cell cycle. Although the regulation and function of APC/CCdh1 in the unperturbed cell cycle is well studied, little is known of its role in non-genotoxic stress responses. Here, we demonstrate the role of APC/CCdh1 (APC/C activated by Cdh1 protein) in cellular protection from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Activation of APC/CCdh1 under ER stress conditions is evidenced by Cdh1-dependent degradation of its substrates. Importantly, the activity of APC/CCdh1 maintains the ER stress checkpoint, as depletion of Cdh1 by RNAi impairs cell cycle arrest and accelerates cell death following ER stress. Our findings identify APC/CCdh1 as a regulator of cell cycle checkpoint and cell survival in response to proteotoxic insults

    A Common Role for Various Human Truncated Adenomatous Polyposis Coli Isoforms in the Control of Beta-Catenin Activity and Cell Proliferation

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    The tumour suppressor gene adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is mutated in most colorectal cancer cases, leading to the synthesis of truncated APC products and the stabilization of β-catenin. Truncated APC is almost always retained in tumour cells, suggesting that it serves an essential function. Here, RNA interference has been used to down-regulate truncated APC in several colorectal cancer cell lines expressing truncated APCs of different lengths, thereby performing an analysis covering most of the mutation cluster region (MCR). The consequences on proliferation in vitro, tumour formation in vivo and the level and transcriptional activity of β-catenin have been investigated. Down-regulation of truncated APC results in an inhibition of tumour cell population expansion in vitro in 6 cell lines out of 6 and inhibition of tumour outgrowth in vivo as analysed in one of these cell lines, HT29. This provides a general rule explaining the retention of truncated APC in colorectal tumours and defines it as a suitable target for therapeutic intervention. Actually, we also show that it is possible to design a shRNA that targets a specific truncated isoform of APC without altering the expression of wild-type APC. Down-regulation of truncated APC is accompanied by an up-regulation of the transcriptional activity of β-catenin in 5 out of 6 cell lines. Surprisingly, the increased signalling is associated in most cases (4 out of 5) with an up-regulation of β-catenin levels, indicating that truncated APC can still modulate wnt signalling through controlling the level of β-catenin. This control can happen even when truncated APC lacks the β-catenin inhibiting domain (CiD) involved in targeting β-catenin for proteasomal degradation. Thus, truncated APC is an essential component of colorectal cancer cells, required for cell proliferation, possibly by adjusting β-catenin signalling to the “just right” level

    RNAi for Treating Hepatitis B Viral Infection

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    Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is one of the leading causes of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Current treatment strategies of HBV infection including the use of interferon (IFN)-α and nucleotide analogues such as lamivudine and adefovir have met with only partial success. Therefore, it is necessary to develop more effective antiviral therapies that can clear HBV infection with fewer side effects. RNA interference (RNAi), by which a small interfering RNA (siRNA) induces the gene silence at a post-transcriptional level, has the potential of treating HBV infection. The successful use of chemically synthesized siRNA, endogenous expression of small hairpin RNA (shRNA) or microRNA (miRNA) to silence the target gene make this technology towards a potentially rational therapeutics for HBV infection. However, several challenges including poor siRNA stability, inefficient cellular uptake, widespread biodistribution and non-specific effects need to be overcome. In this review, we discuss several strategies for improving the anti-HBV therapeutic efficacy of siRNAs, while avoiding their off-target effects and immunostimulation. There is an in-depth discussion on the (1) mechanisms of RNAi, (2) methods for siRNA/shRNA production, (3) barriers to RNAi-based therapies, and (4) delivery strategies of siRNA for treating HBV infection