2,698 research outputs found

    Leaf Processing in a Slough of an Ozark Stream

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    Processing of sugar maple (Acer saccharum), black oak (Quercus velutina), and American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) was investigated in a slough of the Illinois River, Benton County, Arkansas, using 5-gram packs in wire baskets. Oak and sycamore showed similar degradation rates, while maple was processed much faster. All processing rates were strongly retarded during a period of siltation. Chironomid larvae were the dominant organisms associated with the packs and their numbers were depressed by the silt influx. Shredders were notably few in number as compared with studies from the northwestern United States

    Cavefish Population Status and Environmental Quality in Cave Springs Cave, Arkansas - Final Report submitted to Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission

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    This report summarizes the continuing effort to monitor environmental quality in the Cave Springs Cave Natural Area and to implement the Ozark Cavefish Recovery Plan. Last year’s report (Brown et al., 1998) identified certain environmental stressors, including a trend over 15 years of increasing nutrient pollution, a low cavefish population count of only 106, and the presence of heavy metals in the cave water and one semi-volatile organic compound (the phthalate DEHP at 500 ppb) in resident crayfish tissue. This year’s monitoring effort demonstrates that fecal coliforms continue to exceed Arkansas State Water Quality Standards (Regulation 2), sometimes by a factor of 1000. The presence of heavy metals is confirmed, in not only the cave water and sediments, but in crayfish tissue, which implies that it may be bioaccumulating in the cave foodweb. Furthermore, beryllium, copper, lead, selenium, and zinc are present in concentrations in the cave water that exceeded the Regulation 2 standards for chronic, and sometimes acute, toxicity to aquatic life. Significant amounts of nitrate are also present (with a yearly average of over 5 mg NO3-N/ L), and phosphate concentrations occasionally exceed Regulation 2 standards. Concentrations of nitrate, ortho-phosphate, total phosphate, total coliforms, and several dissolved metals (Al, Ba, Cu, Fe, and Pb) were all highly correlated with discharge, and concentrations were highest during stormflow events. No pesticides were detected in cave water, crayfish tissue or bat guano. Phthalates were again detected in crayfish tissue (DEP and DEHP at 1 ppb each), as well as the cave water (DEHP at 0.7 ppb). While the effects of these phthalates upon aquatic organisms are unknown, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency considers phthalates to be human carcinogens and hormone disrupters. Ironically, while the cavefish habitat appears to be quite polluted, this year’s population survey counted 166 Ozark cavefish, the most ever counted for this (or any other) habitat. In order to integrate these pollution concerns and other data about this cave complex, a geographic information system was created for the Cave Springs Cave recharge zone. Preliminary analyses have detected several sensitive areas and pollution sources. The cave complex was determined to extend outside of the Natural Area boundary, and several sinkholes were identified. Photo-lineaments and fracture traces were identified, and other studies in Benton County demonstrate that these features, commonly expressed as intermittent streams on the surface, allow surface pollutants to rapidly enter the groundwater. Protection of these adjacent lands, sinkholes, and streams is recommended. The reduction or cessation of the land application of sewage sludge and agricultural waste in the recharge zone is also recommended

    Mollusca of the Illinois River, Arkansas

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    The Illinois River is in the Ozark region of northwestern Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma. A survey of the Illinois River in Arkansas produced nine species and one morphological subspecies of gastropods, three species of sphaeriid clams, and 23 species of unionid mussels. Museum records resulted in another two species and an ecophenotype of the Unionidae. This represents the first published survey of molluscan species from the Illinois River in Arkansas

    Bioassessment of the West Fork of the White River, Northwest Arkansas

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    The West Fork-White River has been and continues to be an important water resource for northwest Arkansas. It is used recreationally for fishing and swimming, agriculturally as a source of water for livestock and irrigation of crops, it is mined for gravel, used as a receiving stream for municipal wastewater effluent, and contributes to Beaver Lake which provides water for treatment and distribution to most of northwest Arkansas. While these uses have benefited a large segment of the Arkansas population, they have also contributed to the decline in environmental quality of the river. To facilitate the development of appropriate management protocols and assess restoration potential, we provided a biological assessment of the West ForkWhite River to complement studies of its physical and chemical properties. This holistic evaluation can be used presently, and to track changes in the environmental quality of the river in the future

    Distribution of Fish Within Headwater Riffles of the Illinois River System, Washington County, Arkansas

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    Quantitative sampling of fish was performed in five headwater riffles of the Illinois River System, Washington County, Arkansas during low flow conditions. This study revealed differing fish species composition, biomass and feeding guild segregation between head and tail riffle reaches in 1st through 3rd order. Thirty species representing 10 families were identified. Of this number, darters (Percidae), sculpins (Cottidae), madtoms (Ictaluridae), and central stonerollers (Campostoma anomalum) (Cyprinidae) comprised 67 to 98 percent of riffle head populations. Fish biomass was greater for riffle head areas (0.58-6.6/0.28-2.0 g/m2 ) within sectivores and herbivores dominating. Total fish numbers decreased from riffleheads to tails, while number of species increased. Dominant fish groups in tail areas were minnows (Cyprinidae), darters (Percidae), and sunfishes (Centrarchidae). Feeding guild fish groups in tail areas were predominately insectivore and insectivore-piscivore. Stomach analysis of Cottus carolinae, the dominant headwater riffle predator, indicated selective feeding of macrobenthic invertebrates and fish based on size class. Abundance of herbivore and insectivore fishes in riffles, particularly head reaches, suggests a correlation with positive rheotaxic behavior, microhabitat preference or abundance of macrobenthic invertebrate populations

    Aquatic Macrophytes of Two Small Northwest Arkansas Reservoirs

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    Lake Fayetteville and Lake Wedington are small reservoirs of about the same size and age that are located in northwestern Arkansas. We collected macrophytes from eleven transects around each reservoir in the autumn of 1993. Justicia (waterwillow), Typha (cat-tail), Scirpus (bulrush), Potamogeton (pondweed), and Zannichellia (horned pondweed) occur in both reservoirs. Justicia occurs most commonly in both reservoirs. The macrophytes of Lake Wedington are organized in a characteristic zonation pattern with bands from shore toward open water of emergent, floating-leaved, then submersed macrophytes. Macrophyte zonation was not as evident in Lake Fayetteville because of the low occurrence of floating leaved and submersed macrophytes in1993. Early studies of Lake Wedington found that the dominant macrophytes were Cyperus, Echinochloa, Lotus, and Sagittaria, all of which were absent during this study. Potamogeton, Scirpus, and Typha were also found to be dominant during 1952 studies, but occurred in lesser amounts in the current study. Previous studies (1956, 1967, 1977) on Lake Fayetteville stated that Sagittaria and Nelumbo were dominant macrophytes, but we found none in1993. Juncus, Potamogeton, Scirpus, and Typha were common in the early studies but occurred infrequently in our collections. Macrophyte composition in Lake Fayetteville in 1993 was attributable to an herbicide application that occurred in spring, 1992. As for the changes in Lake Wedington, we assume that the Justicia has out-competed those macrophytes that were in the reservoir in1952, or that normal lake ontogeny during the intervening 40 years has altered habitat conditions to now favor Justicia

    Comparative Leaf Decomposition Rates Including a Non-Native Species in an Urban Ozark Stream

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    Leaf decomposition of three species of native Ozark vegetation was compared to that of one nonnative invasive species. Leaves were placed in an urban gravel-bed stream for 23 days. Changes in mass and condition of the leaves were assessed along with stream temperature, flow, width, depth and discharge. Species native to Eastern North American forests were sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), dogwood (Cornus florida), and redbud (Cercis canadensis). The nonnative species, Japanese (Amur) honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) comprised approximately 80% of the understory vegetation within the riparian zone of the study reach. After 23 days, Sycamore lost 24.6% mass, dogwood lost 30%, redbud lost 37.5%, and honeysuckle lost 38.3%. Sycamore leaves retained their relative structures the most (ranked 9 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most sclerophyllous), and honeysuckle the least (ranked 2 on a scale of 1 to 10). As a result of this study, we suggest that the fast decomposition of leaves at southern latitudes may contribute to the low percentage of detritivores in streams, and that Japanese honeysuckle exacerbates this situation as a result of its more rapid rate of decomposition, therefore potentially depriving univoltine detritivores of nutrients later in their life cycles

    Macroinvertebrate Utilization of Leaf Detritus in a Riffle of the Illinois River, Arkansas

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    Small (5 g) leaf packs were placed in a shallow riffle area of the Illinois River in western Benton County, Arkansas, and sequentially retrieved after various exposure times during the winter and spring of 1980. Oak leaves (Quercus shumardii) were utilized more rapidly (9.2% remaining after 91 days), followed by oak/sycamore (Q. shumardii/Platanus occidentalis) leaf packs (31.8% remaining after 91 days). Sycamore {P. occidentalis) was the slowest processed type (32.2% remaining after 91 days). The initial colonization by shredders as characteristic of northern U S. streams did not occur in this study. Collector organisms were present in the leaf packs throughout the study. Predominant shredder organisms included stonefly nymphs (Plecoptera: Nemoura sp., Allocapnia sp., Taeniopteryx sp.) and caddisfly larvae (Trichoptera: Pycnopsyche sp., Limnephilidae). Predominant collector organisms included midge larvae and pupae (Diptera: Chironomidae) and mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebia sp., Ephemerella sp., Stenonema sp.)
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