259 research outputs found

    Experimental investigations of the dipolar interactions between single Rydberg atoms

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    This review summarizes experimental works performed over the last decade by several groups on the manipulation of a few individual interacting Rydberg atoms. These studies establish arrays of single Rydberg atoms as a promising platform for quantum state engineering, with potential applications to quantum metrology, quantum simulation and quantum information

    Direct measurement of the van der Waals interaction between two Rydberg atoms

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    We report on the direct measurement of the van der Waals interaction between two isolated, single Rydberg atoms separated by a controlled distance of a few micrometers. By working in a regime where the single-atom Rabi frequency of the laser used for excitation to the Rydberg state is comparable to the interaction energy, we observe a \emph{partial} Rydberg blockade, whereby the time-dependent populations of the various two-atom states exhibit coherent oscillations with several frequencies. A quantitative comparison of the data with a simple model based on the optical Bloch equations allows us to extract the van der Waals energy, and to observe its characteristic C6/R6C_6/R^6 dependence. The magnitude of the measured C6C_6 coefficient agrees well with an \emph{ab-initio} theoretical calculation, and we observe its dramatic increase with the principal quantum number nn of the Rydberg state. Our results not only allow to test an important physical law, but also demonstrate a degree of experimental control which opens new perspectives in quantum information processing and quantum simulation using long-range interactions between the atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Measurement of the Angular Dependence of the Dipole-Dipole Interaction Between Two Individual Rydberg Atoms at a F\"orster Resonance

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    We measure the angular dependence of the resonant dipole-dipole interaction between two individual Rydberg atoms with controlled relative positions. By applying a combination of static electric and magnetic fields on the atoms, we demonstrate the possibility to isolate a single interaction channel at a F\"orster resonance, that shows a well-defined angular dependence. We first identify spectroscopically the F\"orster resonance of choice and we then perform a direct measurement of the interaction strength between the two atoms as a function of the angle between the internuclear axis and the quantization axis. Our results show good agreement with the expected angular dependence ∝(1−3cos⁡2ξ)\propto(1-3\cos^2\theta), and represent an important step towards quantum state engineering in two-dimensional arrays of individual Rydberg atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Synthetic three-dimensional atomic structures assembled atom by atom

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    We demonstrate the realization of large, fully loaded, arbitrarily-shaped three-dimensional arrays of single atoms. Using holographic methods and real-time, atom-by-atom, plane-by-plane assembly, we engineer atomic structures with up to 72 atoms separated by distances of a few micrometres. Our method allows for high average filling fractions and the unique possibility to obtain defect-free arrays with high repetition rates. These results find immediate application for the quantum simulation of spin Hamiltonians using Rydberg atoms in state-of-the-art platforms, and are very promising for quantum-information processing with neutral atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    An atom-by-atom assembler of defect-free arbitrary 2d atomic arrays

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    Large arrays of individually controlled atoms trapped in optical tweezers are a very promising platform for quantum engineering applications. However, to date, only disordered arrays have been demonstrated, due to the non-deterministic loading of the traps. Here, we demonstrate the preparation of fully loaded, two-dimensional arrays of up to 50 microtraps each containing a single atom, and arranged in arbitrary geometries. Starting from initially larger, half-filled matrices of randomly loaded traps, we obtain user-defined target arrays at unit filling. This is achieved with a real-time control system and a moving optical tweezers that performs a sequence of rapid atom moves depending on the initial distribution of the atoms in the arrays. These results open exciting prospects for quantum engineering with neutral atoms in tunable geometries

    A non-equilibrium superradiant phase transition in free space

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    A class of systems exists in which dissipation, external drive and interactions compete and give rise to non equilibrium phases that would not exist without the drive. There, phase transitions could occur without the breaking of any symmetry, yet with a local order parameter, in contrast with the Landau theory of phase transitions at equilibrium. One of the simplest driven dissipative quantum systems consists of two-level atoms enclosed in a volume smaller than the wavelength of the atomic transition cubed, driven by a light field. The competition between collective coupling of the atoms to the driving field and their cooperative decay should lead to a transition between a phase where all the atomic dipoles are phaselocked and a phase governed by superradiant spontaneous emission. Here, we realize this model using a pencil-shaped cloud of laser cooled atoms in free space, optically excited along its main axis, and observe the predicted phases. Our demonstration is promising in view of obtaining free-space superradiant lasers or to observe new types of time crystals.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Coherent dipole-dipole coupling between two single atoms at a F\"orster resonance

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    Resonant energy transfers, i.e. the non-radiative redistribution of an electronic excitation between two particles coupled by the dipole-dipole interaction, lie at the heart of a variety of chemical and biological phenomena, most notably photosynthesis. In 1948, F\"orster established the theoretical basis of fluorescence resonant energy transfer (FRET), paving the ground towards the widespread use of FRET as a "spectroscopic ruler" for the determination of nanometer-scale distances in biomolecules. The underlying mechanism is a coherent dipole-dipole coupling between particles, as already recognized in the early days of quantum mechanics, but this coherence was not directly observed so far. Here, we study, both spectroscopically and in the time domain, the coherent, dipolar-induced exchange of electronic excitations between two single Rydberg atoms separated by a controlled distance as large as 15 microns, and brought into resonance by applying a small electric field. The coherent oscillation of the system between two degenerate pair states occurs at a frequency that scales as the inverse third power of the distance, the hallmark of dipole-dipole interactions. Our results not only demonstrate, at the most fundamental level of two atoms, the basic mechanism underlying FRET, but also open exciting prospects for active tuning of strong, coherent interactions in quantum many-body systems.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
