5,764 research outputs found

    Investigation of Factors Impacting a Helicopter Height-Velocity Diagram

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    A dynamic helicopter model was incorporated into an optimal control problem to determine minimal landing velocities. The solutions were determined using pseudospectral collocation methods as implemented by the GPOPS-II software. These solutions were then compiled to develop a HV diagram. An HV diagram displays regions of flight based on a helicopter\u27s airspeed and height above the ground in which a safe landing would not be possible following engine failure. The applied methodology for constructing the HV diagram reduced issues involving solution convergence that was encountered in previous research. The influence of ground effect on the dynamic model was also investigated. After analyzing the HV diagrams constructed using five additional ground effect models, the significant impact that a chosen ground effect model has in the overall dynamic model was apparent. Finally, the effect that modifying certain helicopter parameters has on the helicopter\u27s autorotation performance was considered. Optimal control solutions showed a decrease in autorotation capabilities for the case of an increased gross weight as well as for the case of a decreased rotor size

    Multiple minority identities : Queer and Muslim Arab Americans

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    People who are Queer Muslim Arab Americans have unique experiences, as their multiple identities often clash head-on with cultural expectations of their respective communities. To fully grasp the concept of someone who identifies as such, this thesis explores each minority identity individually, and then examines the interactions of all three identities. The Double Jeopardy and Intersectional Invisibility theories of multiple minority identities are explored in relation to people who are Queer Muslim Arab Americans. Scenarios are outlined in which each theory seems more relevant. Finally, community needs of Queer Muslim Arab Americans are discussed, with a focus on the opportunities that are available to mental health providers and community psychologists to make a positive impact on this multiple minority community

    Facilitating goal-oriented behaviour in the Stroop task: when executive control is influenced by automatic processing.

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    A portion of Stroop interference is thought to arise from a failure to maintain goal-oriented behaviour (or goal neglect). The aim of the present study was to investigate whether goal- relevant primes could enhance goal maintenance and reduce the Stroop interference effect. Here it is shown that primes related to the goal of responding quickly in the Stroop task (e.g. fast, quick, hurry) substantially reduced Stroop interference by reducing reaction times to incongruent trials but increasing reaction times to congruent and neutral trials. No effects of the primes were observed on errors. The effects on incongruent, congruent and neutral trials are explained in terms of the influence of the primes on goal maintenance. The results show that goal priming can facilitate goal-oriented behaviour and indicate that automatic processing can modulate executive control


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    The number of small commodity livestock slaughter plants in the Upper Northern Plains region continues to decline. Significant factors contributing to this decline include: 1) pressure to consolidate, thereby capturing economies of scale; 2) relatively stringent federal inspection specifications, along with; 3) HACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Points) requirements. At the same time, consumer demand (markets) for specialty, selected, and exotic meats appears to be growing. For example, the recent market successes in Europe evidenced by the North American Bison Cooperative based in New Rockford, North Dakota. Several alternative livestock producer groups have emerged which include lamb, ratite, elk, deer, goat, poultry, rabbit, specialty beef, and organic livestock. These groups have expressed a need for slaughter and processing facilities to meet market demand. The economic question which then becomes foremost to developing a viable business enterprise is: "What is the critical threshold volume (CTV) of product required to succeed in terms of economic profit?" Specialty livestock is relatively new and production volume small in comparison to established commodity livestock such as cattle or hogs. This fact led researchers to consider the preliminary feasibility of a multi-species processing facility as a means of addressing the expressed need.multi-species, specialty meats, specialty livestock, alternative livestock, economies of scale, HACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Points), slaughter plants, processing plants, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Agribusiness,

    Five minutes with Timothy Garton Ash: “We’re far more European in the UK than we think we are”

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    Is it possible to create a truly European public sphere? In an interview with EUROPP’s editor Stuart Brown, Timothy Garton Ash discusses the failure of efforts to reignite the enthusiasm of citizens for European integration, the importance of European identity, and why the UK is far more European than most people believe

    Chronic Environmental Stress and the Temporal Course of Depression and Panic Disorder: A Trait-State-Occasion Modeling Approach

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    Both acute stressful life events and ongoing strains are thought to confer vulnerability to emotional disorders. Unremitting stressful conditions may be particularly pathogenic, but prior research has struggled to delimit chronic versus transient stressful experiences. We aimed to isolate stable stressors-theorized to be indicators of a latent stress proneness trait-and to examine their effects on the temporal course of depression and panic disorder. We recruited 677 patients diagnosed with an emotional disorder and administered interviews for psychopathology and life stress 3 times over 12-month intervals. Trait-state-occasion modeling revealed that 74% of the variance in life stress was stable over the follow-up period. These stable stressors were associated with a more refractory course of depression and, to a smaller degree, panic disorder over time. In addition, neither gender nor participation in cognitive-behavioral therapy affected the persistence of environmental stress over the study time frame. We discuss implications of these findings for explaining depression recurrence, improving psychological interventions for emotional disorders, and the measurement and evaluation of stress proneness

    The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on hip and knee arthroplasty patients in the United States: A multicenter update to the previous survey

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    Background: In March 2020, elective total hip and knee arthroplasty (THA and TKA) were suspended across the United States in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We had previously published the results of a survey to the affected patients from 6 institutions. We now present the results of a larger distribution of this survey, through May and June 2020, to electively scheduled patients representing different regions of the United States. Methods: Fifteen centers identified through the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons Research Committee participated in a survey study of THA and TKA patients. Patients scheduled for primary elective THA or TKA but canceled due to the COVID-19 elective surgery stoppage (3/2020-5/2020) were included in the study. Descriptive statistics along with subgroup analysis with Wilcoxon rank were performed. Results: In total, surveys were distributed to 2135 patients and completed by 848 patients (40%) from 15 institutions. Most patients (728/848, 86%) had their surgery postponed or canceled by the surgeon or hospital. Unknown length of surgical delay remained the highest source of anxiety among survey participants. Male patients were more likely to be willing to proceed with surgery in spite of COVID-19. There were minimal regional differences in responses. Only 61 patients (7%) stated they will continue to delay surgery for fear of contracting COVID-19 while in the hospital. Conclusion: Similar to the previous study, the most anxiety-provoking thought was the uncertainty, over if and when the canceled joint replacement surgery could be rescheduled. Patients suffering from the daily pain of hip and knee arthritis who have been scheduled for elective arthroplasty remain eager to have their operation as soon as elective surgery is allowed to resume

    Sex: the defining variable in mate selection

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    The evolutionary hypothesis of mate selection was tested by combining traits deemed as evolutionarily valued (Cramer, Schaeffer Et Reid, 1996) with pictures showing facial features deemed as physically attractive according to the evolutionary hypothesis (Buss, 1989; Singh, 1995). Traits and pictures not congruent with the evolutionary hypothesis were also presented. Four stimulus persons were presented to ninety-one male subjects and 114 female subjects who were asked to rate their desirability as a mate. The results showed a main effect for stimulus condition, with the physical attractiveness pictures receiving the highest ratings when combined with the valued evolutionary traits, F (3, 201) = 196.34, p \u3c .000. The results also showed a main effect for gender with male subjects\u27 ratings being significantly higher than female subjects, F (1, 203) = 19.67, p\u3c .000. Finally, a significant interaction indicated that females\u27 ratings of the four stimulus persons were congruent with predictions according to the evolutionary hypothesis, while males\u27 ratings were not F (3, 201) = 34.07, p \u3c .000. These results offer mixed support for the evolutionary theory possibly because of changing gender roles

    Effects of Anxiety on Attentional Allocation and Task Performance: An Information Processing Analysis

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    An information processing signal detection methodology was employed to examine attentional allocation and its correlates in both normal comparison (NC) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) participants. In particular, the impact of neutral distractor and negative feedback cues on performance of an attention vigilance task was investigated. Individuals with GAD (N = 15) evidenced impaired performance on an attention vigilance task relative to NC participants (N = 15) when neutral distractor cues were presented. Contrary to prediction, no group differences in performance were detected under conditions in which participants were presented negative feedback cues they were told were relevant to their performance. Instead, GAD participants exhibited improvement during the experimental task such that their performance was equivalent to NC participants. Across trials, the clinically anxious group endorsed significantly higher levels of worry and negative affectivity; however, they failed to respond with concomitant physical arousal (e.g. increased muscle tension). These data are discussed within the context of Eysenck and Calvo\u27s processing efficiency theory. Additionally, the results of this investigation provide support for Barlow\u27s conceptualization of anxiety as requiring the interaction of cognitive schema and physiological arousal
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