3 research outputs found

    Recovery of galium and indium from liquid crystal displays and CIGS photovailtaic modules

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    Abstract: The increasing amount of electronics, such as consumer products and green technologies (e.g. solar PV cells) increases the demand of metals such as indium and gallium. This increasing demand together with the dependency on import of these metals drive research on recycling of waste electronics from secondary sources, so called urban mining. A hydrometallurgical process for the recovery of indium and gallium from flat panel displays and photovoltaic panels is under development within the RECLAIM project. Characterisation of flat panel displays and photovoltaic cell has been performed and has been compared with manual and automatic disassemblement. Results indicate that mineral acids can be used to release indium and gallium. Preliminary results of recovery and purification processes are presented and further research regarding these processes is outlined

    Dependently Typed Languages in Statix

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    Static type systems can greatly enhance the quality of programs, but implementing a type checker that is both expressive and user-friendly is challenging and error-prone. The Statix meta-language (part of the Spoofax language workbench) aims to make this task easier by automatically deriving a type checker from a declarative specification of a type system. However, so far Statix has not been used to implement dependent types, which is a class of type systems which require evaluation of terms during type checking. In this paper, we present an implementation of a simple dependently typed language in Statix, and discuss how to extend it with several common features such as inductive data types, universes, and inference of implicit arguments. While we encountered some challenges in the implementation, our conclusion is that Statix is already usable as a tool for implementing dependent types.</p

    Goed Gietwater Werkpakket 3, taak 2 Industrieelonderzoek naar waterkringloopsluiting in opkweekbedrijven

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    Efficiënt omgaan met water speelt voor biologische en niet-biologische opkweekbedrijven van plantmateriaal een steeds grotere rol. Toenemende en strengere eisen met betrekking tot lozing van water en de emissie van nutriënten en gewasbeschermingsmiddelen naar het oppervlaktewater vragen nieuwe maatregelen. Overheden en de glastuinbouwsector hebben als doelstelling om de emissies van de glastuinbouwsector via het waterspoor in 2027 nagenoeg tot nul te reduceren waarbij er in 2018 al maatregelen moeten worden genomen met betrekking tot gewasbeschermingsmiddelen. Het doel van het Goed Gietwater project is om middels industrieel onderzoek te komen tot een vergaande waterkringloopsluiting in de opkweeksector. Met een geoptimaliseerd watermanagement en behandeling van het overtollige gietwater kunnen water en nutriënten worden teruggewonnen en emissies van nutriënten en gewasbeschermingsmiddelen naar het oppervlaktewater worden voorkomen