180,207 research outputs found

    The Cohen Macaulay property for noncommutative rings

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    Let R be a noetherian ring which is a finite module over its centre Z(R). This paper studies the consequences for R of the hypothesis that it is a maximal Cohen Macaulay Z(R)-module. Old results are reviewed and a number of new results are proved. The additional hypothesis of homological grade symmetry is proposed as the appropriate extra lever needed to extend the classical commutative homological hierarchy to this setting, and results are given offering evidence in support of this proposal.Comment: Preliminary version; comments welcom

    Coaxial Atomic Force Microscope Tweezers

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    We demonstrate coaxial atomic force microscope (AFM) tweezers that can trap and place small objects using dielectrophoresis (DEP). An attractive force is generated at the tip of a coaxial AFM probe by applying a radio frequency voltage between the center conductor and a grounded shield; the origin of the force is found to be DEP by measuring the pull-off force vs. applied voltage. We show that the coaxial AFM tweezers (CAT) can perform three dimensional assembly by picking up a specified silica microsphere, imaging with the microsphere at the end of the tip, and placing it at a target destination.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, in review at Applied Physics Letter

    TEXES Observations of M Supergiants: Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Wind Acceleration

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    We have detected [Fe II] 17.94 um and 24.52 um emission from a sample of M supergiants using TEXES on the IRTF. These low opacity emission lines are resolved at R = 50, 000 and provide new diagnostics of the dynamics and thermodynamics of the stellar wind acceleration zone. The [Fe II] lines, from the first excited term, are sensitive to the warm plasma where energy is deposited into the extended atmosphere to form the chromosphere and wind outflow. These diagnostics complement previous KAO and ISO observations which were sensitive to the cooler and more extended circumstellar envelopes. The turbulent velocities, Vturb is about 12 to 13 km/s, observed in the [Fe II] forbidden lines are found to be a common property of our sample, and are less than that derived from the hotter chromospheric C II] 2325 Angstrom lines observed in alpha Ori, where Vturb is about 17 to 19 km/s. For the first time, we have dynamically resolved the motions of the dominant cool atmospheric component discovered in alpha Ori from multi-wavelength radio interferometry by Lim et al. (1998). Surprisingly, the emission centroids are quite Gaussian and at rest with respect to the M supergiants. These constraints combined with model calculations of the infrared emission line fluxes for alpha Ori imply that the warm material has a low outflow velocity and is located close to the star. We have also detected narrow [Fe I] 24.04 um emission that confirms that Fe II is the dominant ionization state in alpha Ori's extended atmosphere.Comment: 79 pages including 10 figures and 2 appendices. Accepted by Ap

    The evolution and star formation of dwarf galaxies in the Fornax Cluster

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    We present the results of a spectroscopic survey of 675 bright (16.5<Bj<18) galaxies in a 6 degree field centred on the Fornax cluster with the FLAIR-II spectrograph on the UK Schmidt Telescope. We measured redshifts for 516 galaxies of which 108 were members of the Fornax Cluster. Nine of these are new cluster members previously misidentified as background galaxies. The cluster dynamics show that the dwarf galaxies are still falling into the cluster whereas the giants are virialised. Our spectral data reveal a higher rate of star formation among the dwarf galaxies than suggested by morphological classification: 35 per cent have H-alpha emission indicative of star formation but only 19 per cent were morphologically classified as late-types. The distribution of scale sizes is consistent with evolutionary processes which transform late-type dwarfs to early-type dwarfs. The fraction of dwarfs with active star formation drops rapidly towards the cluster centre. The star-forming dwarfs are concentrated in the outer regions of the cluster, the most extreme in an infalling subcluster. We estimate gas depletion time scales for 5 dwarfs with detected HI emission: these are long (of order 10 Gyr), indicating that active gas removal must be involved if they are transformed into gas-poor dwarfs as they fall further into the cluster. In agreement with our previous results, we find no compact dwarf elliptical (M32-like) galaxies in the Fornax Cluster.Comment: To appear in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Boundary States and Black Hole Entropy

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    Black hole entropy is derived from a sum over boundary states. The boundary states are labeled by energy and momentum surface densities, and parametrized by the boundary metric. The sum over state labels is expressed as a functional integral with measure determined by the density of states. The sum over metrics is expressed as a functional integral with measure determined by the universal expression for the inverse temperature gradient at the horizon. The analysis applies to any stationary, nonextreme black hole in any theory of gravitational and matter fields.Comment: 4 pages, Revte

    Estimation of a preference based single index from the sexual quality of life questionnaire (SQOL) using ordinal data

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    There is increasing interest in using ordinal methods to estimate cardinal values for health states to calculate quality adjusted life years. This paper reports the estimation of models of rank data and discrete choice experiment (DCE) data to derive a preference-based index from a condition specific measure relating to sexual health and to compare the results to values generated from time trade-off valuation (TTO). The DCE data were analysed using a random effects probit model and the DCE predicted values were rescaled according to the highest and lowest predicted TTO values corresponding to the best and worst SQOL health states respectively. The rank data were analysed using a rank ordered logit model and re-scaled using two alternative methods. Firstly, re-scaling the rank predicted values using identical methods to those employed for DCE and secondly, re-scaling the rank model coefficients by dividing each level coefficient by the coefficient relating to death. The study raises some important issues about the use of ordinal data to produce cardinal health state valuations

    Fast spectral fitting of hard X-ray bremsstrahlung from truncated power-law electron spectra

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    &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Context:&lt;/b&gt; Hard X-ray bremsstrahlung continuum spectra, such as from solar flares, are commonly described in terms of power-law fits, either to the photon spectra themselves or to the electron spectra responsible for them. In applications various approximate relations between electron and photon spectral indices are often used for energies both above and below electron low-energy cutoffs.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Aims:&lt;/b&gt; We examine the form of the exact relationships in various situations, and for various cross-sections, showing that empirical relations sometimes used can be highly misleading especially at energies below the low-energy cutoff, and consider how to improve fitting procedures.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Methods:&lt;/b&gt; We obtain expressions for photon spectra from single, double and truncated power-law electron spectra for a variety of cross-sections and for the thin and thick target models and simple analytic expressions for the non-relativistic Bethe-Heitler case.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Results:&lt;/b&gt; We show that below the low-energy cutoff Kramers and other constant spectral index forms commonly used are very poor approximations to accurate results, but that our analytical forms are a good match; and that above a low-energy cutoff, the Kramers and non-relativistic Bethe-Heitler results match reasonably well with results for up to energies around 100 keV.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions:&lt;/b&gt; Analytical forms of the non-relativistic Bethe-Heitler photon spectra from general power-law electron spectra are good match to exact results for both thin and thick targets and they enable much faster spectral fitting than evaluation of the full spectral integrations.&lt;/p&gt

    Modelling and characterization of cell collapse in aluminium foams during dynamic loading

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    Plate-impact experiments have been conducted to investigate the elastic–plastic behaviour of shock wave propagation and pore collapse mechanisms of closed-cell aluminium foams. FE modelling using a meso-scale approach has been carried out with the FE software ABAQUS/Explicit. A micro-computed tomography-based foam geometry has been developed and microstructural changes with time have been investigated to explore the effects of wave propagation. Special attention has been given to the pore collapse mechanism. The effect of velocity variations on deformation has been elucidated with three different impact conditions using the plate-impact method. Free surface velocity (ufs) was measured on the rear of the sample to understand the evolution of the compaction. At low impact velocities, the free-surface velocity increased gradually, whereas an abrupt rise of free-surface velocity was found at an impact velocity of 845 m/s with a copper flyer-plate which correlates with the appearance of shock. A good correlation was found between experimental results and FE predictions

    On the formation of low-mass black holes in massive binary stars

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    Recently (Brown \& Bethe 1994) it was suggested that most stars with main sequence mass in the range of about 18−30M⊙18 - 30 M_{\odot} explode, returning matter to the Galaxy, and then go into low-mass (≥1.5M⊙\geq 1.5 M_{\odot}) black holes. Even more massive main-sequence stars would, presumably, chiefly g o into high-mass (∼10M⊙\sim 10 M_{\odot}) black holes. The Brown-Bethe estimates gave approximately 5×1085 \times {10}^{8} low-mass black holes in the Galaxy. A pressing question, which we attempt to answer here, is why, with the possible exception of the compact objects in SN1987A and 4U\,1700--37, none of these have been seen. We address this question in three parts. Firstly, black holes are generally ``seen'' only in binaries, by the accretion of matter from a companion star. High mass black holes are capable of accreting more matter than low-mass black holes, so there is a selection effect favoring them. This, in itself, would not be sufficient to show why low-mass black holes have not been seen, since neutron stars (of nearly the same mass) are seen in abundance. Secondly, and this is our main point, the primary star in a binary ---the first star to evolve--- loses its hydrogen envelope by transfer of matter to the secondary and loss into space, and the resulting ``naked'' helium star evolves differently than a helium core, which is at least initially covered by the hydrogen envelope in a massive main-sequence star. We show that primary stars in binaries can end up as neutron stars even if their initial mass substantially exceeds the mass limit for neutron star formation from single stars (∼18M⊙\sim 18 M_{\odot}). An example is 4U\,1223--62, in which we suggest that the initial primary mass exceeded 35M⊙35 M_{\odot}, yet X-ray pulsationsComment: uuencoded compressed postscript. The preprint is also available at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/preprint/PrePrint.htm
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