1,269 research outputs found

    Evidence-based resistance training recommendations.

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    Strenght training methods and the work of Arthur Jones

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    This article is not available through ChesterRep. It is available at http://www.asep.org/files/Smith.pdfThis paper reviews research evidence relating to the strength training advice offered by Arthur Jones, founder and retired Chairman of Nautilus Sports/Medical Industries and MedX Corporation. Jones advocated that those interested in improving their muscular size, strength, power and/or endurance should perform one set of each exercise to muscular failure (volitional fatigue), train each muscle group no more than once (or, in some cases, twice) per week, perform each exercise in a slow, controlled manner and perform a moderate number of repetitions (for most people, ~8-12). This advice is very different to the strength training guidelines offered by the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the American College of Sports Medicine and most exercise physiology textbooks. However, in contrast to the lack of scientific support for most of the recommendations made by such bodies and in such books, Jones' training advice is strongly supported by the peer-reviewed scientific literature, a statement that has recently been supported by a review of American College of Sports Medicine resistance training guidelines. Therefore, we strongly recommend Jones' methods to athletes and coaches, as they are time-efficient and optimally efficacious, and note that, given his considerable contribution to the field of strength training, academic recognition of this contribution is long overdue

    Bipolar technology and pebble stone artifacts : experimentation in stone tool manufacture

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    There is a general lack of research concerning the technological aspect of pebble stone artifacts throughout the Northern Plains. As a result, little is known about the manufacture of these materials except that it is generally accepted that bipolar technology was the predominant manufacturing technique used because of the small size of the pebbles. However, research regarding bipolar technology has also been limited. Furthermore, many researchers have indicated that this technique is crude, poorly controlled, and that it only supplies a marginal product. The research outlined within this thesis examines the manufacture and archaeological significance of pebble stone materials. The ultimate aim of this is to provide some clarification regarding the use of the bipolar method in relation to pebble stone materials. Therefore, the mode of manufacture of pebble stone artifacts will be, in part, accomplished by an examination of experimentally replicated split pebbles using the bipolar technique. As a final point, considering the obvious wide geographic distribution and frequency of use of bipolar technology and pebble stone materials it is unlikely that this technique was thought of so unfavorably by pre-contact groups or that pebble materials were considered marginal or used only when superior quality raw material was not available

    One lumbar extension training session per week is sufficient for strength gains and reduction in pain in patients with chronic low back pain ergonomics

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    Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is the leading cause of absenteeism from the workplace and research into exercise interventions to address this problem is required. This study investigated training frequency for participants with CLBP. Participants either trained once a week (1 × week, n = 31), or twice a week (2 × week, n = 20) or did not (control group, n = 21). Participants were isometric strength tested in weeks 1 and 12 and trained dynamically either 1×week (80% of maximum) or 2×week (80% and 50%). The results (pre vs. post) showed significant increases in maximal strength, range of motion and reductions in pain for both training groups. Pain scores for the 1 × week and 2 × week both reached minimal clinical improvement change unlike the control group. Thus, one lumbar extension training session per week is sufficient for strength gains and reductions in pain in low back pain in CLBP patients

    The Autistic Experience of Exercising within Nature-Based Environments: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis

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    Background: The psychological impact of exercising in nature has gained considerable research attention in recent years under the heading green exercise (GE). Literature has examined specific benefits of GE, comparison between indoor and outdoor environments and has utilised different theories to understand these benefits and differences. To date no academic literature has examined the impact of GE on autistic people with a diagnoses of Aspergers Syndrome (AS) (a former term to refer to autism without an accompanying intellectual disability), and a condition characterised by hypersensitive and hyposensitive senses, intuitively it has been suggested that the natural environment might not be a compatible setting for autistic people due to its unpredictable and sensory provoking conditions. Method: A group of four autistic males were interviewed using a semi structured interview schedule. Interviews were transcribed and then analysed using interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA). Results/Discussion: Three superordinate themes were identified, positive introductions to nature (this group discussed how important having a good start in this environment was to engaging in this activity), positive association with nature (the participants viewed natural environments where they exercised in a positive way), and purpose and practicalities (participants spoke of viewing GE favourably when there was a purpose to it above and beyond doing it for its own sake) with 5 associated subordinate themes. Results suggest that autistic people appear to get considerable positive psychological outcomes from engaging within GE which relate directly to some of the features of AS e.g. disruptive concerns and that a functional purpose to the GE would be helpful in terms of encouraging uptake of and adherence to GE within an autistic group