12 research outputs found

    A 1-Year Prospective French Nationwide Study of Emergency Hospital Admissions in Children and Adults with Primary Immunodeficiency.

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    PURPOSE: Patients with primary immunodeficiency (PID) are at risk of serious complications. However, data on the incidence and causes of emergency hospital admissions are scarce. The primary objective of the present study was to describe emergency hospital admissions among patients with PID, with a view to identifying "at-risk" patient profiles. METHODS: We performed a prospective observational 12-month multicenter study in France via the CEREDIH network of regional PID reference centers from November 2010 to October 2011. All patients with PIDs requiring emergency hospital admission were included. RESULTS: A total of 200 admissions concerned 137 patients (73 adults and 64 children, 53% of whom had antibody deficiencies). Thirty admissions were reported for 16 hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients. When considering the 170 admissions of non-transplant patients, 149 (85%) were related to acute infections (respiratory tract infections and gastrointestinal tract infections in 72 (36%) and 34 (17%) of cases, respectively). Seventy-seven percent of the admissions occurred during winter or spring (December to May). The in-hospital mortality rate was 8.8% (12 patients); death was related to a severe infection in 11 cases (8%) and Epstein-Barr virus-induced lymphoma in 1 case. Patients with a central venous catheter (n = 19, 13.9%) were significantly more hospitalized for an infection (94.7%) than for a non-infectious reason (5.3%) (p = 0.04). CONCLUSION: Our data showed that the annual incidence of emergency hospital admission among patients with PID is 3.4%. The leading cause of emergency hospital admission was an acute infection, and having a central venous catheter was associated with a significantly greater risk of admission for an infectious episode

    The European internet-based patient and research database for primary immunodeficiencies: update 2011.

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    In order to build a common data pool and estimate the disease burden of primary immunodeficiencies (PID) in Europe, the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) has developed an internet-based database for clinical and research data on patients with PID. This database is a platform for epidemiological analyses as well as the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies and the identification of novel disease-associated genes. Since its start in 2004, 13,708 patients from 41 countries have been documented in the ESID database. Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) represents the most common entity with 2880 patients or 21% of all entries, followed by selective immunoglobulin A (sIgA) deficiency (1424 patients, 10·4%). The total documented prevalence of PID is highest in France, with five patients per 100,000 inhabitants. The highest documented prevalence for a single disease is 1·3 per 100,000 inhabitants for sIgA deficiency in Hungary. The highest reported incidence of PID per 100,000 live births was 16·2 for the period 1999-2002 in France. The highest reported incidence rate for a single disease was 6·7 for sIgA deficiency in Spain for the period 1999-2002. The genetic cause was known in 36·2% of all registered patients. Consanguinity was reported in 8·8%, and 18·5% of patients were reported to be familial cases; 27·9% of patients were diagnosed after the age of 16. We did not observe a significant decrease in the diagnostic delay for most diseases between 1987 and 2010. The most frequently reported long-term medication is immunoglobulin replacement

    Initial presenting manifestations in 16,486 patients with inborn errors of immunity include infections and noninfectious manifestations

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    none313siBackground: Inborn errors of immunity (IEI) are rare diseases, which makes diagnosis a challenge. A better description of the initial presenting manifestations should improve awareness and avoid diagnostic delay. Although increased infection susceptibility is a well-known initial IEI manifestation, less is known about the frequency of other presenting manifestations. Objective: We sought to analyze age-related initial presenting manifestations of IEI including different IEI disease cohorts. Methods: We analyzed data on 16,486 patients of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies Registry. Patients with autoinflammatory diseases were excluded because of the limited number registered. Results: Overall, 68% of patients initially presented with infections only, 9% with immune dysregulation only, and 9% with a combination of both. Syndromic features were the presenting feature in 12%, 4% had laboratory abnormalities only, 1.5% were diagnosed because of family history only, and 0.8% presented with malignancy. Two-third of patients with IEI presented before the age of 6 years, but a quarter of patients developed initial symptoms only as adults. Immune dysregulation was most frequently recognized as an initial IEI manifestation between age 6 and 25 years, with male predominance until age 10 years, shifting to female predominance after age 40 years. Infections were most prevalent as a first manifestation in patients presenting after age 30 years. Conclusions: An exclusive focus on infection-centered warning signs would have missed around 25% of patients with IEI who initially present with other manifestations.noneThalhammer J.; Kindle G.; Nieters A.; Rusch S.; Seppanen M.R.J.; Fischer A.; Grimbacher B.; Edgar D.; Buckland M.; Mahlaoui N.; Ehl S.; Boztug K.; Brunner J.; Demel U.F.; Forster-Waldl E.; Gasteiger L.M.; Goschl L.; Kojic M.; Schroll A.; Seidel M.G.; Wintergerst U.; Wisgrill L.; Sharapova S.O.; Goffard J.-C.; Kerre T.; Meyts I.; Roosens F.; Smet J.; Haerynck F.; Eric Z.P.; Milenova V.; Gagro A.; Richter D.; Chovancova Z.; Hlavackova E.; Litzman J.; Milota T.; Sediva A.; Elaziz D.A.; Alkady R.S.; El Sayed El Hawary R.; Eldash A.S.; Galal N.; Lotfy S.; Meshaal S.S.; Reda S.M.; Sobh A.; Elmarsafy A.; Brosselin P.; Courteille V.; De Vergnes N.; Kracker S.; Pergent M.; Randrianomenjanahary P.; Ahrenstorf G.; Albert M.H.; Ankermann T.; Atschekzei F.; Baumann U.; Becker B.C.; Behrends U.; Belohradsky B.H.; Biegner A.-K.; Binder N.; Bode S.F.N.; Boesecke C.; Boetticher B.; Borte M.; Borte S.; Classen C.F.; Dirks J.; Duckers G.; El-Helou S.; Ernst D.; Fasshauer M.; Fecker G.; Felgentreff K.; Foell D.; Ghosh S.; Girschick H.J.; Goldacker S.; Graf N.; Graf D.; Greil J.; Hanitsch L.G.; Hauck F.; Heeg M.; Heine S.I.; Henes J.C.; Hoenig M.; Holzer U.; Holzinger D.; Horneff G.; Hundsdoerfer P.; Jablonka A.; Jakoby D.; Joean O.; Kaiser-Labusch P.; Klemann C.; Kobbe R.; Korholz J.; Kramm C.M.; Kruger R.; Landwehr-Kenzel S.; Lehmberg K.; Liese J.G.; Lippert C.F.; Maccari M.E.; Masjosthusmann K.; Meinhardt A.; Metzler M.; Morbach H.; Muller I.; Naumann-Bartsch N.; Neubert J.; Niehues T.; Peter H.-H.; Rieber N.; Ritterbusch H.; Rockstroh J.K.; Roesler J.; Schauer U.; Scheible R.; Schmalzing M.; Schmidt R.E.; Schneider D.T.; Schreiber S.; Schuetz C.; Schulz A.; Schulze-Koops H.; Schulze-Sturm U.; Schuster V.; Schwaneck E.C.; Schwarz K.; Schwarze-Zander C.; Sirin M.; Skapenko A.; Sogkas G.; Sparber-Sauer M.; Speckmann C.; Steinmann S.; Stiehler S.; Tenbrock K.; von Bernuth H.; Warnatz K.; Wasmuth J.-C.; Weiss M.; Witte T.; Wittke K.; Wittkowski H.; Zeuner R.A.; Farmaki E.; Hatzistilianou M.N.; Kakkas I.; Kanariou M.G.; Kapousouzi A.; Liatsis E.; Maggina P.; Papadopoulou-Alataki E.; Raptaki M.; Speletas M.; Tantou S.; Goda V.; Krivan G.; Marodi L.; Abolhassani H.; Aghamohammadi A.; Rezaei N.; Feighery C.; Leahy T.R.; Ryan P.; Batzir N.A.; Garty B.Z.; Tamary H.; Aiuti A.; Amodio D.; Azzari C.; Barzaghi F.; Baselli L.A.; Cancrini C.; Carrabba M.; Cazzaniga M.; Cesaro S.; Chinello M.; Danieli M.G.; Dellepiane R.M.; Fabio G.; Gambineri E.; Lodi L.; Lougaris V.; Marasco C.; Martire B.; Marzollo A.; Milito C.; Moschese V.; Pignata C.; Plebani A.; Porta F.; Quinti I.; Ricci S.; Soresina A.; Tommasini A.; Vacca A.; Vanessa C.; Blaziene A.; Sitkauskiene B.; Gowin E.; Heropolitanska-Pliszka E.; Pietrucha B.; Szaflarska A.; Wiesik-Szewczyk E.; Wolska-Kusnierz B.; Esteves I.; Faria E.; Marques L.H.; Neves J.F.; Silva S.L.; Teixeira C.; Pereira da Silva S.; Capilna B.R.; Guseva M.N.; Shcherbina A.; Bobcakova A.; Ciznar P.; Gabzdilova J.; Jesenak M.; Kapustova L.; Orosova J.; Petrovicova O.; Raffac S.; Kopac P.; Allende L.M.; Antoli A.; Blanch G.R.; Carbone J.; Dieli-Crimi R.; Garcia-Prat M.; Gil-Herrera J.; Gonzalez-Granado L.I.; Agullo P.L.; Olbrich P.; Parra-Martinez A.; Paz-Artal E.; Pleguezuelo D.E.; Rodriguez N.S.; Sanchez-Ramon S.; Santos-Perez J.L.; Solanich X.; Soler-Palacin P.; Gonzalez-Amores M.; Ekwall O.; Fasth A.; Bitzenhofer-Gruber M.; Candotti F.; Dimitriou F.; Heininger U.; Holbro A.; Jandus P.; Kolios A.G.A.; Marschall K.; Schmid J.P.; Posfay-Barbe K.M.; Prader S.; Reichenbach J.; Steiner U.C.; Truck J.; Bredius R.G.; de Kruijf- Bazen S.; de Vries E.; Henriet S.S.V.; Kuijpers T.W.; Potjewijd J.; Rutgers A.; Stol K.; van Aerde K.J.; Van den Berg J.M.; van de Ven A.A.J.M.; Montfrans J.; Aydemir S.; Baris S.; Dogu F.; Ikinciogullari A.; Karakoc-Aydiner E.; Kilic S.S.; Kiykim A.; Kokcu Karadag S.I.; Kutukculer N.; Ocak S.; UNAL E.; Boyarchuk O.; Hilfanova A.; Kostyuchenko L.V.; Alachkar H.; Arkwright P.D.; Baxendale H.E.; Bernatoniene J.; Coulter T.I.; Garcez T.; Goddard S.; Gompels M.M.; Grigoriadou S.; Herriot R.; Herwadkar A.; Huissoon A.; Ibberson L.; Nademi Z.; Noorani S.; Parvin S.; Steele C.L.; Thomas M.; Waruiru C.; Yong P.F.K.; Bourne H.Thalhammer, J.; Kindle, G.; Nieters, A.; Rusch, S.; Seppanen, M. R. J.; Fischer, A.; Grimbacher, B.; Edgar, D.; Buckland, M.; Mahlaoui, N.; Ehl, S.; Boztug, K.; Brunner, J.; Demel, U. F.; Forster-Waldl, E.; Gasteiger, L. M.; Goschl, L.; Kojic, M.; Schroll, A.; Seidel, M. G.; Wintergerst, U.; Wisgrill, L.; Sharapova, S. O.; Goffard, J. -C.; Kerre, T.; Meyts, I.; Roosens, F.; Smet, J.; Haerynck, F.; Eric, Z. P.; Milenova, V.; Gagro, A.; Richter, D.; Chovancova, Z.; Hlavackova, E.; Litzman, J.; Milota, T.; Sediva, A.; Elaziz, D. A.; Alkady, R. S.; El Sayed El Hawary, R.; Eldash, A. S.; Galal, N.; Lotfy, S.; Meshaal, S. S.; Reda, S. M.; Sobh, A.; Elmarsafy, A.; Brosselin, P.; Courteille, V.; De Vergnes, N.; Kracker, S.; Pergent, M.; Randrianomenjanahary, P.; Ahrenstorf, G.; Albert, M. H.; Ankermann, T.; Atschekzei, F.; Baumann, U.; Becker, B. C.; Behrends, U.; Belohradsky, B. H.; Biegner, A. -K.; Binder, N.; Bode, S. F. N.; Boesecke, C.; Boetticher, B.; Borte, M.; Borte, S.; Classen, C. F.; Dirks, J.; Duckers, G.; El-Helou, S.; Ernst, D.; Fasshauer, M.; Fecker, G.; Felgentreff, K.; Foell, D.; Ghosh, S.; Girschick, H. J.; Goldacker, S.; Graf, N.; Graf, D.; Greil, J.; Hanitsch, L. G.; Hauck, F.; Heeg, M.; Heine, S. I.; Henes, J. C.; Hoenig, M.; Holzer, U.; Holzinger, D.; Horneff, G.; Hundsdoerfer, P.; Jablonka, A.; Jakoby, D.; Joean, O.; Kaiser-Labusch, P.; Klemann, C.; Kobbe, R.; Korholz, J.; Kramm, C. M.; Kruger, R.; Landwehr-Kenzel, S.; Lehmberg, K.; Liese, J. G.; Lippert, C. F.; Maccari, M. E.; Masjosthusmann, K.; Meinhardt, A.; Metzler, M.; Morbach, H.; Muller, I.; Naumann-Bartsch, N.; Neubert, J.; Niehues, T.; Peter, H. -H.; Rieber, N.; Ritterbusch, H.; Rockstroh, J. K.; Roesler, J.; Schauer, U.; Scheible, R.; Schmalzing, M.; Schmidt, R. E.; Schneider, D. T.; Schreiber, S.; Schuetz, C.; Schulz, A.; Schulze-Koops, H.; Schulze-Sturm, U.; Schuster, V.; Schwaneck, E. C.; Schwarz, K.; Schwarze-Zander, C.; Sirin, M.; Skapenko, A.; Sogkas, G.; Sparber-Sauer, M.; Speckmann, C.; Steinmann, S.; Stiehler, S.; Tenbrock, K.; von Bernuth, H.; Warnatz, K.; Wasmuth, J. -C.; Weiss, M.; Witte, T.; Wittke, K.; Wittkowski, H.; Zeuner, R. A.; Farmaki, E.; Hatzistilianou, M. N.; Kakkas, I.; Kanariou, M. G.; Kapousouzi, A.; Liatsis, E.; Maggina, P.; Papadopoulou-Alataki, E.; Raptaki, M.; Speletas, M.; Tantou, S.; Goda, V.; Krivan, G.; Marodi, L.; Abolhassani, H.; Aghamohammadi, A.; Rezaei, N.; Feighery, C.; Leahy, T. R.; Ryan, P.; Batzir, N. A.; Garty, B. Z.; Tamary, H.; Aiuti, A.; Amodio, D.; Azzari, C.; Barzaghi, F.; Baselli, L. A.; Cancrini, C.; Carrabba, M.; Cazzaniga, M.; Cesaro, S.; Chinello, M.; Danieli, M. G.; Dellepiane, R. M.; Fabio, G.; Gambineri, E.; Lodi, L.; Lougaris, V.; Marasco, C.; Martire, B.; Marzollo, A.; Milito, C.; Moschese, V.; Pignata, C.; Plebani, A.; Porta, F.; Quinti, I.; Ricci, S.; Soresina, A.; Tommasini, A.; Vacca, A.; Vanessa, C.; Blaziene, A.; Sitkauskiene, B.; Gowin, E.; Heropolitanska-Pliszka, E.; Pietrucha, B.; Szaflarska, A.; Wiesik-Szewczyk, E.; Wolska-Kusnierz, B.; Esteves, I.; Faria, E.; Marques, L. H.; Neves, J. F.; Silva, S. L.; Teixeira, C.; Pereira da Silva, S.; Capilna, B. R.; Guseva, M. N.; Shcherbina, A.; Bobcakova, A.; Ciznar, P.; Gabzdilova, J.; Jesenak, M.; Kapustova, L.; Orosova, J.; Petrovicova, O.; Raffac, S.; Kopac, P.; Allende, L. M.; Antoli, A.; Blanch, G. R.; Carbone, J.; Dieli-Crimi, R.; Garcia-Prat, M.; Gil-Herrera, J.; Gonzalez-Granado, L. I.; Agullo, P. L.; Olbrich, P.; Parra-Martinez, A.; Paz-Artal, E.; Pleguezuelo, D. E.; Rodriguez, N. S.; Sanchez-Ramon, S.; Santos-Perez, J. L.; Solanich, X.; Soler-Palacin, P.; Gonzalez-Amores, M.; Ekwall, O.; Fasth, A.; Bitzenhofer-Gruber, M.; Candotti, F.; Dimitriou, F.; Heininger, U.; Holbro, A.; Jandus, P.; Kolios, A. G. A.; Marschall, K.; Schmid, J. P.; Posfay-Barbe, K. M.; Prader, S.; Reichenbach, J.; Steiner, U. C.; Truck, J.; Bredius, R. G.; de Kruijf- Bazen, S.; de Vries, E.; Henriet, S. S. V.; Kuijpers, T. W.; Potjewijd, J.; Rutgers, A.; Stol, K.; van Aerde, K. J.; Van den Berg, J. M.; van de Ven, A. A. J. M.; Montfrans, J.; Aydemir, S.; Baris, S.; Dogu, F.; Ikinciogullari, A.; Karakoc-Aydiner, E.; Kilic, S. S.; Kiykim, A.; Kokcu Karadag, S. I.; Kutukculer, N.; Ocak, S.; Unal, E.; Boyarchuk, O.; Hilfanova, A.; Kostyuchenko, L. V.; Alachkar, H.; Arkwright, P. D.; Baxendale, H. E.; Bernatoniene, J.; Coulter, T. I.; Garcez, T.; Goddard, S.; Gompels, M. M.; Grigoriadou, S.; Herriot, R.; Herwadkar, A.; Huissoon, A.; Ibberson, L.; Nademi, Z.; Noorani, S.; Parvin, S.; Steele, C. L.; Thomas, M.; Waruiru, C.; Yong, P. F. K.; Bourne, H

    The Childhood Leukemia International Consortium

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    Background: Acute leukemia is the most common cancer in children under 15 years of age; 80% are acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and 17% are acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Childhood leukemia shows further diversity based on cytogenetic and molecular characteristics, which may relate to distinct etiologies. Case-control studies conducted worldwide, particularly of ALL, have collected a wealth of data on potential risk factors and in some studies, biospecimens. There is growing evidence for the role of infectious/immunologic factors, fetal growth, and several environmental factors in the etiology of childhood ALL. The risk of childhood leukemia, like other complex diseases, is likely to be influenced both by independent and interactive effects of genes and environmental exposures. While some studies have analyzed the role of genetic variants, few have been sufficiently powered to investigate gene-environment interactions. Objectives: The Childhood Leukemia International Consortium (CLIC) was established in 2007 to promote investigations of rarer exposures, gene-environment interactions and subtype-specific associations through the pooling of data from independent studies. Methods: By September 2012, CLIC included 22 studies (recruitment period: 1962-present) from 12 countries, totaling approximately 31. 000 cases and 50. 000 controls. Of these, 19 case-control studies have collected detailed epidemiologic data, and DNA samples have been collected from children and child-parent trios in 15 and 13 of these studies, respectively. Two registry-based studies and one study comprising hospital records routinely obtained at birth and/or diagnosis have limited interview data or biospecimens. Conclusions: CLIC provides a unique opportunity to fill gaps in knowledge about the role of environmental and genetic risk factors, critical windows of exposure, the effects of gene-environment interactions and associations among specific leukemia subtypes in different ethnic groups. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd