55 research outputs found

    Towards an Automatic Dictation System for Translators: the TransTalk Project

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    Professional translators often dictate their translations orally and have them typed afterwards. The TransTalk project aims at automating the second part of this process. Its originality as a dictation system lies in the fact that both the acoustic signal produced by the translator and the source text under translation are made available to the system. Probable translations of the source text can be predicted and these predictions used to help the speech recognition system in its lexical choices. We present the results of the first prototype, which show a marked improvement in the performance of the speech recognition task when translation predictions are taken into account.Comment: Published in proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP) 94. 4 pages, uuencoded compressed latex source with 4 postscript figure

    Perceptions de communautés québécoises à l’égard des ressources comestibles du fleuve Saint-Laurent

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    Contexte: Le Saint-Laurent abrite une grande diversité de ressources comestibles, mais elles sont largement méconnues. De nos jours, les Québécois consomment principalement des produits marins importés, alors que les quelques espèces pêchées commercialement au Québec sont majoritairement exportées. Pourtant, il est raisonnable de penser que les habitants des communautés longeant le Saint-Laurent ont une relation de proximité aux ressources comestibles du fleuve et une vision de leur valorisation qui mérite d’être entendues. Manger notre Saint-Laurent est un projet de recherche-action multidisciplinaire visant la valorisation des ressources comestibles issues du Saint-Laurent. Objectifs: (1) Analyse critique de la démarche participative utilisée au sein de quatre communautés québécoises dans le cadre du projet Manger notre Saint-Laurent et (2) Analyse des résultats générés. Méthodologie: Quatre communautés ont été identifiées comme acteurs du projet : Cap-Chat, Sainte-Thérèse-de-Gaspé, les Îles de la Madeleine et la Première Nation Wolastoqiyik Wahsipekuk (Malécites de Viger). Un groupe de 10 à 14 participants a été recruté pour chaque communauté. La technique du groupe nominal (TGN) a été utilisée, et une analyse qualitative des transcriptions a été effectuée. Résultats: Les stratégies gagnantes portant sur l’augmentation de l’offre sont l’augmentation de la disponibilité locale sous forme de circuits courts et la promotion de la pêche de subsistance. Les stratégies gagnantes portant sur l’augmentation de la demande sont la découverte par la dégustation, la valorisation de la culture historique des pêches et le marketing éducatif des produits. Certaines espèces émergentes (oursin, algues, phoque) intéressaient particulièrement les participants. Les publics à cibler les plus populaires étaient les jeunes, ainsi que la communauté dans son ensemble. L’analyse qualitative a permis de révéler entre autres la forte identité culturelle de chaque région en lien avec la pêche. De plus, une analyse critique de la TGN révèle entre autres l’importance du recrutement des participants, de l’expérience du facilitateur et la pertinence d’une analyse qualitative pour approfondir les propos. Conclusion: L’échantillon de la population côtière du Saint-Laurent fait consensus que plusieurs ressources comestibles issues du Saint-Laurent gagnent à être plus disponibles et mieux valorisées, et que la communauté entière et particulièrement les jeunes sont à cibler. Cette étude est le premier pas d’un projet de recherche qui permettra qu’en tant que Québécois, nous pourrons Manger notre Saint-Laurent.Context: The Saint-Lawrence hosts a great variety of edible resources, but they are largely unknown. Quebeckers currently consume mostly imported seafood products whereas the few marine species that are commercially fished in Quebec are mainly exported. However, it is reasonable to assume that habitants along the Saint-Lawrence River have a closer relationship with edible marine resources and a vision for promoting them which deserves to be heard. Manger notre Saint-Laurent (Sustenance from our Saint-Lawrence) is a research-action multidisciplinary project aiming the promotion of edible local marine resources in the Saint-Lawrence. Objectives: (1) Critical analysis of the participatory process used in four communities in Quebec for Manger notre Saint-Laurent, and (2) Analysis of results generated. Methods: Four partner communities have been identified as actors in this project: Cap-Chat, Sainte-Thérèse-de-Gaspé, the Magdalen Islands and the Wolastoqiyik Wahsipekuk (Maliseet Viger) First Nation. A group of 10 to 14 participants from various backgrounds was recruited from each community. The Nominal group technique was used and transcripts were qualitatively analyzed. Results: All communities combined, winning strategies to increase supply were increasing local distribution networks and facilitating sustenance fishing. Winning strategies to increase demand were discovering the products through tasting and cooking, protecting cultural history of fishing, and marketing and educating about the products. Emergent species (sea urchins, algae, seals) particularly interested participants. The most popular target groups were youth and the community as a whole. Qualitative analysis revealed the important cultural ties to fishing in all communities. Also, critical analysis of the method revealed aspects like the importance of correctly recruiting participants, of having an experienced facilitator, and the usefulness of qualitative analysis. Conclusion: Our sample of Saint-Lawrence coastal communities created consensus around many resources that should receive more availability and more promotion, and around target groups that should include everyone in a community while targeting youth. This study is a first step in a research project that will lead to Quebeckers getting Sustenance from our Saint-Lawrence

    Étude mixte décrivant le portrait de la pratique d’ergothérapeutes québécois auprès des personnes présentant des symptômes comportementaux et psychologiques de la démence

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    But : La gestion des symptômes comportementaux et psychologiques reliés à la démence [SCPD] implique plusieurs professionnels, dont les ergothérapeutes. La pratique des ergothérapeutes québécois auprès des personnes âgées présentant des SCPD est, à ce jour, peu connue. L’objectif de cet article est de décrire la pratique d’ergothérapeutes québécois auprès des personnes présentant des SCPD dans les divers milieux de pratique. Méthodologie : Une recherche descriptive impliquant un devis mixte simultané avec triangulation comprenant un questionnaire en ligne et des entrevues semi-dirigées a été réalisée auprès d’ergothérapeutes québécois. Résultats : Les ergothérapeutes accordent une grande place à l’évaluation en ayant recours à des observations ou des mises en situation. Les interventions les plus fréquemment utilisées touchent les modifications de l’environnement. Conclusion : Les résultats de l’étude fournissent des pistes de réflexion utiles pour guider la pratique future des ergothérapeutes. --- Aim: The management of behavioural and psychological symptoms related to dementia [BPSD] involves several professionals, including occupational therapists. To date, the practice of occupational therapists in Quebec with elderly people with BPSD is poorly documented. The purpose of this article is to draw a portrait of the practice of occupational therapists in Quebec with people with BPSD. Methodology: A descriptive research with simultaneous mixed-mode design with triangulation, including an online questionnaire and semi-structured interviews, was conducted with Quebec occupational therapists. Results: Occupational therapists report that they place a great deal of emphasis on the assessment of abilities through observation. The most frequently used interventions involve environmental modification. Conclusion: Study findings provide useful insights for guiding practice of occupational therapists

    Toward food sovereignty for coastal communities of eastern Québec : co-designing a website to support consumption of edible resources from the St. Lawrence River, Estuary, and Gulf

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    Background. Despite the abundance and proximity of edible marine resources, coastal communities along the St. Lawrence in Eastern Québec rarely consume these resources. Within a community-based food sovereignty project, Manger notre Saint-Laurent (‘‘Sustenance from our St. Lawrence''), members of participating communities (3 nonIndigenous, 1 Indigenous) identified a need for a web-based decision tool to help make informed consumption choices. Methods. We thus aimed to co-design a prototype website that facilitates informed choices about consuming local edible marine resources based on seasonal and regional availability, food safety, nutrition, and sustainability, with community members, regional stakeholders, and experts in user experience design and web development. We conducted 48 interviews with a variety of people over 3 iterative cycles, assessing the prototype's ease of use with a validated measure, the System Usability Scale. Results. Community members, regional stakeholders, and other experts identified problematic elements in initial versions of the website (e.g., confusing symbols). We resolved issues and added features people identified as useful. Usability scores reached ‘‘best imaginable'' for both the second and the third versions and did not differ significantly between sociodemographic groups. The final prototype includes a tool to explore each species and index cards to regroup accurate evidence relevant to each species. Conclusions. Engaging co-designers with different sociodemographic characteristics brought together a variety of perspectives. Several components would not have been included without co-designers' input; other components were greatly improved thanks to their feedback. Co-design approaches in research and intervention development are preferable to foster the inclusion of a variety of people. Once the prototype is programmed and available online, we hope to evaluate the website to determine its effects on food choices


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    Background: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of deaths in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) patients. Mouse models, while widely used for drug development, do not fully replicate human NASH nor integrate the associated cardiac dysfunction, i.e. heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). To overcome these limitations, we established a nutritional hamster model developing both NASH and HFpEF. We then evaluated the effects of the dual peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha/delta agonist elafibranor developed for the treatment of NASH patients. Methods: Male Golden Syrian hamsters were fed for 10 to 20 weeks with a free choice diet, which presents hamsters with a choice between control chow diet with normal drinking water or a high fat/high cholesterol diet with 10% fructose enriched drinking water. Biochemistry, histology and echocardiography analysis were performed to characterize NASH and HFpEF. Once the model was validated, elafibranor was evaluated at 15 mg/kg/day orally QD for 5 weeks. Results: Hamsters fed a free choice diet for up to 20 weeks developed NASH, including hepatocyte ballooning (as confirmed with cytokeratin-18 immunostaining), bridging fibrosis, and a severe diastolic dysfunction with restrictive profile, but preserved ejection fraction. Elafibranor resolved NASH, with significant reduction in ballooning and fibrosis scores, and improved diastolic dysfunction with significant reduction in E/A and E/E' ratios. Conclusion: Our data demonstrate that the free choice diet induced NASH hamster model replicates the human phenotype and will be useful for validating novel drug candidates for the treatment of NASH and associated HfpEF

    A collaborative model to implement flexible, accessible and efficient oncogenetic services for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer : the C-MOnGene study

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    Medical genetic services are facing an unprecedented demand for counseling and testing for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) in a context of limited resources. To help resolve this issue, a collaborative oncogenetic model was recently developed and implemented at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval; Quebec; Canada. Here, we present the protocol of the C-MOnGene (Collaborative Model in OncoGenetics) study, funded to examine the context in which the model was implemented and document the lessons that can be learned to optimize the delivery of oncogenetic services. Within three years of implementation, the model allowed researchers to double the annual number of patients seen in genetic counseling. The average number of days between genetic counseling and disclosure of test results significantly decreased. Group counseling sessions improved participants' understanding of breast cancer risk and increased knowledge of breast cancer and genetics and a large majority of them reported to be overwhelmingly satisfied with the process. These quality and performance indicators suggest this oncogenetic model offers a flexible, patient-centered and efficient genetic counseling and testing for HBOC. By identifying the critical facilitating factors and barriers, our study will provide an evidence base for organizations interested in transitioning to an oncogenetic model integrated into oncology care; including teams that are not specialized but are trained in genetics

    Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein (CETP) Polymorphisms Affect mRNA Splicing, HDL Levels, and Sex-Dependent Cardiovascular Risk

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    Polymorphisms in and around the Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein (CETP) gene have been associated with HDL levels, risk for coronary artery disease (CAD), and response to therapy. The mechanism of action of these polymorphisms has yet to be defined. We used mRNA allelic expression and splice isoform measurements in human liver tissues to identify the genetic variants affecting CETP levels. Allelic CETP mRNA expression ratios in 56 human livers were strongly associated with several variants 2.5–7 kb upstream of the transcription start site (e.g., rs247616 p = 6.4×10−5, allele frequency 33%). In addition, a common alternatively spliced CETP isoform lacking exon 9 (Δ9), has been shown to prevent CETP secretion in a dominant-negative manner. The Δ 9 expression ranged from 10 to 48% of total CETP mRNA in 94 livers. Increased formation of this isoform was exclusively associated with an exon 9 polymorphism rs5883-C>T (p = 6.8×10−10) and intron 8 polymorphism rs9930761-T>C (5.6×10−8) (in high linkage disequilibrium with allele frequencies 6–7%). rs9930761 changes a key splicing branch point nucleotide in intron 8, while rs5883 alters an exonic splicing enhancer sequence in exon 9

    Recherche de facteurs de prédisposition génétique aux maladies cardio-vasculaires (études d'association de polymorphismes affectant les gènes du métabolisme de la L-arginine et de la L-ornithine)

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    L'épidémiologie génétique a permis des avancées significatives dans la compréhension des mécanismes physiopathologiques impliqués dans la survenue des maladies cardio-vasculaires. De nombreux travaux ont notamment souligné la place déterminante du gène codant la NO synthase endothéliale (NOS3) dans la physiologie artérielle et l'impact de mutations du gène NOS3 sur le risque cardio-vasculaire. La NO synthase endothéliale synthétise le monoxyde d'azote à partir de la L-arginine. Or, cet acide aminé est également le précurseur métabolique de composés comme l'urée, la L-ornithine, la L-proline ou les polyamines, dont l'implication dans la physiologie artérielle a été suggérée. Si de nombreuses études d'épidémiologie génétique ont porté sur le gène NOS3, aucune étude ne semble, à ce jour, avoir recherché l'impact, sur la physiopathologie vasculaire, de mutations affectant les gènes codant des protéines impliquées dans ces voies métaboliques alternatives dérivées de la L-arginine. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer l'impact de mutations affectant des gènes du métabolisme de la L-arginine et de la L-ornithine sur des manifestations cliniques ou infra-cliniques du risque cardio-vasculaire. Suivant une approche gène-candidat, nous nous sommes intéressés aux gènes codant l'arginase 1, l'ornithine transcarbamylase et l'ornithine décarboxylase antizyme 1. La cohérence des effets observés a été systématiquement vérifiée dans plusieurs enquêtes épidémiologiques indépendantes, portant sur des aspects contrastés de la pathologie artérielle. Les résultats obtenus ont permis d'associer le polymorphisme rs2781666 G/T du gène codant l'arginase 1 (ARG1), enzyme assurant la synthèse de la L-ornithine et de l'urée à partir de la L-arginine, à une augmentation du risque d'infarctus du myocarde et à une épaisseur intima-média carotidienne significativement plus importante. Par ailleurs, nous avons associé le polymorphisme -389G/A du gène codant l'ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC), enzyme d'engagement de la L-ornithine dans le cycle de l'urée, à un risque augmenté d'hypertension artérielle et à une modification de la vasomotricité coronaire. Enfin, le polymorphisme +2222A/G du gène codant l'ornithine décarboxylase antizyme 1 (OAZ1), protéine étroitement impliquée dans la régulation du métabolisme des polyamines, a été associé à un risque accru de resténose coronaire intra-stent, de coronaropathies aigues et à un épaississement intima-média carotidien accéléré. L'ensemble de nos résultats a permis d'une part d'identifier de nouveaux facteurs de prédisposition génétique aux maladies cardio-vasculaires et, d'autre part, de conforter l'hypothèse d'un rôle significatif des métabolismes dérivés de la L-arginine et de la L-ornithine dans la physiopathologie vasculaire.LILLE2-BU Santé-Recherche (593502101) / SudocSudocFranceF
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