231 research outputs found

    The replacement histone H2A.Z in a hyperacetylated form is a feature of active genes in the chicken

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    The replacement histone H2A.Z is variously reported as being linked to gene expression and preventing the spread of heterochromatin in yeast, or concentrated at heterochromatin in mammals. To resolve this apparent dichotomy, affinity-purified antibodies against the N-terminal region of H2A.Z, in both a triacetylatedandnon- acetylatedstate, areusedin native chromatin immmuno-precipitation experiments with mononucleosomes from three chicken cell types. The hyperacetylated species concentrates at the 50 end of active genes, both tissue specific and housekeeping but is absent from inactive genes, while the unacetylated form is absent from both active and inactive genes. A concentration of H2A.Z is also found at insulators under circumstances implying a link to barrier activity but not to enhancer blocking. Although acetylated H2A.Z is widespread throughout the interphase genome, at mitosis its acetylation is erased, the unmodified form remaining. Thus, although H2A.Z may operate as an epigenetic marker for active genes, its N-terminal acetylation does not

    The replacement histone H2A.Z in a hyperacetylated form is a feature of active genes in the chicken

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    The replacement histone H2A.Z is variously reported as being linked to gene expression and preventing the spread of heterochromatin in yeast, or concentrated at heterochromatin in mammals. To resolve this apparent dichotomy, affinity-purified antibodies against the N-terminal region of H2A.Z, in both a triacetylatedandnon- acetylatedstate, areusedin native chromatin immmuno-precipitation experiments with mononucleosomes from three chicken cell types. The hyperacetylated species concentrates at the 50 end of active genes, both tissue specific and housekeeping but is absent from inactive genes, while the unacetylated form is absent from both active and inactive genes. A concentration of H2A.Z is also found at insulators under circumstances implying a link to barrier activity but not to enhancer blocking. Although acetylated H2A.Z is widespread throughout the interphase genome, at mitosis its acetylation is erased, the unmodified form remaining. Thus, although H2A.Z may operate as an epigenetic marker for active genes, its N-terminal acetylation does not

    Understanding person acquisition using an interactive activation and competition network

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    Face perception is one of the most developed visual skills that humans display, and recent work has attempted to examine the mechanisms involved in face perception through noting how neural networks achieve the same performance. The purpose of the present paper is to extend this approach to look not just at human face recognition, but also at human face acquisition. Experiment 1 presents empirical data to describe the acquisition over time of appropriate representations for newly encountered faces. These results are compared with those of Simulation 1, in which a modified IAC network capable of modelling the acquisition process is generated. Experiment 2 and Simulation 2 explore the mechanisms of learning further, and it is demonstrated that the acquisition of a set of associated new facts is easier than the acquisition of individual facts in isolation of one another. This is explained in terms of the advantage gained from additional inputs and mutual reinforcement of developing links within an interactive neural network system. <br/

    The microscopic spin-phonon coupling constants in CuGeO_3

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    Using RPA results, mean field theory, and refined data for the polarization vectors we determine the coupling constants of the four Peierls-active phonon modes to the spin chains of CuGeO_3. We then derive the values of the coupling of the spin system to the linear ionic displacements, the bond lengths and the angles between bonds. Our values are consistent with microscopic theories and various experimental results. We discuss the applicability of static approaches to the spin-phonon coupling. The c-axis anomaly of the thermal expansion is explained. We give the values of the coupling constants in an effective one-dimensional Hamiltonian.Comment: 11 pages, two figures, 13 tables, PRB 59 (in press

    How the freshwater biodiversity information system (FBIS) is supporting national freshwater fish conservation decisions in South Africa

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The datasets presented in this study can be found in online repositories. The names of the repository/repositories and accession number(s) can be found in the article/Supplementary Material. Alternatively, the dataset can be accessed via the Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (freshwaterbiodiversity.org).In South Africa, anthropogenic pressures such as water over-abstraction, invasive species impacts, land-use change, pollution, and climate change have caused widespread deterioration of the health of river ecosystems. This comes at great cost to both people and biodiversity, with freshwater fishes ranked as the country’s most threatened species group. Effective conservation and management of South Africa’s freshwater ecosystems requires access to reliable and comprehensive biodiversity data. Despite the existence of a wealth of freshwater biodiversity data, access to these data has been limited. The Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (FBIS) was built to address this knowledge gap by developing an intuitive, accessible and reliable platform for freshwater biodiversity data in South Africa. The FBIS hosts high quality, high accuracy biodiversity data that are freely available to a wide range of stakeholders, including researchers, conservation practitioners and policymakers. We describe how the system is being used to provide freshwater fish data to a national conservation decision-support tool—The Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment (DFFE) National Environmental Screening Tool (NEST). The NEST uses empirical and modelled biodiversity data to guide Environmental Impact Assessment Practitioners in conducting environmental assessments of proposed developments. Occurrence records for 34 threatened freshwater fishes occurring in South Africa were extracted from the FBIS and verified by taxon specialists, resulting in 6 660 records being used to generate modelled and empirical national distribution (or sensitivity) layers. This represents the first inclusion of freshwater biodiversity data in the NEST, and future iterations of the tool will incorporate additional freshwater taxa. This case study demonstrates how the FBIS fills a pivotal role in the data-to-decision pipeline through supporting data-driven conservation and management decisions at a national level.Funding for the development of the Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (FBIS) was provided by the JRS Biodiversity Foundation Funding for the development of the Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (FBIS) was provided by the JRS Biodiversity Foundation. This work is based on the research supported in part by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa and the NRF-SAIAB DSI/ NRF Research Chair in Inland Fisheries and Freshwater Ecology.http://www.frontiersin.org/Environmental_Scienceam2024Zoology and EntomologySDG-14:Life below wate
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