21 research outputs found

    Reproductive dynamics of female spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) in South Carolina

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    We describe reproductive dynamics of female spotted sea-trout (Cynoscion nebulosus) in South Carolina (SC). Batch fecundity (BF), spawning frequency (SF), relative fecundity (RF), and annual fecundity (AF) for age classes 1−3 were estimated during the spawning seasons of 1998, 1999, and 2000. Based on histological evidence, spawning of spotted seatrout in SC was determined to take place from late April through early September. Size at first maturity was 248 mm total length (TL); 50% and 100% maturity occurred at 268 mm and 301 mm TL, respectively. Batch fecundity estimates from counts of oocytes in final maturation varied significantly among year classes. One-year-old spotted seatrout spawned an average of 145,452 oocytes per batch, whereas fish aged 2 and 3 had a mean BF of 291,123 and 529,976 oocytes, respectively. We determined monthly SF from the inverse of the proportion of ovaries with postovulatory follicles (POF) less than 24 hours old among mature and developing females. Overall, spotted seatrout spawned every 4.4 days, an average of 28 times during the season. A chronology of POF atresia for water temperature >25°C is presented. Length, weight (ovary-free), and age explained 67%, 65%, and 58% of the variability in BF, respectively. Neither RF (number of oocytes/g ovary-free weight) nor oocyte diameter varied significantly with age. However, RF was significantly greater and oocyte diameter was smaller at the end of the spawning season. Annual fecundity estimates were approximately 3.2, 9.5, and 17.6 million oocytes for each age class, respectively. Spotted seatrout ages 1−3 contributed an average of 29%, 39%, and 21% to the overall reproductive effort according to the relative abundance of each age class. Ages 4 and 5 contributed 7% and 4%, respectively, according to predicted AF values

    Habitat Characterization, Distribution, and Areal Extent of Deep-sea Coral Ecosystems off Florida, Southeastern U.S.A.

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    The deep-sea (200-1000 m) seafloor off the southeastern U.S. has a variety of extensive deep-sea coral ecosystem (DSCE) habitats including: deep-water coral mounds; various hard-bottom habitats off Florida including the Miami Terrace, Pourtales Terrace, and deep-water canyons (Agassiz and Tortugas Valleys); and deep island slopes off western Bahamas and northern Cuba. The dominant structure-forming scleractinian corals are Lophelia pertusa and Enallopsammia profunda; other structure-forming taxa include stylasterid corals, gorgonians, black corals, and sponges. This biota is associated with hard-bottom seafloor of variable high-relief topography which can be remotely identified from bathymetric data. NOAA bathymetric contour maps and digital elevation models were used to identify and delineate the areal extent of potential DSCE habitat in the region from northeastern Florida through the Straits of Florida. These were ground-truthed with 241 dives with submersibles and remotely operated vehicles which confirmed deep-sea coral habitat. We estimate a total of 39,910 km2 of DSCE habitat in this region. By comparison, the estimated areal extent of shallow-water coral habitat for all U.S. waters is 36,813 km2. Bottom trawling remains the greatest threat to DSCEs worldwide, and as a result NOAA has established five deep-water Coral Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (CHAPCs), encompassing 62,714 km2 from North Carolina to south Florida, which will protect much of the known deep-sea coral habitat in this region. High-resolution surveys are not only critical to define DSCE habitats but also to define areas devoid of coral and sponge habitats that may allow for potential bottom fisheries and energy development


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    iv; 269 hlm; illus;13 x 19 c

    Kegelisahan seorang feminis : sosok Virginia Woolf./ Brouwer

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    xiv, 274 hal.: ill.; 19 cm

    Kegelisahan seorang feminis : sosok Virginia Woolf./ Brouwer

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    xiv, 274 hal.: ill.; 19 cm

    Kegelisahan seorang feminis : sosok Virginia Woolf./ Brouwer

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    xiv, 274 hal.: ill.; 19 cm

    Kegelisahan seorang feminis : sosok Virginia Woolf./ Brouwer

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    xiv, 274 hal.: ill.; 19 cm

    Kegelisahan seorang feminis : sosok Virginia Woolf./ Brouwer

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    xiv, 274 hal.: ill.; 19 cm

    Kegelisahan seorang feminis : sosok Virginia Woolf./ Brouwer

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    xiv, 274 hal.: ill.; 19 cm

    Kegelisahan seorang feminis : sosok Virginia Woolf./ Brouwer

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    xiv, 274 hal.: ill.; 19 cm