523 research outputs found

    The 46Ar(3He, d)47K direct reaction as a probe of the 46Ar proton wavefunction

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    Journal of Physics: Conference Series PAPER • THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE ISOPEN ACCESS The 46Ar(3He, d)47K direct reaction as a probe of the 46Ar proton wavefunction D Brugnara1, A Gottardo1, M Assié2, D Mengoni3,4, A Lemasson5, E Clement5, F Flavigny6, D Ramos5, F Galtarossa2, A Matta6, V Girard-Alcindor2, M Babo2, D Bazzacco3, D Beaumel2, Y Blumenfeld2, S Bottoni7, U Datta8, G de Angelis1, G de France5, J Dudouet9, J Duenas10, A Goasduff1, E T Gregor1, F Hammache2, A Illana1, L Lalanne2, S Leblond11, I Lombardo12, N Marchini13, B Million7, F Recchia4, K Rezynkina3,4, M Rocchini13, J S Rojo14, M Siciliano11, J J Valiente-Dobón1, I Zanon1 and M Zielinska11 Hide full author list Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2586, 28th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC 2022) 11/09/2022 - 16/09/2022 Cape Town, South Africa Citation D Brugnara et al 2023 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2586 012073 DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/2586/1/012073 DownloadArticle PDF References Download PDF Article metrics 17 Total downloads MathJax Turn on MathJax Share this article Share this content via email Share on Facebook (opens new window) Share on Twitter (opens new window) Share on Mendeley (opens new window) Article and author information Abstract The discrepancy between shell-model calculations and intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation measurements in 46Ar still stands as an unsolved puzzle in understanding the N = 28 shell evolution. This phenomenon has significant relevance considering the remarkable achievements of the shell model and the SDPF-U interaction in the region which is able to predict the fading of the N = 28 shell gap in neutron-rich 44S. Recent measurements narrowed down this discrepancy to an overestimation of the proton amplitude to the quadrupole transition matrix element. The current work aims to propose a different perspective on the puzzle, by studying a direct proton-transfer reaction on 46Ar as a means to directly probe the proton wavefunction of the ground state this isotope. By measuring the amount of l = 0 transfer to the ground state (1/2+) of 47K with respect to the l = 2 to the first excited state (3/2+), we aim to gain insight into the ground state proton wavefunction of 46Ar. We will present a brief description of the experiment performed at the SPIRAL1 facility in GANIL (France). The experimental apparatus allowed a full reconstruction of the two-body reaction thanks to the combination of AGATA, VAMOS, MUGAST, CATS2, and HECTO

    Homogenization of daily temperature and humidity series in the UK

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    Building on previous experience with continental and global data sets, we use a quantile-matching approach to homogenize temperature and humidity series measured by a network of 220 stations in the United Kingdom (UK). The data set spans 160 years at daily resolution, although data coverage varies greatly in time, space, and across variables. We use the homogenized data to analyse trends of the mean values as well as the lowest and highest quantiles of the distribution over the last 100 and 50 years. For the latter period, we find large regional differences, particularly between the southeastern and the northern part of the UK. The southeast has seen a faster warming, particularly for maximum temperatures in spring and summer, and a reduction of relative humidity; the northern mainland has become more humid and only slightly warmer. These differences become more evident for the highest quantiles and reflect a well-known pattern of climate change affecting the extra-tropics. Among the studied variables, the increases of wet bulb temperature and specific humidity are the most spatially homogeneous and are statistically significant for most stations in all seasons except winter

    Evaluation of the role of carbon nanotubes on the electrical properties of poly(butylene-terephthalate) nanocomposites for industrial applications

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    In this article, innovative electrically conductive polymer nanocomposites based on poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT) filled with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) at different concentrations, to be used in the automotive field, have been investigated. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) analysis revealed how a good nanofiller dispersion was obtained, especially by using surface treated nanotubes and by processing these materials using a more restrictive screw configuration. Melt flow index measurements highlighted that the processability of these nanocomposites was reduced at elevated filler amounts, even if CNT surface treatment promoted a partial retention of the fluidity of the neat PBT. Thermal degradation stability was improved upon the addition of CNT, even at limited filler amounts. Differential scanning calorimetry measurements evidenced how the presence of CNT slightly increased both the crystallization temperature and the crystalline fraction of the materials. The additivation of CNTs promoted a stiffening effect at elevated CNT contents, associated to an evident embrittlement of the samples. Electrical resistivity measurements showed that the most interesting results (i.e. 2.6 101 Ocm) were obtained for nanocomposites with a total filler content of 3 wt%, processed using the more restrictive screw configuration. For these materials, it was possible to obtain a rapid surface heating through Joule effect at applied voltages of 12 V.The authors gratefully acknowledge Minlargilih Melak Amare for his collaboration in the experimental activities. The authors also acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for project PEst-C/CTM/LA0025/2013 (LA 25—2015–2017). This research activity has been supported by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto (CARITRO) within the project “Bando Caritro 2014 per progetti di ricerca scientifica finalizzati allo sviluppo di iniziative imprenditoriali.” The work was also supported by the National Interuniversitary Consortium of Materials Science and Technology (INSTM)

    Hypercalciuria and nephrolithiasis: Expanding the renal phenotype of Donnai-Barrow syndrome

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    Whole exome sequencing detected novel likely pathogenic variants in LRP2 gene in 2 patients presenting with hearing and vision loss, and the Dent disease (DD) classical renal phenotype, that is, low molecular weight proteinuria (LMWP), hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis/nephrolithiasis. We propose that a subset of patients presenting as DD may represent unrecognized cases or mild forms of Donnai-Barrow/facio-oculo-acustico-renal (DB/FOAR) syndrome or be on the phenotypic continuum between the 2 conditions

    Dietary ω-3 fatty acid supplementation improves murine sickle cell bone disease and reprograms adipogenesis

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    Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic disorder of hemoglobin, leading to chronic hemolytic anemia and multiple organ damage. Among chronic organ complications, sickle cell bone disease (SBD) has a very high prevalence, resulting in long-term disability, chronic pain and fractures. Here, we evaluated the effects of ω-3 (fish oil-based, FD)-enriched diet vs. ω-6 (soybean oil-based, SD)-supplementation on murine SBD. We exposed SCD mice to recurrent hypoxia/reoxygenation (rec H/R), a consolidated model for SBD. In rec H/R SS mice, FD improves osteoblastogenesis/osteogenic activity by downregulating osteoclast activity via miR205 down-modulation and reduces both systemic and local inflammation. We also evaluated adipogenesis in both AA and SS mice fed with either SD or FD and exposed to rec H/R. FD reduced and reprogramed adipogenesis from white to brown adipocyte tissue (BAT) in bone compartments. This was supported by increased expression of uncoupling protein 1(UCP1), a BAT marker, and up-regulation of miR455, which promotes browning of white adipose tissue. Our findings provide new insights on the mechanism of action of ω-3 fatty acid supplementation on the pathogenesis of SBD and strengthen the rationale for ω-3 fatty acid dietary supplementation in SCD as a complementary therapeutic intervention

    Aging-like Phenotype and Defective Lineage Specification in SIRT1-Deleted Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells

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    Summary Aging hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) exhibit defective lineage specification that is thought to be central to increased incidence of myeloid malignancies and compromised immune competence in the elderly. Mechanisms underlying these age-related defects remain largely unknown. We show that the deacetylase Sirtuin (SIRT)1 is required for homeostatic HSC maintenance. Differentiation of young SIRT1-deleted HSCs is skewed toward myeloid lineage associated with a significant decline in the lymphoid compartment, anemia, and altered expression of associated genes. Combined with HSC accumulation of damaged DNA and expression patterns of age-linked molecules, these have striking overlaps with aged HSCs. We further show that SIRT1 controls HSC homeostasis via the longevity transcription factor FOXO3. These findings suggest that SIRT1 is essential for HSC homeostasis and lineage specification. They also indicate that SIRT1 might contribute to delaying HSC aging

    Oxidative damage and erythrocyte membrane transport abnormalities in thalassemias

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    Oxidative damage induced by free globin chains has been implicated in the pathogenesis of the membrane abnormalities observed in alpha and beta thalassemia. We have evaluated transport of Na+ and K+ in erythrocytes of patients with thalassemias as well as in two experimental models that use normal human red blood cells, one for alpha thalassemia (methylhydrazine treatment, alpha thalassemia like) and one for beta thalassemia (phenylhydrazine treatment, beta thalassemia like). With the exception of the Na-K pump, similar alterations in membrane transport were observed in thalassemia and thalassemia-like erythrocytes. These were: increased K-Cl cotransport, Na-Li countertransport and reduced Na-K-Cl cotransport. The Na-K pump was reduced in thalassemia-like cells, whereas it was increased in severe alpha thalassemia and in beta thalassemia cells. The increased K-Cl cotransport activity could be observed in light and dense fractions of beta-thalassemic cells. K-Cl cotransport in thalassemic and thalassemia-like erythrocytes was partially inhibited by [(dihydro-indenyl) oxy] alkanoic acid and completely abolished by dithiothreitol. Thus, oxidative damage represents an important factor in the increased activity of the K-Cl cotransport observed in thalassemias, and of the K+ loss observed in beta-thalassemia erythrocytes

    How Covid-19 changed the epidemiology of febrile urinary tract infections in children in the emergency department during the first outbreak

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    Background: The first Covid-19 pandemic affected the epidemiology of several diseases. A general reduction in the emergency department (ED) accesses was observed during this period, both in adult and pediatric contexts. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted on the behalf of the Italian Society of Pediatric Nephrology (SINePe) in 17 Italian pediatric EDs in March and April 2020, comparing them with data from the same periods in 2018 and 2019. The total number of pediatric (age 0–18 years) ED visits, the number of febrile urinary tract infection (UTI) diagnoses, and clinical and laboratory parameters were retrospectively collected. Results: The total number of febrile UTI diagnoses was 339 (73 in 2020, 140 in 2019, and 126 in 2018). During the first Covid-19 pandemic, the total number of ED visits decreased by 75.1%, the total number of febrile UTI diagnoses by 45.1%, with an increase in the UTI diagnosis rate (+ 121.7%). The data collected revealed an increased rate of patients with two or more days of fever before admission (p = 0.02), a significant increase in hospitalization rate (+ 17.5%, p = 0.008) and also in values of C reactive protein (CRP) (p = 0.006). In 2020, intravenous antibiotics use was significantly higher than in 2018 and 2019 (+ 15%, p = 0.025). Urine cultures showed higher Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococcus faecalis percentages and lower rates of Escherichia coli (p = 0.02). Conclusions: The first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic had an essential impact on managing febrile UTIs in the ED, causing an absolute reduction of cases referring to the ED but with higher clinical severity. Children with febrile UTI were more severely ill than the previous two years, probably due to delayed access caused by the fear of potential hospital-acquired Sars-Cov-2 infection. The possible increase in consequent kidney scarring in this population should be considered

    Immune checkpoint inhibitor associated vitiligo and its impact on survival in patients with metastatic melanoma: an Italian Melanoma Intergroup study

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    Background: Checkpoint inhibitors in melanoma can lead to self-immune side-effects such as vitiligo-like depigmentation (VLD). Beyond the reported association with favorable prognosis, there are limited data regarding VLD patient features and their echo on the therapeutic outcomes. Methods: To assess the association between VLD and a series of clinical and biological features as well as therapeutic outcomes, we built an observational cohort study by recruiting patients who developed VLD during checkpoint inhibitors. Results: A total of 148 patients from 15 centers (101 men, median age 66 years, BRAF mutated 23%, M1c 42%, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) status 0/1 99%, normal lactate dehydrogenase 74%) were enrolled. VLD was induced by ipilimumab, programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) inhibitors, and their combination in 32%, 56%, and 12%, respectively. The median onset was 26 weeks and it was associated with other skin and nonskin toxicities in 27% and 28%, respectively. After 3 years of VLD onset, 52% (95% confidence interval 39% to 63%) were progression free and 82% (95% confidence interval 70% to 89%) were still alive. The overall response rate was 73% with 26% complete response. Univariable analysis indicated that BRAF V600 mutation was associated with a better overall survival (P = 0.028), while in multivariable analysis a longer progression-free survival was associated with BRAF V600 (P = 0.093), female sex (P = 0.008), and M stage other than 1a (P = 0.024). When VLD occurred, there was a significant decrease of white blood cell (WBC) count (P = 0.05) and derived WBC-to-lymphocytes ratio (dWLR; P = 0.003). A lower monocyte count (P = 0.02) and dWLR (P = 0.01) were also reported in responder patients. Conclusions: Among VLD population, some features might help to identify patients with an effective response to immunotherapy, allowing clinicians to make more appropriate choices in terms of therapeutic options and duration
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