12 research outputs found

    Milestones for internal medicine sub-interns

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    © 2015 Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine. Background As residency programs move toward measuring milestones for competency-based education assessment, medical schools will need to collaborate with residencies to determine competencies for graduating students. The objective of this study is to define the educational milestones for fourth-year medical students during an Internal Medicine sub-internship. Methods A cross-sectional Internet-based survey (with attention to validity evidence) was developed in early 2013 and administered to Internal Medicine attendings and Internal Medicine sub-interns working on an inpatient team at 3 academic medical centers. With the purpose to determine the milestones for sub-interns, items asked respondents what responsibilities a sub-intern could be entrusted to perform without direct supervision. Results Faculty responded that behaviors sub-interns could perform with indirect supervision were mostly at the reporter level, including completing a history and physical examination and collecting data such as test results. Other skills such as venipuncture and some communication skills such as calling consults, providing patient counseling, responding to pages, and creating discharge instructions were examples of tasks in which the majority of faculty felt that students were progressing toward unsupervised practice. Behaviors where the majority of faculty would always supervise a medical student performance included performance on the interpreter level, including interpreting electrocardiograms, significant physical examination findings, and laboratory results. Medical students less commonly noted needing supervision on the majority of the items when compared with faculty. Conclusion Tasks in the reporter domain such as taking a history, collecting medical records, and reporting results can be characterized as medical student milestones

    A Review of Continuous Quality Improvement Processes at Ten Medical Schools

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    The Liaison Committee on Medical Education now expects all allopathic medical schools to develop and adhere to a documentable continuous quality improvement (CQI) process. Medical schools must consider how to establish a defensible process that monitors compliance with accreditation standards between site visits. The purpose of this descriptive study is to detail how ten schools in the Association of American Medical Colleges’ (AAMC) Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA) CQI Special Interest Group (SIG) are tackling practical issues of CQI development including establishing a CQI office, designating faculty and staff, charging a CQI committee, choosing software for data management, if schools are choosing formalized CQI models, and other considerations. The information presented is not meant to certify that any way is the correct way to manage CQI, but simply present some schools’ models. Future research should include defining commonalities of CQI models as well as seeking differences. Furthermore, what are components of CQI models that may affect accreditation compliance negatively? Are there “worst practices” to avoid? What LCME elements are most commonly identified for CQI, and what are the successes and struggles for addressing those elements? What are identifiable challenges relating to use of standard spreadsheet software and engaging information technology for support? How can students be more engaged and involved in the CQI process? Finally, how do these major shifts to a formalized CQI process impact the educational experience

    Current status of the multinational Arabidopsis community

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    The multinational Arabidopsis research community is highly collaborative and over the past thirty years these activities have been documented by the Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee (MASC). Here, we (a) highlight recent research advances made with the reference plant Arabidopsis thaliana; (b) provide summaries from recent reports submitted by MASC subcommittees, projects and resources associated with MASC and from MASC country representatives; and (c) initiate a call for ideas and foci for the “fourth decadal roadmap,” which will advise and coordinate the global activities of the Arabidopsis research community