3,127 research outputs found

    Risk and crop rotations in Saskatchewan

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    The cost of producing wheat in five wheat growing regions

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    Non-Peer ReviewedThe paper compiles the on-farm costs associated with producing a tonne of wheat between 1970 and 1989 for five wheat growing regions, namely; the brown soil zone of Saskatchewan, north western North Dakota, East Anglia of England, the Borde region south east of Hannover, Germany, and the Paris Basin of France. The costs include direct cash costs and allocated costs such as; property taxes, overhead, depreciation, opportunity interest cost on all capital, both equity and debt, invested in the farm, and an opportunity cost for operator and family labour. The only costs not included are an allowance for the operator's management and risk taking. The costs have also been adjusted for inflation in the originating country and converted to Canadian dollars. The results indicate that over the twenty years between 1970 and 1989 the lowest cost wheat producing regions have shifted from Saskatchewan and North Dakota to East Anglia and the Paris Basin primarily due to increasing European yields and droughts in Saskatchewan and North Dakota

    Movement of Coconut Crabs, Birgus latro, in a Rainforest Habitat in Vanuatu

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    Patterns of movement in the coconut crab, Birgus latro (L.), were studied using mark-recapture and radio-tracking techniques at a number of sites in the rainforest regions of eastern Santo, Republic of Vanuatu (South Pacific). Movement was assessed both for crabs caught and released in one place (indigenous) and for crabs caught and then released at a new location (introduced). Recapture rates in eastern Santo were very small ( < I%), whereas on the small islet sites (area <2 ha) the rate approached 20%. There were no significant relationships between distance moved and either time at liberty or size of the individuals for introduced crabs. But for indigenous crabs, size of individual was negatively correlated with distance moved. Recapture rates of introduced and indigenous crabs were similar , but introduced crabs moved significantly further from their point of release. Almost all radio-tagged crabs moved from their point of release; smaller crabs tended to move further. On eastern Santo, only two of five radio-tagged crabs were located again ; both had moved over 250-m away from their release point. On the islet sites, all radiotagged crabs were found again at least once; some of these returned to a number of different sites, indicating that B. latro seems to be able to home to particular locations. Nonetheless, dispersal of animals from an area, at least after handling, is a common feature

    In My View

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    The central thesis of the article entitled “U.S. Policy on Small Arms and Light Weapons,” by Loretta Bondì, which appeared in the Winter 2006 edition of the Naval War College Review, is that the U.S. system of export controls on small arms is as good as any, and better than most other countries, but that American moral authority in this area is undermined by its permitting widespread civilian ownership of firearms

    Weak Boson Production Amplitude Zeros; Equalities of the Helicity Amplitudes

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    We investigate the radiation amplitude zeros exhibited by many Standard Model amplitudes for triple weak gauge boson production processes. We show that WZγWZ\gamma production amplitudes have especially rich structure in terms of zeros, these amplitudes have zeros originating from several different sources. It is also shown that TYPE I current null zone is the special case of the equality of the specific helicity amplitudes.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, 2 table

    Quartic Gauge Couplings and the Radiation Zero in pp to l nu gamma gamma events at the LHC

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    We report a study of the process pp to l nu gamma gamma at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, using a leading order partonic-level event generator interfaced to the Pythia program for showering and hadronisation and a with a generic detector simulation. The process is sensitive to possible anomalous quartic gauge boson couplings of the form W W gamma gamma. It is shown how unitarity-safe limits may be placed on these anomalous couplings by applying a binned maximum likelihood fit to the distribution of the two-photon invariant mass, M(gamma gamma), below a cutoff of 1TeV. Assuming 30fb-1 of integrated luminosity, the expected limits are two orders of magnitude tighter than those available from LEP. It is also demonstrated how the Standard Model radiation zero feature of the qq to W gamma gamma process may be observed in the difference between the two-photon and charged lepton pseudo-rapidities.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Experimental and theoretical investigations of a 17 GHz RF gun

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