10 research outputs found

    Native Alanine Substitution in the Glycine Hinge Modulates Conformational Flexibility of Heme Nitric Oxide/Oxygen (H-NOX) Sensing Proteins

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    Heme nitric oxide/oxygen sensing (H-NOX) domains are direct NO sensors that regulate a variety of biological functions in both bacteria and eukaryotes. Previous work on H-NOX proteins has shown that upon NO binding, a conformational change occurs along two glycine residues on adjacent helices (termed the glycine hinge). Despite the apparent importance of the glycine hinge, it is not fully conserved in all H-NOX domains. Several H-NOX sensors from the family Flavobacteriaceae contain a native alanine substitution in one of the hinge residues. In this work, the effect of the increased steric bulk within the Ala-Gly hinge on H-NOX function was investigated. The hinge in <i>Kordia algicida</i> OT-1 (<i>Ka</i> H-NOX) is composed of A71 and G145. Ligand-binding properties and signaling function for this H-NOX were characterized. The variant A71G was designed to convert the hinge region of <i>Ka</i> H-NOX to the typical Gly-Gly motif. In activity assays with its cognate histidine kinase (HnoK), the wild type displayed increased signal specificity compared to A71G. Increasing titrations of unliganded A71G gradually inhibits HnoK autophosphorylation, while increasing titrations of unliganded wild type H-NOX does not inhibit HnoK. Crystal structures of both wild type and A71G <i>Ka</i> H-NOX were solved to 1.9 and 1.6 Å, respectively. Regions of H-NOX domains previously identified as involved in protein–protein interactions with HnoK display significantly higher b-factors in A71G compared to wild-type H-NOX. Both biochemical and structural data indicate that the hinge region controls overall conformational flexibility of the H-NOX, affecting NO complex formation and regulation of its HnoK

    Modeling linear and cyclic PKS intermediates through atom replacement.

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    The mechanistic details of many polyketide synthases (PKSs) remain elusive due to the instability of transient intermediates that are not accessible via conventional methods. Here we report an atom replacement strategy that enables the rapid preparation of polyketone surrogates by selective atom replacement, thereby providing key substrate mimetics for detailed mechanistic evaluations. Polyketone mimetics are positioned on the actinorhodin acyl carrier protein (actACP) to probe the underpinnings of substrate association upon nascent chain elongation and processivity. Protein NMR is used to visualize substrate interaction with the actACP, where a tetraketide substrate is shown not to bind within the protein, while heptaketide and octaketide substrates show strong association between helix II and IV. To examine the later cyclization stages, we extended this strategy to prepare stabilized cyclic intermediates and evaluate their binding by the actACP. Elongated monocyclic mimics show much longer residence time within actACP than shortened analogs. Taken together, these observations suggest ACP-substrate association occurs both before and after ketoreductase action upon the fully elongated polyketone, indicating a key role played by the ACP within PKS timing and processivity. These atom replacement mimetics offer new tools to study protein and substrate interactions and are applicable to a wide variety of PKSs

    Targeting ferroptosis: A novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of mitochondrial disease-related epilepsy.

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    BACKGROUND:Mitochondrial disease is a family of genetic disorders characterized by defects in the generation and regulation of energy. Epilepsy is a common symptom of mitochondrial disease, and in the vast majority of cases, refractory to commonly used antiepileptic drugs. Ferroptosis is a recently-described form of iron- and lipid-dependent regulated cell death associated with glutathione depletion and production of lipid peroxides by lipoxygenase enzymes. Activation of the ferroptosis pathway has been implicated in a growing number of disorders, including epilepsy. Given that ferroptosis is regulated by balancing the activities of glutathione peroxidase-4 (GPX4) and 15-lipoxygenase (15-LO), targeting these enzymes may provide a rational therapeutic strategy to modulate seizure. The clinical-stage therapeutic vatiquinone (EPI-743, α-tocotrienol quinone) was reported to reduce seizure frequency and associated morbidity in children with the mitochondrial disorder pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 6. We sought to elucidate the molecular mechanism of EPI-743 and explore the potential of targeting 15-LO to treat additional mitochondrial disease-associated epilepsies. METHODS:Primary fibroblasts and B-lymphocytes derived from patients with mitochondrial disease-associated epilepsy were cultured under standardized conditions. Ferroptosis was induced by treatment with the irreversible GPX4 inhibitor RSL3 or a combination of pharmacological glutathione depletion and excess iron. EPI-743 was co-administered and endpoints, including cell viability and 15-LO-dependent lipid oxidation, were measured. RESULTS:EPI-743 potently prevented ferroptosis in patient cells representing five distinct pediatric disease syndromes with associated epilepsy. Cytoprotection was preceded by a dose-dependent decrease in general lipid oxidation and the specific 15-LO product 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-HETE). CONCLUSIONS:These findings support the continued clinical evaluation of EPI-743 as a therapeutic agent for PCH6 and other mitochondrial diseases with associated epilepsy

    Trapping the dynamic acyl carrier protein in fatty acid biosynthesis.

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    Acyl carrier protein (ACP) transports the growing fatty acid chain between enzymatic domains of fatty acid synthase (FAS) during biosynthesis. Because FAS enzymes operate on ACP-bound acyl groups, ACP must stabilize and transport the growing lipid chain. ACPs have a central role in transporting starting materials and intermediates throughout the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway. The transient nature of ACP-enzyme interactions impose major obstacles to obtaining high-resolution structural information about fatty acid biosynthesis, and a new strategy is required to study protein-protein interactions effectively. Here we describe the application of a mechanism-based probe that allows active site-selective covalent crosslinking of AcpP to FabA, the Escherichia coli ACP and fatty acid 3-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase, respectively. We report the 1.9 Å crystal structure of the crosslinked AcpP-FabA complex as a homodimer in which AcpP exhibits two different conformations, representing probable snapshots of ACP in action: the 4'-phosphopantetheine group of AcpP first binds an arginine-rich groove of FabA, then an AcpP helical conformational change locks AcpP and FabA in place. Residues at the interface of AcpP and FabA are identified and validated by solution nuclear magnetic resonance techniques, including chemical shift perturbations and residual dipolar coupling measurements. These not only support our interpretation of the crystal structures but also provide an animated view of ACP in action during fatty acid dehydration. These techniques, in combination with molecular dynamics simulations, show for the first time that FabA extrudes the sequestered acyl chain from the ACP binding pocket before dehydration by repositioning helix III. Extensive sequence conservation among carrier proteins suggests that the mechanistic insights gleaned from our studies may be broadly applicable to fatty acid, polyketide and non-ribosomal biosynthesis. Here the foundation is laid for defining the dynamic action of carrier-protein activity in primary and secondary metabolism, providing insight into pathways that can have major roles in the treatment of cancer, obesity and infectious disease

    Modeling Linear and Cyclic PKS Intermediates through Atom Replacement

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    [Image: see text] The mechanistic details of many polyketide synthases (PKSs) remain elusive due to the instability of transient intermediates that are not accessible via conventional methods. Here we report an atom replacement strategy that enables the rapid preparation of polyketone surrogates by selective atom replacement, thereby providing key substrate mimetics for detailed mechanistic evaluations. Polyketone mimetics are positioned on the actinorhodin acyl carrier protein (actACP) to probe the underpinnings of substrate association upon nascent chain elongation and processivity. Protein NMR is used to visualize substrate interaction with the actACP, where a tetraketide substrate is shown not to bind within the protein, while heptaketide and octaketide substrates show strong association between helix II and IV. To examine the later cyclization stages, we extended this strategy to prepare stabilized cyclic intermediates and evaluate their binding by the actACP. Elongated monocyclic mimics show much longer residence time within actACP than shortened analogs. Taken together, these observations suggest ACP-substrate association occurs both before and after ketoreductase action upon the fully elongated polyketone, indicating a key role played by the ACP within PKS timing and processivity. These atom replacement mimetics offer new tools to study protein and substrate interactions and are applicable to a wide variety of PKSs