37 research outputs found

    Inhibition of BET proteins and epigenetic signaling as a potential treatment for osteoporosis

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    International audienceHistone modifications are important for maintaining the transcription program. BET proteins, an important class of " histone reading proteins " , have recently been described as essential in bone biology. This study presents the therapeutic opportunity of BET protein inhibition in osteoporosis. We find that the pharmacological BET protein inhibitor JQ1 rescues pathologic bone loss in a post-ovariectomy osteoporosis model by increasing the trabecular bone volume and restoring mechanical properties. The BET protein inhibition suppresses osteoclast differentiation and activity as well as the osteoblastogenesis in vitro. Moreover, we show that treated non-resorbing osteoclasts could still activate osteoblast differentiation. In addition, specific inhibition of BRD4 using RNA interference inhibits osteoclast differentiation but strongly activates osteoblast mineralization activity. Mechanistically, JQ1 inhibits expression of the master osteoclast transcription factor NFATc1 and the transcription factor of osteoblast Runx2. These findings strongly support that targeting epigenetic chromatin regulators such as BET proteins may offer a promising alternative for the treatment of bone-related disorders such as osteoporosis

    Analysis of gap junctional intercellular communications using a dielectrophoresis-based microchip

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    Gap junctions are transmembrane structures that directly connect the cytoplasm of adjacent cells, making intercellular communications possible. It has been shown that the behaviour of several tumours – such as bone tumours – is related to gap junction intercellular communications (GJIC). Several methodologies are available for studying GJIC, based on measuring different parameters that are useful for multiple applications, such as the study of carcinogenesis for example. These methods nevertheless have several limitations. The present manuscript describes the setting up of a DEP-based lab-on-a-chip platform for the real-time study of Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication between osteosarcoma cells and the main cells accessible to their microenvironment. We conclude that using the DEParray technology for the GJIC assessment has several advantages comparing to current techniques. This methodology is less harmful for cells integrity; cells can be recovered after interaction to make further molecular analysis; it is possible to study GJIC in real time; we can promote cell interactions using up to five different populations. The setting up of this new methodology overcomes several difficulties to perform experiments for solving questions about GJIC process that we are not able to do with current technics

    Ewing sarcoma from molecular biology to the clinic

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    In Europe, with an incidence of 7.5 cases per million, Ewing sarcoma (ES) is the second most common primary malignant bone tumor in children, adolescents and young adults, after osteosarcoma. Since the 1980s, conventional treatment has been based on the use of neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapeutic agents combined with surgical resection of the tumor when possible. These treatments have increased the patient survival rate to 70% for localized forms, which drops drastically to less than 30% when patients are resistant to chemotherapy or when pulmonary metastases are present at diagnosis. However, the lack of improvement in these survival rates over the last decades points to the urgent need for new therapies. Genetically, ES is characterized by a chromosomal translocation between a member of the FET family and a member of the ETS family. In 85% of cases, the chromosomal translocation found is (11; 22) (q24; q12), between the EWS RNA-binding protein and the FLI1 transcription factor, leading to the EWS-FLI1 fusion protein. This chimeric protein acts as an oncogenic factor playing a crucial role in the development of ES. This review provides a non-exhaustive overview of ES from a clinical and biological point of view, describing its main clinical, cellular and molecular aspects

    Oncostatin M promotes STAT3 activation, VEGF production, and invasion in osteosarcoma cell lines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We have previously demonstrated that both canine and human OSA cell lines, as well as 8 fresh canine OSA tumor samples, exhibit constitutive phosphorylation of STAT3, and that this correlates with enhanced expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP2). While multiple signal transduction pathways can result in phosphorylation of STAT3, stimulation of the cytokine receptor gp130 through either IL-6 or Oncostatin M (OSM) is the most common mechanism through which STAT3 is activated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of IL-6 and OSM stimulation on both canine and human OSA cell lines to begin to determine the role of these cytokines in the biology of OSA.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>RT-PCR and Western blotting were used to interrogate the consequences of OSM and IL-6 stimulation of OSA cell lines. OSA cells were stimulated with OSM and/or hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and the effects on MMP2 activity (gel zymography), proliferation (CyQUANT), invasion (Matrigel transwell assay), and VEGF production (Western blotting, ELISA) were assessed. The small molecule STAT3 inhibitor LLL3 was used to investigate the impact of STAT3 inhibition following OSM stimulation of OSA cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our data demonstrate that the OSM receptor (OSMR), but not IL-6 or its receptor, is expressed by all human and canine OSA cell lines and canine OSA tumor samples; additionally, OSM expression was noted in all tumor samples. Treatment of OSA cell lines with OSM induced phosphorylation of STAT3, Src, and JAK2. OSM stimulation also resulted in a dose dependent increase in MMP2 activity and VEGF expression that was markedly reduced following treatment with the small molecule STAT3 inhibitor LLL3. Lastly, OSM stimulation of OSA cell lines enhanced invasion through Matrigel, particularly in the presence of rhHGF. In contrast, both OSM and HGF stimulation of OSA cell lines did not alter their proliferative capacity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data indicate OSM stimulation of human and canine OSA cells induces STAT3 activation, thereby enhancing the expression/activation of MMP2 and VEGF, ultimately promoting invasive behavior and tumor angiogenesis. As such, OSM and its receptor may represent a novel target for therapeutic intervention in OSA.</p

    Selective inhibition of BET bromodomain epigenetic signalling interferes with the bone-associated tumour vicious cycle

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    The vicious cycle established between bone-associated tumours and bone resorption is the central problem with therapeutic strategies against primary bone tumours and bone metastasis. Here we report data to support inhibition of BET bromodomain proteins as a promising therapeutic strategy that target simultaneously the three partners of the vicious cycle. Treatment with JQ1, a BET bromodomain inhibitor, reduces cell viability of osteosarcoma cells and inhibits osteoblastic differentiation both in vitro and in vivo. These effects are associated with transcriptional silencing of MYC and RUNX2, resulting from the depletion of BRD4 from their respective loci. Moreover, JQ1 also inhibits osteoclast differentiation by interfering with BRD4-dependent RANKL activation of NFATC1 transcription. Collectively, our data indicate that JQ1 is a potent inhibitor of osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation as well as bone tumour development

    New Insights about the Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Pathway in Primary Bone Tumors and Their Microenvironment: A Promising Target to Develop Therapeutic Strategies?

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    International audienceOsteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma are the most common malignant primary bone tumors mainly occurring in children, adolescents and young adults. Current standard therapy includes multidrug chemotherapy and/or radiation specifically for Ewing sarcoma, associated with tumor resection. However, patient survival has not evolved for the past decade and remains closely related to the response of tumor cells to chemotherapy, reaching around 75% at 5 years for patients with localized forms of osteosarcoma or Ewing sarcoma but less than 30% in metastatic diseases and patients resistant to initial chemotherapy. Despite Ewing sarcoma being characterized by specific EWSR1-ETS gene fusions resulting in oncogenic transcription factors, currently, no targeted therapy could be implemented. It seems even more difficult to develop a targeted therapeutic strategy in osteosarcoma which is characterized by high complexity and heterogeneity in genomic alterations. Nevertheless, the common point between these different bone tumors is their ability to deregulate bone homeostasis and remodeling and divert them to their benefit. Therefore, targeting different actors of the bone tumor microenvironment has been hypothesized to develop new therapeutic strategies. In this context, it is well known that the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway plays a key role in cancer development, including osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma as well as in bone remodeling. Moreover, recent studies highlight the implication of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in angiogenesis and immuno-surveillance, two key mechanisms involved in metastatic dissemination. This review focuses on the role played by this signaling pathway in the development of primary bone tumors and the modulation of their specific microenvironment. Keywords: Wnt/β-catenin; bone sarcoma; bone tumor microenvironment 1. Primary Bone Tumors: Osteosarcoma and Ewing Sarcoma Osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma are the most common primary bone tumors mainly occurring in children, adolescents and young adults. Current standard therapy includes multidrug chemotherapy and/or radiation for Ewing sarcoma, associated with tumor resection. However, the 5-year survival rates have not been improved during the last decades reaching 70-80% for patients with localized forms, but less than 30% in metastatic diseases and patients resistant to initial chemotherapy [1-5]. Osteosarcoma that mainly occurs at the ends of long bones is not associated with any clinical signs except severe pain or spontaneous fracture. Osteosarcoma does not express specific oncogenic markers but exhibits a large number and variety of genetic alterations. Ewing sarcoma is a tumor composed of small undifferentiated round cells that can appear mainly in bones but also in soft tissues in 15% of Int

    Hippo/YAP Signaling Pathway: A Promising Therapeutic Target in Bone Paediatric Cancers?

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    International audienceOsteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma are the most prevalent bone pediatric tumors. Despite intensive basic and medical research studies to discover new therapeutics and to improve current treatments, almost 40% of osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma patients succumb to the disease. Patients with poor prognosis are related to either the presence of metastases at diagnosis or resistance to chemotherapy. Over the past ten years, considerable interest for the Hippo/YAP signaling pathway has taken place within the cancer research community. This signaling pathway operates at different steps of tumor progression: Primary tumor growth, angiogenesis, epithelial to mesenchymal transition, and metastatic dissemination. This review discusses the current knowledge about the involvement of the Hippo signaling pathway in cancer and specifically in paediatric bone sarcoma progression

    Pharmacological inhibition of interleukin-15 prevents colitis and associated bone loss in IL-10 knockout mice

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    Bone loss secondary to inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) is largely explained by activated T cells producing cytokines that trigger osteoclastogenesis and accelerate bone resorptionwhile inhibiting bone formation. In IBD, elevated expression of interleukin (IL)-15, a T cell growth factor, plays a central role in T cell activation, pro-inflammatory cytokine production and the development of colitis. We previously reported that IL-15 enhances RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis and that an IL-15 antagonist, CRB-15, prevents weight and bone loss in a mousemodel of dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis.We hypothesized that inhibition of IL-15 signalingmight prevent bone loss in IL-10 deficient (IL10−/−) mice, that develop spontaneous bowel inflammation associatedwith osteopeniawhen they are no longer raised under germ-free conditions.Mice received anIL-15 antagonist (CRB-15, 5 μg/day, n=5) or IgG2a (5 μg/day, n=4) fromweek 10 to 14 of age. The severity of colitis was assessed by histology and bowel cytokine gene expression by real time PCR. Bone mass and architecturewere evaluated by ex vivo DXA on femur and micro-computed tomography on femur and vertebra. Bodyweight gainwas similar in the two groups. After 4 weeks, colonwas 29% shorter in CRB-15 treatedmice (p&lt;0.006), a sign of reduced inflammation. Histological analysis indicated a transmural infiltration of inflammatory cells, lymphoepithelial lesions and increased size of villi (histological score=4/6) in IgG2a treated mice, whereas colon from CRB-15 treated mice exhibited mild infiltration of inflammatory cells of the lamina propria, no mucosal damages and a minimal increased size of villi (histological score=1.6/6). Levels of TNFα, IL-17 and IL-6 mRNA in the colon were significantly reduced in CRB-15 treated mice (p&lt;0.04 vs IgG2), indicating a decrease in colon inflammation. CRB-15 improved femur BMD (+10.6% vs IgG2a, p&lt;0.002), vertebral trabecular bone volume fraction (BV/TV, +19.7% vs IgG2a, p&lt;0.05) and thickness (+11.6% vs IgG2a, p&lt;0.02). A modest but not significant increase in trabecular BV/TV was observed at the distal femur. Cortical thicknesswas also higher at themidshaft femur in CRB-15 treatedmice (+8.3% vs IgG2a, p&lt;0.02). In conclusion, we confirm and extend our results about the effects of CRB-15 in colitis. Antagonizing IL-15 may exert favorable effects on intestinal inflammation and prevent bone loss and microarchitecture alterations induced by colitis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled ECTS 2011. Disclosure of interest: B. Brounais-Le Royer Grant / Research Support from Novartis Consumer Health Foundation, S. Ferrari-Lacraz: none declared, D. Velin: none declared, X. Zheng: none declared, S. Ferrari: none declared, D. Pierroz: none declared

    Novel Anti-Cancer Strategy in Bone Tumors by Targeting Molecular and Cellular Modulators of Bone Resorption

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    Tumor cells alter the balanced process of bone formation and bone resorption mediated respectively by osteoblasts and osteoclasts, leading to the disruption of the normal equilibrium and resulting in a spectrum of osteolytic to osteoblastic lesions. This review will summarize research on molecules that play direct and essential roles in the differentiation and activity of osteoclasts, and the role of these molecules in bone destruction caused by cancer. Results from experimental models suggest that the Receptor Activator of NF-kB Ligand (RANKL), a member of the TNF superfamily is a common effector of bony lesions in osteolysis caused by primary and secondary bone tumors. Therefore, osteoclast represents an attractive target across a broad range of tumors that develop in bone. Elucidation of the mechanisms of RANKL interactions with its activator (RANK) and decoy (osteoprotegerin: OPG) receptors has enable the development of pharmacological inhibitors of RANKL (and of its signalling pathway) which have been recently patented, with potential for the treatment of cancer-induced bone disease. Blocking bone resorption by specific other drugs such as bisphosphonates, inhibitors of cathepsin K (the main enzyme involved in bone resorption mechanisms) or signalling pathways regulating osteoclast differentiation and activation is also a promising target for the treatment of osteolysis associated to bone tumors