592 research outputs found

    Mapping young stellar populations towards Orion with Gaia DR1

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    We use the first data release of the Gaia mission to explore the three dimensional arrangement and the age ordering of the many stellar groups towards the Orion OB association, aiming at a new classification and characterization of the stellar population. We make use of the parallaxes and proper motions provided in the Tycho Gaia Astrometric Solution (TGAS) sub-set of the Gaia catalogue, and of the combination of Gaia and 2MASS photometry. In TGAS we find evidence for the presence of a young population, at a parallax ϖ2.65mas\varpi \sim 2.65 \, \mathrm{mas}, loosely distributed around some known clusters: 25 Ori, ϵ\epsilon Ori and σ\sigma Ori, and NGC 1980 (ι\iota Ori). The low mass counterpart of this population is visible in the color-magnitude diagrams constructed by combining Gaia and 2MASS photometry. We study the density distribution of the young sources in the sky. We find the same groups as in TGAS, and also some other density enhancements that might be related to the recently discovered Orion X group, the Orion dust ring, and to the λ\lambda Ori complex. We estimate the ages of this population and we infer the presence of an age gradient going from 25 Ori (13-15 Myr) to the ONC (1-2 Myr). We confirm this age ordering by repeating the Bayesian fit using the Pan-STARRS1 data. The estimated ages towards the NGC 1980 cluster span a broad range of values. This can either be due to the presence of two populations coming from two different episodes of star formation or to a large spread along the line of sight of the same population. Our results form the first step towards using the Gaia data to unravel the complex star formation history of the Orion region in terms of the different star formation episodes, their duration, and their effects on the surrounding interstellar medium.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figure

    A Hipparcos census of the nearby OB associations

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    A comprehensive census of the stellar content of the nearby OB associations is presented, based on Hipparcos positions, proper motions, and parallaxes. Moving groups are identified by combining de Bruijne's refurbished convergent point method with the `Spaghetti method' of Hoogerwerf & Aguilar. Monte Carlo simulations are used to estimate the expected number of interloper field stars. Astrometric members are listed for 12 young stellar groups, out to a distance of ~650 pc. These are the 3 subgroups Upper Scorpius, Upper Centaurus Lupus and Lower Centaurus Crux of Sco OB2, as well as Vel OB2, Tr 10, Col 121, Per OB2, alpha Persei (Per OB3), Cas-Tau, Lac OB1, Cep OB2, and a new group designated as Cep OB6. The selection procedure corrects the list of previously known astrometric and photometric B- and A-type members, and identifies many new members, including a significant number of F stars, as well as evolved stars, e.g., the Wolf-Rayet stars gamma^2 Vel (Vel OB2) and EZ CMa (Col 121), and the classical Cepheid delta Cep in Cep OB6. In the nearest associations the later-type members include T Tauri objects and other pre-main sequence stars. Astrometric evidence for moving groups in the fields of R CrA, CMa OB1, Mon OB1, Ori OB1, Cam OB1, Cep OB3, Cep OB4, Cyg OB4, Cyg OB7, and Sct OB2, is inconclusive, due to their large distance or unfavorable kinematics. The mean distances of the well-established groups are systematically smaller than previous estimates. The mean motions display a systematic pattern, which is discussed in relation to the Gould Belt. Six of the 12 detected moving groups do not appear in the classical list of nearby OB associations. The number of unbound young stellar groups in the Solar neighbourhood may be significantly larger than thought previously.Comment: 51 pages, 30 PostScript figures, 6 tables in PostScript format, default LaTeX using psfig.sty; accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, scheduled for January 1999 issue. Abbreviated abstrac

    OB Associations

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    Since the previous (1990) edition of this meeting enormous progress in the field of OB associations has been made. Data from X-ray satellites have greatly advanced the study of the low-mass stellar content of associations, while astrometric data from the Hipparcos satellite allow for a characterization of the higher-mass content of associations with unprecedented accuracy. We review recent work on the OB associations located within 1.5 kpc from the Sun, discuss the Hipparcos results at length, and point out directions for future research.Comment: To appear in The Physics of Star Formation and Early Stellar Evolution II, eds C.J. Lada & N. Kylafis (Kluwer Academic), 30 pages, 9 EPS-figures, LaTeX using crckapb.sty, epsfig.sty, amssymb.st

    Why Does Synthesized Data Improve Multi-sequence Classification?

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    The classification and registration of incomplete multi-modal medical images, such as multi-sequence MRI with missing sequences, can sometimes be improved by replacing the missing modalities with synthetic data. This may seem counter-intuitive: synthetic data is derived from data that is already available, so it does not add new information. Why can it still improve performance? In this paper we discuss possible explanations. If the synthesis model is more flexible than the classifier, the synthesis model can provide features that the classifier could not have extracted from the original data. In addition, using synthetic information to complete incomplete samples increases the size of the training set. We present experiments with two classifiers, linear support vector machines (SVMs) and random forests, together with two synthesis methods that can replace missing data in an image classification problem: neural networks and restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs). We used data from the BRATS 2013 brain tumor segmentation challenge, which includes multi-modal MRI scans with T1, T1 post-contrast, T2 and FLAIR sequences. The linear SVMs appear to benefit from the complex transformations offered by the synthesis models, whereas the random forests mostly benefit from having more training data. Training on the hidden representation from the RBM brought the accuracy of the linear SVMs close to that of random forests

    Een goed rapport is pas het halve werk, Reflectie op twee jaar Rekenkamercommissie Leiden-Leiderdorp [Februari 2021]

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    The Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Law & Governance in a World of Multilevel Jurisdiction

    The origin of runaway stars

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    Milli-arcsecond astrometry provided by Hipparcos and by radio observations makes it possible to retrace the orbits of some of the nearest runaway stars and pulsars to determine their site of origin. The orbits of the runaways AE Aurigae and mu Columbae and of the eccentric binary iota Orionis intersect each other about 2.5 Myr ago in the nascent Trapezium cluster, confirming that these runaways were formed in a binary-binary encounter. The path of the runaway star zeta Ophiuchi intersects that of the nearby pulsar PSR J1932+1059, about 1 Myr ago, in the young stellar group Upper Scorpius. We propose that this neutron star is the remnant of a supernova that occurred in a binary system which also contained zeta Oph, and deduce that the pulsar received a kick velocity of about 350 km/s in the explosion. These two cases provide the first specific kinematic evidence that both mechanisms proposed for the production of runaway stars, the dynamical ejection scenario and the binary-supernova scenario, operate in nature.Comment: 5 pages, including 2 eps-figures and 1 table, submitted to the ApJ Letters. The manuscript was typeset using aaste

    Beneficial Inner-City Quay Walls?

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    Inner-city quay walls in public urban areas: expense or added value? These civil structures approach, reach or exceed the end of their life span. This threatens the quality of the public urban area. Many municipalities are still willing to invest in the management of inner-city quay walls, despite the costs. Apparently, the quay walls generate more benefits than that are initially expected based on their original functions. Until now, municipalities have failed to determine the added value of inner-city quay walls. Theoretical and practical research suggests that adequate asset management is indispensable. Nevertheless, no research focuses on valuable management of inner-city quays, in terms of performance, costs, benefits and risks. How to decide on a management strategy that adds the most value to the public area? A new framework should identify and incorporate the value of inner-city quay walls in the management process